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  1. #1
    Eddy23 is offline New Member
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    M girlfriend want's anabolics too

    How u guys doing today? I hope u guys r doing fine. Well my question is wich of the following should be better for my girlfriend to lose weigh: clebuterol, triacana or T3?? can u guys give me some help thanks.

  2. #2
    bigtraps's Avatar
    bigtraps is offline Member
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    You will have to help us out a little better than that. What are her stats, diet, goals.. Does she work out? Just to hit something basic, A thermogenic will help a ton for getting appatite undercontrol.

  3. #3
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    we are gonna need soem history and some stats. i usually tell women who are using first time to use clen and ephepdrine. IMO it's an effective and safe stack for a newbie. it allows them to learn how to listen to their body.

  4. #4
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Dane and WTC give good advice, but I agree with Big Traps...we need more info brother. How old is she, how long has she been training, what kind of training, hieght, wieght etc....? This board is here to help people who help themselves. If you've done your homework and/or have hit a plateau in your training then you may want to consider this route. If your just here because "you heard that steroids work" then your flame intended bro. You may well know what you're doing. All I'm saying's OK to consider AAS either A) a last resort or B) a neccesary tool in your personal developement. Either way you should see what you can do with what you were born with first. I'll climb down off of my soap box now.


  5. #5
    Ms Figure's Avatar
    Ms Figure is offline Retired Moderator
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    How long has she been training? as this is an indication to whether she has reached her genetic potential ie she is no longer improving physically!

    Really she should steer clear as female steroid use is far more hazardous then male use with the side effects in some instances being irriversable! Ok in small doses it can be beneficial but as i said as long as she is awear and has done research!

    It may be the case she has reached a plateau and needs to adjust her training and diet!

    She must have her diet spot on really! Which i can help advise! stick to an ECA stack first before going for the gear and see how that helps ECA has proved very effective for weight loss, gear use for woman and of course guys should IMO be used as a means to improving an already good base.
    Ms Figure

  6. #6
    CYCLEON Guest
    I agree with MF - most women can get what tehy want wit diet, but t3 can be fine as can anavar , primo and for some winny - but much study must be made first. - almost anyone can take anavar tho.

  7. #7
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by CYCLEON
    I agree with MF - most women can get what tehy want wit diet, but t3 can be fine as can anavar, primo and for some winny - but much study must be made first. - almost anyone can take anavar tho.
    Not if you can't afford it!!!! Damn it!!! I want it soooo baaaaaad.

  8. #8
    ptbyjason Guest
    I believe it Nathan. Man you're so thin on your avatar, I can see your ribs. We should start a Feed Nathan Fund.

  9. #9
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by ptbyjason
    I believe it Nathan. Man you're so thin on your avatar, I can see your ribs. We should start a Feed Nathan Fund.
    Please do. I can hardly afford all the damn food I eat now. Actually, my weekly trips to the grocery store are a real pain in the ass. I can barely carely all the groceries I buy two blocks to get the street car which passes by my house. As I get stronger, it gets easier to carry it, but then I need to buy more food as well and it's just such a vicious circle that costs so damn much.

  10. #10
    Eddy23 is offline New Member
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    How u guys doing today? well I hope u guys are feeling really good and big. well my girlfried its a little lazy some times she goes to the gym like 2 or 3 times a week man but she its eating better now she on a diet. she is 23 years old weights about 145 hight 5 5'tall her genetics its big bones man. Thanks a lot guys for helping me a lot.

  11. #11
    Nightrider is offline New Member
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    If she has never tried diet aids in her life. The ECA is going to make a world of diffference!. Again I can only recommend Xenadrine. That combined with a good diet and cardio will take her far. No need to jump to anavar , T3 or clen right away!

  12. #12
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    stack some clen with cytomel carefull though not too much,

  13. #13
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    There is no place like ho
    I agree with your totally Ms figure. I try to steer females away from gear, due to the fact the side effects and problem, hell women have enough problems now a days.. Alittle discipline goes a long way, they make tons of products out there that will help her drop her weight, but again like everyone else says, we need more info..

  14. #14
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    those ECA's should put her energy thorugh the roof!

  15. #15
    shadowed is offline New Member
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    new york


    man.....tell her to take xenadrine.........check out her diet......make sure she sticks with her diet, and remembers that she has too watch what ashe eats even when she cant workout or has little time......i personally dont think that she would need any type of steroid to be honest with you..but that just my me bro xenadrine works like crazy...,,,also tell her to up the cardio a little........

    do this .... up the cardio/stick to stict HEALTHY diet/ xenadrine.....

    if i came off as an asshole ..sorry...but thats what i think....
    later bro

  16. #16
    Eddy23 is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up

    Well thanks a lot guys I'm trying to tell her not to do any of these juice, I'll talk to her about the eca and xenadrine.

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