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  1. #1
    chabbi41 is offline New Member
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    Newbie...I may sound stupid..bear with me

    Hey...Ive never used steroids b4...but many of my friends have. Im not really too strong... 6' build, off and on lifter. Im going away in the summer, and want to put on a little muscle. I dont want to risk my health at all, or be a noticablely juiced up. I was thinking of doing 5 shots of Deca now...and 5 more in 2 months. Is this a sufficient plan?? A friend says to do test...but im not sure of the side effects and i dont want to be too bulky. Opiniions pleasee?!?!?

  2. #2
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    First off, 5 shots isn't going to do anything. Second, Deca is the worst possible steroid to take by itself, you need to stack testosterone with it. Third, if you want to "put on a little muscle" but not risk your health or be "noticably juiced up" then you can EASILY put on 15-20 pounds in 6 months by adhering to a good diet and workout regimen and staying CONSISTENT with it.

    BTW... steroids are not a shortcut or an easy way out... if you don't eat enough to gain weight while off steroids, then they aren't going to do anything but shrink your nuts and put a few pounds of water on (which will disappear). Diet and training have to be in check consistently before even thinking of using steroids.

  3. #3
    JdFlex's Avatar
    JdFlex is offline Senior Member
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    You need a consistent diet and training program, not steroids .

  4. #4
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    Start researching natural bodybuilding and adhere to those priciples for a year. Your gains will be quite good in the beginning. Steroids are a big decision, and in my opinion you need to be fairly devoted and knowledgeable to make progress. gives quite a few excellent articles and insights into natural bodybuilding. An inexperienced lifter jumping into a cycle with no clue on what hes doing sounds like a recipe for disaster. Give the protein/glutamine/creatine ethyl ester combo a try, it'll work great for you.

  5. #5
    soo2bhuge's Avatar
    soo2bhuge is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    First off, 5 shots isn't going to do anything. Second, Deca is the worst possible steroid to take by itself, you need to stack testosterone with it. Third, if you want to "put on a little muscle" but not risk your health or be "noticably juiced up" then you can EASILY put on 15-20 pounds in 6 months by adhering to a good diet and workout regimen and staying CONSISTENT with it.

    BTW... steroids are not a shortcut or an easy way out... if you don't eat enough to gain weight while off steroids, then they aren't going to do anything but shrink your nuts and put a few pounds of water on (which will disappear). Diet and training have to be in check consistently before even thinking of using steroids.

  6. #6
    Hot-Rox's Avatar
    Hot-Rox is offline Senior Member
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    You are not ready. I would recommend reading the entire AR's parent web site. It will give you an excellent overview. This is very serious subject. You really need to do some serious research. Don't listen to you friends or any one else. Become educated and make informed decisions.

  7. #7
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    First off, 5 shots isn't going to do anything. Second, Deca is the worst possible steroid to take by itself, you need to stack testosterone with it. Third, if you want to "put on a little muscle" but not risk your health or be "noticably juiced up" then you can EASILY put on 15-20 pounds in 6 months by adhering to a good diet and workout regimen and staying CONSISTENT with it.

    BTW... steroids are not a shortcut or an easy way out... if you don't eat enough to gain weight while off steroids, then they aren't going to do anything but shrink your nuts and put a few pounds of water on (which will disappear). Diet and training have to be in check consistently before even thinking of using steroids.
    totally agree... at 6 ft 175 you can gain a solid 30 pounds naturally

  8. #8
    brabus55 is offline New Member
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    what about if he took anavar and Clenbuterol at the same time? doesnt that seem like something good for small gains with not many side effects like he wants?

  9. #9
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Quote Originally Posted by brabus55
    what about if he took anavar and Clenbuterol at the same time? doesnt that seem like something good for small gains with not many side effects like he wants?
    No, food will work much better.

  10. #10
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Let me give you a quick lesson on Deca . First off, Deca has a long acting ester which means it could take up to 4 or 5 weeks for it to fully be in your system and for you to start noticing results.. Meaning, you have to cycle Deca for over 10 weeks to see good results. So, by only shooting it for 5 weeks won't do squat!!! 2nd. Deca is known to shut you down hard. Thats why you hear the term Deca dick. It should always be stacked with Testosterone and never taken alone. Before you do any type of Steroid (which you don't need), you need to do months and months of research.



  11. #11
    arsenegger's Avatar
    arsenegger is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chabbi41
    Hey...Ive never used steroids b4...but many of my friends have. Im not really too strong... 6' build, off and on lifter. Im going away in the summer, and want to put on a little muscle. I dont want to risk my health at all, or be a noticablely juiced up. I was thinking of doing 5 shots of Deca now...and 5 more in 2 months. Is this a sufficient plan?? A friend says to do test...but im not sure of the side effects and i dont want to be too bulky. Opiniions pleasee?!?!?
    I'm doing 6 weeks of 50mg. Deca /week.
    It's a therapeutic dosage prescibed by a very sensible doctor. I'm using this to be able to recover fully from a car accident in which I broke several ribs. For the first time since that crash (which is now already 2 years ago) I'm able to train and rebuild muscles in my upper body (chest in particular) without suffering from crippling pains in my ribs for days every time.
    So for me, it is a sensible thing do to, as Deca also increases bone mineral levels and has certain anti-inflammatory properties. Without it I just can not train my upper body at all.

