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Thread: site inj.

  1. #1
    paulastone's Avatar
    paulastone is offline Member
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    site inj.

    Ok I have two ?
    1.I heard that its bad to inject more then twice a week in the same muscle. my ? is , if I site inject Winny in bi's or shoulders
    everyday(50mg), would it be ok? since being a 17aa. (alternating left to right)

    2.I got some 30ml/50mg/ml Winny by upjon, was just wondering if any know's how to detect if counterfit. if i leave my bottle overnight, the milky solution seperates and everything and when shaken or toss around it mix's fast.
    but my buddy told me that when it his seperated, the white solution his suposed to look like a mirror effect. Mine his kind of a sand type look. I'm second guessing my gear since my buddy told me that. any opinion
    thanks in advence.

  2. #2
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Okay Paul, one simple solution buddy to cut down on Injects, drink your winny.. yes, you can drink it buddy. But if you want to inject, there are more injections sites, calves, tri's, delts, traps, thighs, glutes, etc. is a good site that will show you...
    Second ?. Winstrol does seperate into a white milky substance. I am pretty sure your gear is good. I would be worried if it didn't seperate. I think you are okay.

  3. #3
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Rotate the injection sites otherwise it will build up scar tissue.As Sicillian said there loads of inj sites but drinking it will cut down on those inj

  4. #4
    paulastone's Avatar
    paulastone is offline Member
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    Thanks guy's for your reply's
    I know you can drink it, what i was asking is that I want to concentrate on only one muscle
    I'll probably just hit my delt's once a week and maybe bi's and the rest i'll drink it.

    Thank's guys like always

  5. #5
    ripped_82's Avatar
    ripped_82 is offline Member
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    Ya it sounds real dude. When you shake it, notice the glass at the top of the vial will also have little crystals.

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