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Thread: 2nd Bulker

  1. #1
    Latimus's Avatar
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    2nd Bulker

    2nd Bulker. History-1 bulker tren /test 1 cutter test/dbol

    Looking to put on some clean body weight with this one

    255 pounds. 5'10

    wk1-4 slin 10iu pwo humalog
    wk1-4 dbol 50mgs ed
    wk1-10 1000mgs test cyp wk
    wk1-8 deca 500mgs wk
    wk 5-8 eq 500mgs wk

    *my diet is going to be protein shakes...with 4 cups oatmeal and water...its easy ..i can do it 8 times a day....get a ton of protein and clean carbs without spending on money, or time..

    Slin: before shot -50grams dextrose, 10g creatine, 20g glutemine peptites, shot+15mins -25grams dextrose 75g whey 25g dex 75g 50grams isolate...sugar on hand for the hypo

    Questions: eq or deca? ....what do you guys like?
    thinking of doing a little bit of synthol for the peaks of the tris
    and bies...and if done correctly and moderately is ok i workout partner gained the best peaks i have seen because of it.

    Supplements:milk thistle, vit b complex, multi, flax seed/oil, vit e, greens, complex carb gainer, and whey protein.

    hopefully i will put on the size i need to start competing soon..thanks for the input.

  2. #2
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    looks great, but i would frontload the nandrolone with a gram the first two weeks.. that way you can get around the 8 weeks being a little too short..

    either drop the eq or run it from the start of the cycle with a big frontload.. it'll take more than 2 weeks to get your blood levels to steady state, and then you have less than two weeks until you stop.
    Last edited by Dude-Man; 03-17-2005 at 01:18 AM.

  3. #3
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    3 weeks on eq will do absoultly nothing for you. Run it for 10 weeks or not at all. Deca should be ran for 10 weeks also. Extend the test till week 11.

  4. #4
    Latimus's Avatar
    Latimus is offline Banned
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    alrighty...deca has been extended to 10 weeks and eq has been dropped.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I would say you're going to need a lot more food than just protien shakes and oatmeal if your plan is to bulk.

  6. #6
    PT's Avatar
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    you need to use either deca or eq and stick with it thru the whole cycle. they both take to long to kick in so you wont really be doing much like you have it. 3 weeks of eq wont do a thing for you.

  7. #7
    BodyMechanic's Avatar
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    i agree with MBARASO's cycle but i think you need to be eating some real meals sometimes. You can not make it on protein shakes alone. Also i wouldn't touch synthol, anything that just sits their and doesn't dispurse can't be good for you.

  8. #8
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    yeah I would extend it to 12-13 weeks... Also for pure bulk I would choose deca , however EQ should make you hungrier. B-12 also increases appetite

  9. #9
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    ****! There's alot of shiit wrong with that cycle. You need to research deca and eq alot more. And please don't use slin, you have no idea how to run it and it's the one compound that WILL KILL YOU. Research slin more in the HGH, IGF1, Slin forum. Plus you need to learn how to eat. Synthol is for cheating pusssies.

  10. #10
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    if u take the shakes n no solid food u will b shi*in it out faster than u cn put it in!

  11. #11
    CARNIVORE's Avatar
    CARNIVORE is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by YounG_SluG11
    I would say you're going to need a lot more food than just protien shakes and oatmeal if your plan is to bulk.

    Nothing like real food Bro, you need to eat to do this right.

  12. #12
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    Synthol? Wtf dude.

  13. #13
    Latimus's Avatar
    Latimus is offline Banned
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    Easy now. I was wrong with the eq but i sorted that out after the first couple posts...doesnt need to be continuously noted after i realised my mistake and corrected it.....

    I like the shake diet to tell you the truth and most meals are in shake form. I like to add flax fiber, and greens to it.....the greens are good antioxident and they have life enzymes. these are mega shakes though since they have the 3 cups of oatmeal in them.....i dont have the time to make the meals, and i wouldnt want to dedicate all my time to it either.....i have school and work...and ofcourse my life....(that isnt to be taken offensive) I like to have a couple meals, mainly subway chickenbreast double meat....i can bench press 405 for a few and leg press 12 a side..and i always put on a lot of weight while on...if i was a hard gainer, or wasnt seeing results i would change to food for sure...but this way i can eat every couple hrs.....for some people i know it runs through them..but maybe i have a better system for whey...i dont know but thats how i do it...i have done the prepared meals everyday and i actually do see more results off the whey possibly because i can get more in my system...its bioavailability is not really sure..but it does. not sure if Slin can be run any better then the way i have it set aware of the risk, i have done it before....i use the saftey net of 10grams simple carbs per 1iu slin.....try and get in the most possible protein i can while its active..what am i missing?...slin is dangerous if you dont know what you are doing....shoot it before you go to but if ran correctly its actually milder on the body then a lot of the aas.

    Third i liked the way my spot injections were going on my last cycle so i thought i might try a few cc;s of synthol here and there for a little clean up on my peaks...sorry to say but im trying to get my self contest ready...and a lot if not all compeditors bring up there peaks this way...if not through synthol..then from heavey spot injecting ...and i would rather load a little more oil in the muscle then straight gear...the "synthol that i have made up is just oil and BA"....helps with a little sculpting and loosen the muscle small amounts the spot injects can help a lot with that....greg valentino is synthol abuse, not synthol use. not looking for that kind of help....please dont post with that sort of negativity in any thread.


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