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  1. #1
    bosshogg3's Avatar
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    ? for men vets and mods

    Please delete if this bothers someone.I am having a sharp pain almost like a charlie horse under my balls.I have the same pain sometimes when i nut and sometimes taking a dumb.i am sure its a swolen prostate but i am not sure.I am prop,tren e,eq, and anavar .Been on for 4 weeks now.But just started the last couple of days.I had the samething at the end of my last cycle.Anyone else have this and should i be worried.Thanks bros

  2. #2
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
    ***xxx*** is offline Anabolic Member
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    go visit a doc. could be anything. and be honest and tell him what you are doing.

  3. #3
    seanw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bosshogg3
    Please delete if this bothers someone.I am having a sharp pain almost like a charlie horse under my balls.I have the same pain sometimes when i nut and sometimes taking a dumb.i am sure its a swolen prostate but i am not sure.I am prop,tren e,eq, and anavar.Been on for 4 weeks now.But just started the last couple of days.I had the samething at the end of my last cycle.Anyone else have this and should i be worried.Thanks bros
    Man this is the second time today I have seen this Charlie Horse thing, are your from Texas as well bro ? If you are worried it might be prostate then get it checked out, its not pleasent but for your state of mind you should do it.

  4. #4
    houseofpain's Avatar
    houseofpain is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    go visit a doc. could be anything. and be honest and tell him what you are doing.
    do this, its the only way to know for sure whats wrong.

  5. #5
    bosshogg3's Avatar
    bosshogg3 is offline Junior Member
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    Its not something that hurts bad.I am also getting the same charlie horse thing in my whole body now.I think its from the diet pills I am taking.TTT for all the info

  6. #6
    seanw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bosshogg3
    Its not something that hurts bad.I am also getting the same charlie horse thing in my whole body now.I think its from the diet pills I am taking.TTT for all the info
    Diet Pills wtf !

  7. #7
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    If you're cutting, the tren and your diet should be enough...kick the diet pills

  8. #8
    GetinBig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bosshogg3
    Please delete if this bothers someone.I am having a sharp pain almost like a charlie horse under my balls.I have the same pain sometimes when i nut and sometimes taking a dumb.i am sure its a swolen prostate but i am not sure.I am prop,tren e,eq, and anavar.Been on for 4 weeks now.But just started the last couple of days.I had the samething at the end of my last cycle.Anyone else have this and should i be worried.Thanks bros

    Go to the doc man.

  9. #9
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bosshogg3
    Please delete if this bothers someone.I am having a sharp pain almost like a charlie horse under my balls.I have the same pain sometimes when i nut and sometimes taking a dumb.i am sure its a swolen prostate but i am not sure.I am prop,tren e,eq, and anavar.Been on for 4 weeks now.But just started the last couple of days.I had the samething at the end of my last cycle.Anyone else have this and should i be worried.Thanks bros
    It's the tren mostly causing the swelling of your prostate. Try running saw palmento and see if that helps. If it doesn't then you will want to see a doctor.

  10. #10
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    I had a similar episode once and the prostate checked out fine. It was just sore, like DOMS, localized there at the root of the penis, from walking around with a chubby half the day every day. So don't despair. Do get it checked, but there is plenty of room for optimism. Also the various prostate treatmens, both meds and herbals, are pretty effective at controlling bph.

  11. #11
    Jackman's Avatar
    Jackman is offline Banned
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    bro same thing happens to me while on tren . It mostly happens while trying to take a piss it kind of makes you not move for a couple of seconds after. Really bad pain.

  12. #12
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    I had a problem like this when I was on a cycle, my doc said my prostate was fine, however, when I got off my cycle it went away. I would get them when I would strain or jump sometimes and even taking a dump on occassions.
    I personally think it was an unforseen prostate problem, maybe even an infection of some sort caused by a slight swelling of the prostate. My doc said it was probably a bladder spasm of some sort. But never occurred again so I never worried about it. My doc only did the "finger" test and I don't think that is a thorough way to check the prostate, and surely can not detect infections and other elments that can be caused by prostate problems. I'd go see a doc anyway and explain to him what is going on. If you find out do tell us here, because I am currious also about what is going on.

  13. #13
    detroit's Avatar
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    Sounds Like It Could Be A Hernia...

  14. #14
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by bosshogg3
    I am having a sharp pain almost like a charlie horse under my balls.
    this has happened to me...but it was years ago. VERY painful if i remember! i remember researching it a little and getting some answers way back when. let me see if i can hopefully dig some info up for you.

  15. #15
    hawkeye1877's Avatar
    hawkeye1877 is offline Associate Member
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    Thats not a hernia, herinia's dont occur under your balls its up above.

