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Thread: Help w/ a Setup

  1. #41
    Scooby1 is offline Member
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    NIce guys this is the help I was talking about.

  2. #42
    Mrcali3138 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2005
    hey all thanks so much!! im persitant MF LOL arent i. I really want to do it right, just need a lil help

  3. #43
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard

    you do have time to "look good" for vegas.... just gotta dedicate
    Doesn't matter how good you look. The only thing that attracts women in vegas is the green...and thats not grass.

  4. #44
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    you got that right lol
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  5. #45
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Scooby, this is not the occassional ignorant newbie that is seeking advice and ready for the next step. Read his posts...

    "ok im not doing it because of spring break!!! and second, im just looking for oral, you ROIDERS might think it sucks but many people use. all i am asking for is a setup from somene with knowledge i was told this site was very helpful, im hoping this proves to be true. I dont know the Slang so much that i read makes no sence. just looking for a place to buy and what i need. and im leaving at the end of april so i have a lil over 2 months"

    1. He is source posting which is forbidden
    2. He is not a commited lifter that is commited to the lifestyle, just a spring breaker that is going to get scammed.
    3. He is not willing to read or search anything, just wants quick answers for a source and a cycle that fits his Chicken sh#t needs. He is not coming on here like some guys that are well read and have good questions about oral only cycles...He thinks there is a pill to get big in 2 months to "rock Vegas"

    Sorry but if ever there was a guy to deserve a flaming...this is it.

    This is the best answer I've seen to this guys question. Seriously, If he's not going to take the time and do his own research, there is only so much we can do. I'm not flaming him, but if he's not dedicated to do his own research, do you think he's dedicated to lifting or doing steroids ? Come on.

    Now, telling a guy to start an 8 week cycle of VAR is NOT the answer!!!! He needs to learn how to diet, train, before even thinking about taking anything! He is years away from doing any sort of steroid . helping him get a quick fix so he can go to Vegas is NOT helping him. Bro, I know it's not want you want to hear, but it's the best advice any of us can give for now. And listen to most guys on this board. They have been training and studying this subject for many many years. This is NOT something you can jump into!!! If you want to burn calories and lose weight, I strongly suggest a clean diet and doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.


    Last edited by buylongterm; 02-03-2005 at 08:31 AM.

  6. #46
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scooby122884
    Guys C'mon qiut FLAMING!! shiet help him out or don't post!

    What are you asking us to do? Lay out a cycle for a guy who has no knowledge of diet, training, or gear? That would be the worst thing we can do for him. The guy is asking us to help him get big in 2 months.

  7. #47
    Mrcali3138 is offline New Member
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    buylongterm, u r one funny man, but hey if u think im not willing to commit then fine!!! all i asked was for a simple plan of items to use, ( doesnt seem like much) why do u care if i get big and piss it all away, all i want to do is try IT. SO get off my case and either show me some love, or just dont read this post.

  8. #48
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrcali3138
    buylongterm, u r one funny man, but hey if u think im not willing to commit then fine!!! all i asked was for a simple plan of items to use, ( doesnt seem like much) why do u care if i get big and piss it all away, all i want to do is try IT. SO get off my case and either show me some love, or just dont read this post.
    Well, I'm glad you think I'm being funny. But Unfortunately Steroids are NOT a joking matter. There is NO such thing as a simple plan. Don't you get it? How can you be willing to comit when you haven't shown commitment in the past? Or you want everyone to do your homework for you. Why do I care if you get big and piss it all away? Very simple. As a VET or a member of this board, it is my/our job to give you the best/safest advice we can. And telling someone like yourself how to do a simple cycle, without any knowledge is simply wrong. Again, most guys on this site have years of knowledge. Do you know any of the side effects of Steroids ? Do you know anything about Anti'e or PCT? I'm guessing NO. I'm not going to show you love it your not going to listen. Again, you won't listen because this is not what you want to hear. You want someone to say take this and you will be happy. But thats not how it works. Plus, even if you did show commitment, you have already stated you don't like shots, so there is NO SUCH THING as a good ORAL cycle.

    I hope you listen to everyone and think this through.


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