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Thread: Asking Doctor for Steroids
04-05-2002, 02:15 PM #1
Asking Doctor for Steroids
Hi, I am pretty new to the board but have a question about steroids . If I went to my Doctor and explained to him my goals and how I would like to cycle steroids but do it legally, will my Doctor look at me like I am a nut or will this be an effective way of possibly getting a prescription? I am not sure if this is a topic that a Doctor will discuss with me or if he will tell me I am crazy and to get the hell out. So am I crazy or will going to my Doctor and asking for help do me any good or am I wasting my time? Thanks
04-05-2002, 02:25 PM #2
Come on guys, I have a Doctors appointment in a couple of hours and I would appreciate some help on this before I make a fool of myself. Thanks
04-05-2002, 02:29 PM #3
Most doctors won't prescribe roids to you unless you have a rewason for it like aids, low nat. test level or a legitamate reason...They can lose their lisence for prescribing that crap if you don't need it...Some doctors will, I have a 22 yr. old friend who's doc prescribes GH and test for him but most docs are going to laugh at you...
04-05-2002, 02:30 PM #4
i have no clue, anybody else
04-05-2002, 02:30 PM #5
If your doctor gives you a prescription for steroids , and you don't have a medical reason to get them, then find a new doctor. Any good doctor will run liver tests and other related tests if you tell them you are on a cycle and want to know how it is affecting your health. But a doctor as a source, don't count on it. I doubt he'll tell you you're crazy, but he would probably advise against it (doing gear).
P.S. Just steal his prescription pad, that's what I do. Kidding, by the way.
04-05-2002, 02:31 PM #6
It is worth a shot, but I highly doubt the Doc will risk his profession to hook you up with steroids . Unless you have an underlying medical condition, you gotta break the law, partnah!!!
04-05-2002, 02:31 PM #7
Shit, I was afraid you would say that. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. Anyone else have an opinion? Thanks ironfist, I appreciate it.
04-05-2002, 02:32 PM #8
unless you have a bb doctor as a personal buddy, I would doubt he would commit to it, it can bring some heat on him to prescribe youAS without obvious hormonal deficiency. In general doctors have different view on use of steroids forma by law and public opinoin, most of them know very little about the topic. It would be too easy. You can try, but if he chews you out, you'll regret it.
04-05-2002, 02:35 PM #9
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next time pop a few dbols or birth control pills....for a few days before his physical...blood tests should reveal low test levels...but you have to tell him you have no sex drive and are always tired...
04-05-2002, 02:41 PM #10
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You are 28?
Doctors more than likely will give you a blood test for tt level first to see whats your level.
If it comes back low then you have a good chance of getting a script. tt normal range is 250 - 850 (for 18 - 60 years old)
If you have HIV then you will more than likely get the script.
If you have no health problems and just want to do gear to get big you mostly likely will not get a script.
Their are several doctors in Houston that are know to write scripts for gear when no medical need exists. It is my understanding that they are being watched very carefully.
Hope this helps..... Probably not what you wanted to hear.
04-05-2002, 02:55 PM #11
Well, not what I wanted to hear but it is what I expected to hear. I can certainly understand the risk involved and I wouldnt expect a Doctor to jepordize his career. Thanks guys
04-05-2002, 02:59 PM #12
Go to the kitchen sink...
...fill up a glass with water, and pour it on top of your head. Seriously, bro. You need a quick reality check now, before you blow it at the doctor's.
Now sit down and relax a couple of minutes. You're about to get a few lessons in reality, so take them in the friendly spirit in which they are offered.
1. You are not ready to do steroids . When you sign onto a board only three days ago and four of your seven posts thus far are in this thread alone, you are far too anxious. Especially when you post a query and then follow it up only ten minutes later. (Most of the people on this board have a life, and you're quite lucky that those of us who have responded thus far saw your post within 30 minutes that you started it. That is very ususual.)
2. You need to do mucho research before you even begin to broach this subject with your doctor. You need to go into you doctor's office not just as a patient, but as a proactive patient - an informed medical consumer who is already literate about anabolic steroids.