  16. #16
    bowie is offline Member
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    I still get that pain once in a while, hurts like a mother..........I personally think if you do aas,and your over 30,you should be living on Proscar. Not only does it keep the size down, it greatly decreases the chance of prostate cancer later in life.

  17. #17
    Alexander the Graet's Avatar
    Alexander the Graet is offline Associate Member
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    same phappen to me las october during the middle of cycle! try proscar 5 mg it helps!

  18. #18
    squatster is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by detroit
    Sounds Like It Could Be A Hernia...
    Sounds like a hurnia to me to- I have too hurnia's in the stomach and a lot of times it will hurt under the balls.
    If you don't agree then it is simple way to check your protate your self-
    This is a sick thing to me but- Stick your greesed up finger up your ass and feel for your self. If you want it dry then be myy guest but please don't give us detales. If you get a bonea then you have some questions for your self on a new life stile.
    Just kidding
    If you don't want to see a doctor the tdo the finger test and if the prostate is bloated then use more saw palmetto- if you are not useing that all ready the you should not be even cycleing with out the proper safety hebs.
    Standerd issue- Saw palmetto- helps to keep the protate in check (normal)
    Mik thysle - helps keep liver healthy
    multi- vitamin - helps keep every thing working ok and helps recovery and helps keep you healthy
    Key word--Helps
    let us know how you make out and don't forget to wash your hands
    Last edited by squatster; 01-06-2005 at 12:33 PM.

  19. #19
    Jackman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squatster
    Sounds like that to me to- I have too in the stomach and a lot of times it will hurt under the balls.
    If you don't agree then it is simple way to check your protate your self-
    This is a sick thing to me but- Stick your greesed up finger up your ass and feel for your self. If you want it dry then be myy guest but please don't give us detales. If you get a bonea then you have some questions for your self on a new life stile.
    Just kidding
    If you don't want to see a doctor the tdo the finger test and if the prostate is bloated then use more saw palmetto- if you are not useing that all ready the you should not be even cycleing with out the proper safety hebs.
    Standerd issue- Saw palmetto- helps to keep the protate in check (normal)
    Mik thysle - helps keep liver healthy
    multi- vitamin - helps keep every thing working ok and helps recovery and helps keep you healthy
    Key word--Helps
    let us know how you make out and don't forget to wash your hands

  20. #20
    guns626 is offline Associate Member
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    I am a paramedic and am in med school so I have some medical training. You may have a condition called epiditamitis( not sure I spelled this right). This can happen from infection or "clogged pipes". It involves the Vas Defrens which sperm travels through. Do a search on the net for this. I believe this will help you out. Good Luck. In the military we use to tell people to masturbate 2 times a day for this, put them on an antibiotic such as cipro or levequin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as motrin or naproxen for the pain.

  21. #21
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guns626
    I am a paramedic and am in med school so I have some medical training. You may have a condition called epiditamitis( not sure I spelled this right). This can happen from infection or "clogged pipes". It involves the Vas Defrens which sperm travels through. Do a search on the net for this. I believe this will help you out. Good Luck. In the military we use to tell people to masturbate 2 times a day for this, put them on an antibiotic such as cipro or levequin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as motrin or naproxen for the pain.
    actually believe it or not I have read about this same thing you are speaking of, and that is what I was referring to in my post as far as infection.

  22. #22
    squatster is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by guns626
    I am a paramedic and am in med school so I have some medical training. You may have a condition called epiditamitis( not sure I spelled this right). This can happen from infection or "clogged pipes". It involves the Vas Defrens which sperm travels through. Do a search on the net for this. I believe this will help you out. Good Luck. In the military we use to tell people to masturbate 2 times a day for this, put them on an antibiotic such as cipro or levequin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as motrin or naproxen for the pain.
    I can't spell that one eather- I can't speel any ways but - most of the time with an epedidamitis, your balls will swell up also , if not you will feel like some one kicked you in the nuts with steel toe'sd boots. It hurts like a ****.
    ( I know I had one)
    GO TO THE DOCTORS, or mabie you like the stinky finger idea. Any ways a doc will tell you what your problem is, and if you can don't tell them you are on the juice. ( you never know if the insurance company will get smart and raise the prices on us for it because thay s=are stupid asses) you don't want it on an ignorent doctors records any ways. You could have a cold and the doc would say- it is from the steriods - nothing I can do for you
    dum basterds

  23. #23
    Jackman's Avatar
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    If only all our problems would go away as easy.

    Quote Originally Posted by guns626
    In the military we use to tell people to masturbate 2 times a day for this, put them on an antibiotic such as cipro or levequin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as motrin or naproxen for the pain.

  24. #24
    squatster is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    If only all our problems would go away as easy.
    would be a great exuse to tell people when you get cought, just jacking off because a medical problem. you should keep the pipes clear at all times.

  25. #25
    guns626 is offline Associate Member
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    Whoo Hoo!

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