    ...but I'm sure you are not in such a situation. My Deca regime wouldn't make sense to any normal, healthy person. So take the advice of the others:
    - do it naturally (you CAN, while I CAN'T...see how lucky you are?)
    - if you DO decide to use Deca: to get any real and lasting effects (directly related to the steroid ) you DO need more than 5 shots. And you MUST do some searching on here about Deca and it's side-effects (ie. "Deca-dick") and ways to avoid these (combining with testosterone and/or sensible PCT)
    Last edited by arsenegger; 01-26-2005 at 05:52 PM.

  12. #12
    seanw's Avatar
    seanw is offline Banned
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    Bro that would not be a good idea, I dont even know where to start. First off you dont just take sh!t like Deca a couple of times and expect to see anything but trouble. Roids arnt meant to be used like Asprin, they mess with your hormonal system big time. They also dont give you motivation to go to the gym, you are supposed to have that already. You are making a big mistake if you take a half hearted approach to this. You should go to the educational threads and learn as much as you can. Dont listen to your friends, they dont know sh!t. This is the place to be if you want to be serious about this. The other thing is, you wont see any gains at all on AS unless you ahve a great diet and I suspect you arnt even close. Please dont take this as a flame, its not meant to be. I just get worried when I see people that are prepared to do this with basically no knowlede. At least you found this board and it will most likely save your arse.

  13. #13
    maxex's Avatar
    maxex is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arsenegger
    I'm doing 6 weeks of 50mg. Deca /week.
    It's a therapeutic dosage prescibed by a very sensible doctor. I'm using this to be able to recover fully from a car accident in which I broke several ribs. For the first time since that crash (which is now already 2 years ago) I'm able to train and rebuild muscles in my upper body (chest in particular) without suffering from crippling pains in my ribs for days every time.
    So for me, it is a sensible thing do to, as Deca also increases bone mineral levels and has certain anti-inflammatory properties. Without it I just can not train my upper body at all.

    ...but I'm sure you are not in such a situation. My Deca regime wouldn't make sense to any normal, healthy person. So take the advice of the others:
    - do it naturally (you CAN, while I CAN'T...see how lucky you are?)
    - if you DO decide to use Deca: to get any real and lasting effects (directly related to the steroid) you DO need more than 5 shots. And you MUST do some searching on here about Deca and it's side-effects (ie. "Deca-dick") and ways to avoid these (combining with testosterone and/or sensible PCT)
    If you cant lift because of extreme pain than deca your doctor could possibly be doing the wrong thing. Deca might releive pain while your on it but its only a mask and it isnt really going to heal you, chances are you will be in even more pain when the deca wears off. you could be doing more harm than good and end up worse. i thought deca healed my shoulder but 6-7 weeks after i stopped i was in 5x more pain than before i started it. but if it wil do the trick for you than thats great.

  14. #14
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    This is me 'bearing with you'

    Quote Originally Posted by chabbi41
    Hey...Ive never used steroids b4...but many of my friends have.
    This is no reason to consider using gear

    Quote Originally Posted by chabbi41
    Im not really too strong... 6' build, off and on lifter.
    Therein lies your 'problem'. You are admittedly weak and of only 175 because you are admittedly an 'on and off lifter'.

    Quote Originally Posted by chabbi41
    Im going away in the summer, and want to put on a little muscle.
    If a 'little muscle' is your goal... you have to rectify being an 'on and off lifter'.

    Quote Originally Posted by chabbi41
    I dont want to risk my health at all, or be a noticablely juiced up.
    If this is the case.. you're contradicting yourself

    Quote Originally Posted by chabbi41
    I was thinking of doing 5 shots of Deca now...and 5 more in 2 months.Is this a sufficient plan??
    No... this is insufficient for the average juicer...BUT


    Your plan should be gearless... good training, good food, good supplementation

    Quote Originally Posted by chabbi41
    A friend says to do test...but im not sure of the side effects and i dont want to be too bulky. Opiniions pleasee?!?!?
    Your friend is as ASS!


  15. #15
    shrunkennutz116's Avatar
    shrunkennutz116 is offline Associate Member
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    dirty to tallyho
    if u dont want to be notiably juiced up u should not be taking it. if u only want to gain a few pounds that can be done easily by the summer. if ur a on and off lifter there is no reason to be juicing. 6' 175 pounds u can grow by just adjusting ur diet. diet is everything juice will help u when u get further down the line but for right now i dont think u should do it. i suggust u do alot of reserch then after a few years and u still want to do it u'll be ready for it. goodluck

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