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  1. #1
    ptbyjason Guest

    Female Members Wanted

    Hey guys, we now have a female's only board. I want everyone to get their wives/girlfriends to join up and start posting on their board. This board is only viewed by female members (sorry guys, and no I do not take bribes). So pass the word around for us please. It is the only one of it's kind on the web, and we want it to be something special for the ladies. Please don't post on various boards about this. If you know a female on another board e-mail or PM them. I don't want guys posing as females on this board.


  2. #2
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey if I change my gender in the profiles can I access the board LOL!

  3. #3
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    On Serious note I hope the board is going to be mult-dimentional.

    By this I mean that training and nutrition will be readily available, IMO the majority of women require expert advice on Diet and Training, obviouly some will require AAS advice but I don't think this should alienate those natural women who wish to move forward.

    There are some very knowledgeable ladies out there who by their own admission do not deal with or want to deal woth AAS issues, I hope they will be made welcome and their knowledge shared.



  4. #4
    Skrilla is offline New Member
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    Why female only

    Why make it a female only board. I think the questions that they ask could benefit everyone on the board. Not trying to say how to run the site because it is obvioulsy great already, but I know I give my girlfriend a lot of advice from other female's posts because she is too initmidated to get on the board herself. And im sure she probably isnt alone. Just a suggestion--Skrilla

  5. #5
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Some good points from BA and Skrilla.Why is it a womens only board ?If they are talking about training Fitness AAS Diet should we not all be involved?The guys on here are polite and have an open door policy and never has the board been declared a Men Only board.
    I think there are a lot of natural women how would just like advice or a lttle guidance on their diets and there a lot of guys on here as well as Ms Figure who can help out.
    I guess I,m just wondering why there is a need for a womens only board unless they will be discussing other "General Health Issues" ??

  6. #6
    Ms Figure's Avatar
    Ms Figure is offline Retired Moderator
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    I totally see your point skrilla but I can tell you we are hoping that doing it this will generate more publicity! I guess in the future it could be made into a board where guys can view too once we have an established amount of members and all agree but I will tell you on both Muscle Mag and girls have had loads of problems from guys giving them hassle!

    Some woman are self conscience about posting and I appreciate that but maybe if you ask your girlfriend to join up she may be less conscience especially if she thinks she is getting the help! And she may just be intimidated at the moment because you are all guys! When I first started training my boyfriend taught me loads but I really did need a female perspective on diet and rep ranges etc! Our bodies respond differently and what works for a guy doesn’t always work for a girl!

    The forum where you can ask us girls about girly related issues is good and for the time being will help the new girl members get to know you! But I don’t suppose you would want to bother with seeing our view on beauty, hair etc! LOL but on a serious note some woman do have health concerns whilst in general or with regards to gear they may not feel they can discuss in front of you

    I hope you can bare with us on this one and we will see how it develops in the meantime if you can persuade your girlfriend to join up we’d love to have her and if she is self-conscience she can always PM me first

    Hope this helps
    Last edited by Ms Figure; 10-01-2001 at 09:48 AM.
    Ms Figure

  7. #7
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    The reason IMO it is women's only, is because some women by there own admission are intimated by us guys and secondly not all guys are polite, too many boards have assholes hassling women. So don't be offend guys, I think its a great idea, there is the Opposite Sex board, and that will make sure there is interaction on training and diet philosophy.

    And yes they may want to talk about stuff which we can leave well enough alone LOL


  8. #8
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Guess I never thought about the guys hassling the women but the regular guys on here don,t appear to be the type to start doing that shit.Even if they did I,m pretty sure they would be banned.

    I guess if they would rather post here they still could and it could be a good thing

    Is the other board up and running?


  9. #9
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    I think it is......better ask Ms Figure that one!


  10. #10
    ptbyjason Guest
    Yeah guys, It's up and running. Ms Figure explained the reason for the board better than I could (thank you Ms Figure). I just want to give females a place to go where they don't fear guys reading their innermost thoughts. I know everyone on here is very respectable. And you know we would ban you if you weren't. But this is something that no other board has thought of, and I want it to be something that stands out. There should be plenty of interaction between the opposite sexes, but for now we are going to have to use this in order to obtain new female members. If they want to make it public later on, I have no problem doing that.
    I hope you understand.

  11. #11
    Mike Guest
    Ok guys it's a female only board for a few reasons. One thing - they may have some questions that they are not comfortable asking on here - I had one female ask a question on the board a while back (old board) about menstruation and juice and she got a bunch of lame immature responses - I ended up helping through PMs but it just really reiterated my desire for a female only board. I believe there should be a place on the net that women can have a board all to themselves - not feel embarassed or intimidated by asking questions and posing stats in front of their PEERS, and you ask why not a Guys only board? Well look at all the boards - tell me one that isnt 9/10 guys only - we dont need one - come on now.

    It was a great idea for Jason to create the male/female board where people can chat about stuff in genral and interact on that level but I really support them having a place where they feel comfortable - I mean in all honesty guys - dont ya think there would be atleast one wise ass that wouldnt let a serious question about women's health pass without a demeaning comment? They shouldnt have to deal with that. Besides - IMO it doesnt matter what I think or Jason thinks or any of the guys here think about if it's a good idea - I have talked to some of the women and THEY think it's a great idea - so I am happy that AR can give them something that will benefit them.

    Thanks for understanding guys.


  12. #12
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Well said Mike, I think you've summed that up very well.

    Having worked in gym's etc, the mentally is just the same on the net, women often don't feel comfortable speaking to men about their personal issues/stats, so a female only board will help build confidence.

    I think it will really take off. Ms Figure has a lot of experience and knowledge, and will always research hard if she doubts herself, better be careful she might think I singing her praises for reasons other than respect LOL.

    Though I hope AR stays in its present format and doesn't go down the elitefitness road........I personally hate that board.


  13. #13
    CYCLEON Guest
    actually, I believe that we have come up with the only "women only" forum on the net - I hope it to take off well.

    for those of you who wonder why we have a board that only women can post on or view - ill give you an analogy. If a women needed to go to the doctor to have something checked but needed to do it naked, while standing in front of 700+ hardbody, testosterone -pulsing, uber-horny men - there are very few who would do so, tho they might like the idea of it or talk about doing it with many a giggle and a wink. If, on the other hand, we were to ask any of you pervs on this board if you would willingly drop your trowsers in front of 700 hardbody, lusty, horny women, we would have an immediate riot ensue as you each fought to get to the front of the line. Thats why.

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