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Thread: diananbol

  1. #1
    Darkknight442's Avatar
    Darkknight442 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey guys.. i was just owndering.. IO have 25 mg tablets of d bol. I take one a day befor lifting. SOmeone told me that i should start breking them up and tking them like 8 hours apart

    1 in the morning and one in the night time yah know.

    So any help is greta;ly appreciated in advance

  2. #2
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Well I think that's because DBol has a short half life. I think it's something like 4-6 hours. That's why you should spread it apart. Did you say 25mg tabs??? That's weird, you should have gotte nthe 5mg tabs. I guess you could break the 25mg in half and take on in the morning and one in the afternoon.

  3. #3
    Mr. Fina is offline Associate Member
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    You can break the reforvit tabs into fourths by using a pill cutter. Spread them out through out the day. Every 4 hours is fine.

  4. #4
    mishon1 is offline Associate Member
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    i like to use a razor blade to seperate my shit. my friends use the pill cutters and they said it crumbles on em. when i took em i had a 4 or 5 hour spread when i took them.

  5. #5
    MindBomb's Avatar
    MindBomb is offline Member
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    How long have you been doing this? Are you taking in just dbol ? What are you looking for in dbol?

  6. #6
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    it also ensures maximum absorption as well. the more you take at once the more likely you'll piss out some.

  7. #7
    Darkknight442's Avatar
    Darkknight442 is offline Associate Member
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    I just started last week on monday. I started by breaking one tablet up and taking one in the morning and then one in the afternoon about 3 hours befor i lift. I dunno i thought it didn'
    t have as as great as an effect as it does when i take one full one three hours befor i lift. SOme one told me though that I have to break them up so that the srteriod is in the blood constantly. I feel like taking 2 pills a day, cause it feels soo good putting up such good wieghts when i take a full one, but I don';t wanna start two a day... But if i should break the pill up for fours time a day i will. The only thing is they are sooo damn small.. thats why when i look at them i am just like what the hell how do i break these up...

    Also does anyone know anything about this stuff called Swoll Made by Syntrax??

    Syntrax Swoll..

    Can i take it while i am on the dbol

    Going to work arms see you guys in an hour and a half

  8. #8
    allsteel is offline New Member
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    I havn't heard of these 25 and 30mg tabs but they must be out there anyway IMO 25 is to little but thats me I would take two/day or as everyone says ( but me ) cut them into two and take one morn lunch before work out and before bed i guess but thats everyones dose. ( I would take one morn, one 1 hour before work out.)

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