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  1. #1
    1000fps's Avatar
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    Drinking Winny vrs Shooting it.

    Forgive me I know this has been discused befor, but with out any scientific conclusions.
    Most say drinking winny will produce the same effects as shooting it. If this is true then why do they make a intra muscular injection? And what about stomach acid and what about it passing through your system without being digested. Lets be honest not every thing we eat or drink gets digested. So I ask what % of the winny is lost when the intra muscular winny is drank.
    One more thought what would be the effectiveness of lets say Tylenol if injected or Silimarin ( milk thistle ) if injected. I think there would be a GREAT differance in the effectivness. When a drug manufacturer produces a oral drug I would think in the formulation they take into account what happens to the drug when it hits the stomach (perhaps adding some mg's to compensate) This is not done when an injection is formulated.

    I am injection winny 50 mg and 24 hours later OUCH it hurts. I am going to try to continue this stopping only if the pain wins over.

    Wish me luck

    Any ideas on this subject please respond.

  2. #2
    Gear101's Avatar
    Gear101 is offline Member
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    good question... winny is water based and doesn't get destored in the stomach.. next some juices has to go to the liver to get processed so the user loses some by that process.. so drinking winny is better because you get the same resalts and no pain.. the easiest way to drink winny is to draw the gear into tehjacket and take the pin off and shoot into the back of your mouth.. IMO

  3. #3
    1000fps's Avatar
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    So it would seam that everyone just "THINKS" that drinking winny is the smart thing to do. But no one really knows.

    I know it hurts to inject (HELL I KNOW). I think that if you drink it you will only see a fraction of the effects.

    I know your all going to say shoot it then. Whatever. But I really am looking for the answer.

  4. #4
    9natural9's Avatar
    9natural9 is offline Banned
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    You have 3 choices.....

    c)don't do it

    All you will receive is recommendations on which each individual on this board would prefer to do.

    About 1 month ago I was asking, actually harping over and over how I wanted to know the FACTS on which is better...I received many OPINIONS, therefore the only right answer short of going to the manufacturer or a scientist that specializes in Winny, is to listen to the vets, collect as much info, make a decision, and go with it. Good luck...

  5. #5
    sp33dg33k's Avatar
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    Canada Eh!
    if injectable is as effective as oral then why is injectable so much more expensive and why are people willing to pay it?

    something i've always wondered about anyway...

  6. #6
    9natural9's Avatar
    9natural9 is offline Banned
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    very good question, I'll bump it...

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