Thread: Sustanon and deca question
03-12-2005, 08:53 PM #1
Sustanon and deca question
Ok guys I have a question. On a cycle with 500mg of sustanon a week how much deca should be used? It is my buddies second cycle and he comes to me for advice. he is 48 years old, 220, 9% training for 8 years. (and it really is for a freind. I am already on a sustanon turanabol cycle.)
heres what it will look like
10 week cycle
500mg of sustanon a week
???mg of deca a week
20mg of novla a day
so how much deca fellas?
and pheednos pct
03-12-2005, 08:56 PM #2
i would say either 300 or 400 mg per week
03-12-2005, 09:51 PM #3
400mg would be fine. Why is he running 20mg of nolva, is he gyno prone? If not 10mg is plenty.
03-12-2005, 10:37 PM #4
go with 400mg or 350 remember one thing sus dosage should be higher always than the deca dosage and maybe run sus 2 weeks longer because as we all know what deca does to hpta function . I like deca and sus cycles i hope it is bulker and if i were you i would frontload it with dbol or anadrol . Yes 20mg of nolva to keep water down good cycle imo. peace. make sure you do proper pct.
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