3. You, like every other newbie around here, need to establish a set of goals and objectives. "I want to do roids" doesn't cut it - you need to know why you want to do them and what you want to accomplish. You'll need to establish your own parameters and limitations, and you'll need to set up a total lifestyle routine that integrates your cycle with diet and workout. Anabolic steroids are only part of the big picture.
4. If you have not already searched this board (using the search option at the top of the screen) yet, guess what... You haven't done your homework. Don't sweat it - most people don't do their homework. But they should. There is a wealth of information already on the board on the very subject on which you're seeking information: The reaction and participation levels of doctors in their patients' cycles.
5. Read others opinions, but read them all with a grain of salt. And read them from the perspective from which they are written. And listen to all the guys who have responded thus far (except PunkRawk - he's a good guy, but I disagree with him on this one). Pay attention especially to what Fif the Great has written: If you find a doctor who is willing to pump you up, find another doctor. Because when you really need a competent physician to treat you for an illness or in the event of an accident, the guy that is willing to write an AS routine for you is probably the worst doctor around.
Integrate Fif's comments with 9natural9 - you must take responsibility for your AS use. And the best way to do that is through personal research, sound goal setting, and sometimes through trial and error. You can use a doctor for medical monitoring (lab tests, etc.), but don't expect to use a doctor as a source unless you have a very legitimate reason for it.
One thing you did not mention is why you are going to the doctor today. If you have any jkind of underlying medical condition - whether major or minor, acute or chronic - you'll need to consider how an anabolic cycle will impact that condition (and vice versa). Again, there's a bigger picture to consider than a simple, "I wanna do a cycle." (Did you read Androplex's repsonse? He's one of the guys here who does AS for legitimate medical reasons. And he is right on target when he discusses how physicians, generally, will prescribe AS only when there are good reasons to do so.)
Finally, bro, consider the future. I'm not trying to encourage or discourage you one way or the other (yes, it happens that I use AS, in case there's any doubt). But your profile indicates that you are 6'3" and 225 lbs. If you are in shape, you will never be at a more ideal height-weight ratio. And before you get trapped by a "bulked up GI Joe" mentality, keep in mind that while younger guys want to gain weight, in a few years (when it's tougher) you're going to want to lose weight. Once again, be very clear about the parameters you want to set now.
Okay, get up. Stretch and take a deep breath. You are now ready to go to the doctor.
And what do you want to say to the doctor about steroids today?
Do your research, plan your approach, and make your inquiries as an informed patient - next time.
By the way, torchr, welcome to the board. Stick around - we really are the good guys, and it's good to have you here.Last edited by TNT; 04-05-2002 at 03:36 PM.
04-05-2002, 03:10 PM #13
Awesome TNT! I admire your leadership bro. I know it took you at least 20-30 minutes to type that response for a guy you don't know at all, on a subject you've probably already responded to several times before. That's what distinguishes AR from other boards. Keep up the good work.
Torchr - make no mistake, you are quite lucky to receive these words of wisdom. Read them closely and follow them. BTW, welcome to the board.
04-05-2002, 03:28 PM #14
TNT, Well said friend...Your reply is educated and right on the money. You gave me an answer that covered all basis and I really appreciate you taking the time to cover as much as you did. Maybe I am jumping in a little to quick, I will take your advice and do the research before consulting my physician. My primary reason for consulting my physician is actually because I am sick but I thought while I was there I could ask him about roids.
I am in excellent shape, I work out 5 days a week and consider myself very toned but not cut the way I want to be. I eat very healthy and usually research everything before I try it. I maintain a good Cardio balance in my workout routine but focus mainly on upper body. My daily workout lasts for about 1-2 hours and I am more motivated now than ever. Below is a list of what my daily supplement intake includes.
Aminogen 250mg "2 a day"
L-Glutamine 1500mg "2 a day"
Creatine Fuel Stack "Twin Lab" "3 Before & 3 After Workout"
Boldione "Molecular Nutrition" "4 daily"
3-Alpha "Molecular Nutrition" "2-4 daily"
OPTI-PRO MEAL "Optimum Nutrition" 1-2 servings daily
I've been on this diet along with good eating habits and plenty of water for almost 2 months now. What do ya think. 6'3" 225lbs
thanks again
PS "I will take some pics of my physique so you can see my build"Last edited by torchr; 04-05-2002 at 03:32 PM.
