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  1. #1
    ScreaM's Avatar
    ScreaM is offline Associate Member
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    straight tren ok?

    I was wondering if stright tren , with no stack, would be good as a first cycle?
    With plenty of workout, I heard its a good fat burner, and muscle builder?

  2. #2
    bowie is offline Member
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    No, deffenitly NOT. Tren is the worst thing for shutting down hpta. It also comes with lots of sides, not good by itself or for a first cycle.

  3. #3
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    No, deffenitly NOT. Tren is the worst thing for shutting down hpta. It also comes with lots of sides, not good by itself or for a first cycle.

  4. #4
    BodyMechanic's Avatar
    BodyMechanic is offline Senior Member
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    if you are looking for a good fat burner, tren is not your answer. You would do better with diet and cardio.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Straight Test with a clean diet, and some cardio.......There ya go.

  6. #6
    ScreaM's Avatar
    ScreaM is offline Associate Member
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    well, ne time I supplement, I work my ares off. I heard test has its share of sides to? What type of test? and ne suggestions on cycle amounts?


  7. #7
    Tags's Avatar
    Tags is offline Associate Member
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    Test-e or test-c... 500mg/wk 250mg twice a week every 3.5 days or every monday and thursday...

  8. #8
    fukkenshredded is offline New Member
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    Tren is fine. You just have to make different allowances than with other compounds. I run tren alone without any problems. At first I was a bit annoyed by the so-called "fina dick" syndrome (which you will get), but the fact is, the body recovers. For building quality strong muscle quickly I can't think of anything better. Now, everyone is going to say test. Test is king. Test is natural. Test is God. Not for me. I tried tren with test and tren alone. I gained more with test, but lost more and was shut down harder than I was when I used tren alone. Now I believe that the best overall cycle, in general, is a 33/33/33 daily inject of prop, tren, and winny. But the idea that tren alone is a waste of tren is simply not grounded in reality. It all depends on what you want out of your cycle. Tren alone at 75mg/day for twelve to sixteen weeks will get you strong as a bulldozer and leaner than the same dose of any test by itself, all other factors being equal. You won't get as big, but you won't lose as much at the end, either. Your libido will suffer slightly longer, but with a little bromocriptine and SAM-e that can be handled fairly easily if it is really a problem. I simply accept the fact that I won't be doing much ****ing when I'm coming off of tren. But the fact is, after about a month things are back to normal. And I'm 37 years old. I will agree that if you want size, adding test is better in the end. But don't sell tren short. The only thing that works better for getting hard, keepable, quality muscle without all the bloat and acne is winstrol at 50-100 mg/day. So I'm not saying to ignore everyone's opinion about adding test, I'm just saying that you can run the tren alone and still get fantastic results.

  9. #9
    ScreaM's Avatar
    ScreaM is offline Associate Member
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    that sounds good, ill inject? is that ok?

  10. #10
    Jhn36 is offline Associate Member
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    Not to give you a hard time, but you should really do some more research on this subject before starting a cycle. There are many options all with different sides and advantages. Take a few weeks and make an informed decision.

  11. #11
    sooner45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fukkenshredded
    Tren is fine. You just have to make different allowances than with other compounds. I run tren alone without any problems. At first I was a bit annoyed by the so-called "fina dick" syndrome (which you will get), but the fact is, the body recovers. For building quality strong muscle quickly I can't think of anything better. Now, everyone is going to say test. Test is king. Test is natural. Test is God. Not for me. I tried tren with test and tren alone. I gained more with test, but lost more and was shut down harder than I was when I used tren alone. Now I believe that the best overall cycle, in general, is a 33/33/33 daily inject of prop, tren, and winny. But the idea that tren alone is a waste of tren is simply not grounded in reality. It all depends on what you want out of your cycle. Tren alone at 75mg/day for twelve to sixteen weeks will get you strong as a bulldozer and leaner than the same dose of any test by itself, all other factors being equal. You won't get as big, but you won't lose as much at the end, either. Your libido will suffer slightly longer, but with a little bromocriptine and SAM-e that can be handled fairly easily if it is really a problem. I simply accept the fact that I won't be doing much ****ing when I'm coming off of tren. But the fact is, after about a month things are back to normal. And I'm 37 years old. I will agree that if you want size, adding test is better in the end. But don't sell tren short. The only thing that works better for getting hard, keepable, quality muscle without all the bloat and acne is winstrol at 50-100 mg/day. So I'm not saying to ignore everyone's opinion about adding test, I'm just saying that you can run the tren alone and still get fantastic results.
    Tren alone for 12-16 weeks????? Are you trying to kill the kid???

  12. #12
    ScreaM's Avatar
    ScreaM is offline Associate Member
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    yeah, I would only go up to 8 weeks on my first cycle. And Jhn36, your right, its a very good idea to be informed, but what through me as he said 75/100mg per day, and I dont wanna be stickin my self 7 times a week. So Im woundering if I could do a once weekly of like500mg?


  13. #13
    fukkenshredded is offline New Member
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    Actually I have yet to see any reason to go less than twelve weeks with tren . There seems to be very little evidence supporting the notion of harsh sides with regard to organ toxicity. BP is raised slightly, but not any more than with most other steroids . Aside from the mood issues, which if he cannot handle he should be avoiding AAS in the beginning, tren is a great choice for muscle building and fat burning. I personally think the best dividends are enjoyed from weeks eight to sixteen. As long as BP and prostrate issues are monitored properly, I cannot find a reason to cut tren shorter than test.

    In fact, I have wondered if tren actually is safer all around. It does share the same parent molecule as Deca , and Deca is well known for its relative safety (note the term "relative"). It is my belief that all of the kidney issues associated with tren have much to do with unfiltered methylcellulose, which of course would put tremendous strain on the kidneys.

    When I ran it at 75-ish ED for a few months, I had no sides at all except a killed sex drive and increased aggression in the beginning. I must admit that at 150mg/day I got prog-induced gyno, but bromo and winny quickly eradicated that little problem for good.

    Show me the evidence supporting the common belief that tren is harsher than test or D-bol or winny. I think it is safer than all three if all issues are properly monitored throughout. Remember, the acetate is a short acting ester, so if problems do arise as a direct result of trenbelone, they can quickly be ameliorated by cessation of the cycle, whereas some test esters last a long time, therefore requiring more time to evacuate the body and allow it to recover.

    Just my opinion, mind you.

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