04-05-2002, 04:44 PM #15
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You said that you are sick. Hope you get better bro.
04-05-2002, 05:52 PM #16
To follow up . . .
Originally posted by torchr
I am in excellent shape, I work out 5 days a week and consider myself very toned but not cut the way I want to be. I eat very healthy and usually research everything before I try it. I maintain a good Cardio balance in my workout routine but focus mainly on upper body. My daily workout lasts for about 1-2 hours and I am more motivated now than ever... I've been on this diet along with good eating habits and plenty of water for almost 2 months now. What do ya think. 6'3" 225lbs
Two items strike me in what you wrote. First, if you are now 6'3" and 225 lbs., what were you previously? In other words, if you have been losing weight through exercise, remember that everyone comes to a plateau. The only way to be ripped (as opposed to bulked) is to cut, but you can only cut so much, so fast, and then you will level out. As I said previously, if you are toned, then 6'3" and 225 is an ideal height-weight ratio. (Clincally, however, you should be aware that you would be considered a little overweight, but by no means obese.)
Next - and this is anecdotal on my part - as a general rule, I do not believe that tall guys get as ripped or as bulked up as shorter guys. If it's washboard abs you're looking for, you may not get them. Or you may - it all depends on your physique. But try, quite simply, to be the best you can be, even if it's not the same look as what you find on the other guy.
Finally, you did not discuss your specific workout routine, but if you are working out 1-2 hours daily, remember to give your muscles a rest. Working the same muscle groups every day will defeat the purpose, since they need time to break down, then build back up. Check out the fitness forum here on A.R. to see how your routine stacks up with what other guys are doing. It's great that you are motivated (I wish I could talk motivation into some people, but it doesn't necessarily work that way), but the real challenge is not to be too motivated (to the extent that you neglect to rest your muscles so they will build up more effectively).
04-06-2002, 06:22 PM #17
I went to the Doctor and turns out that I have a Respitory Virus. The virus will last from 7-14 days, ouch! The only cure is rest and more rest, no prescription to cure the virus just plenty of rest. I'm bumbing because that puts a huge damper on my workout routine.
I wonder if some of my symptoms are related to the supplements I am taking. In particular the Prohormones "boldione and 3-alpha". My body has not acted like this ever, I went to the Doctor but he said it was a respitory virus. It just seems strange to wake up in the middle of the night in cold drenched sweats, body aching all over, and problems sleeping. I wonder if maybe the Prohormones have anything to do with that?
I took your advice and avoided talking to my Doctor about Steroids . I felt like that would not be a good Idea and if I'm going to cycle roids I need to do it the underground way and with some more knowledge. I do feel like a have a very good grip on what I am getting myself into, I stayed away from roids this long and now that I want to do them my source is no longer available "Irony".
Well I'm always open to criticisim and opinion, so if you have anything to share then I am all ears. Thanks again for all your time and respect.
04-06-2002, 07:54 PM #18
I wonder if some of my symptoms are related to the supplements I am taking. In particular the Prohormones "boldione and 3-alpha". My body has not acted like this ever, I went to the Doctor but he said it was a respitory virus. It just seems strange to wake up in the middle of the night in cold drenched sweats, body aching all over, and problems sleeping. I wonder if maybe the Prohormones have anything to do with that?
>>>>>Prohormones to my knowlege don't cause respirtory infections bud.
I took your advice and avoided talking to my Doctor about Steroids . I felt like that would not be a good Idea and if I'm going to cycle roids I need to do it the underground way and with some more knowledge. I do feel like a have a very good grip on what I am getting myself into, I stayed away from roids this long and now that I want to do them my source is no longer available "Irony".
>>>>>Yes that was probally a good idea amigo. Stick around, some of the guys here may be willing to help you out with your goals. I think again as TNT said, just relax alittle, research and learn, sometimes eagarness can be a bad thing. I think you need to read read read, and then when you are ready for your first cycle, then maybe someone will be willing to help you out. Good luck my friend..Last edited by Sicilian30; 04-07-2002 at 08:25 AM.
04-06-2002, 08:46 PM #19
I hear ya Sicilian30, I am taking your advice and doing the research. I will post some pics of myself to see if I have what it takes. "lol" Thanks again for your remarks and I appreciate your reply.
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