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  1. #1
    Shrad6 is offline Junior Member
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    Unhappy I'm PARANOID!! Do i have gyno? How much nolv do i take?

    Ok my chest def starting to look a like its gonna start saggin, my nips are sore, tomorrow i will be gettin nolv. Ok do i really have gyno, or am i just being really paranoid? If so how much nolv do i take and how do i take it? How long do i take it for? How long util it starts to go away, and will it fully go away? Will it slow or decrease my gains?

    I'm currently take 500mg a week of sust, and 200mg of deca . I just started taking the deca last week(5), currently im at week 6. Please help im really paranoid, everytime i look in the mirror i start to freak.

  2. #2
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    first calm down!! how long have you thought you might have this?

    can you feel lump behind your nipps? or are they just puffed up?
    Last edited by Iron horse; 04-09-2002 at 08:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Shrad6 is offline Junior Member
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    my answer

    Ok now about a week and a half, no bumps just puffy and sore sometimes?

  4. #4
    IronCy's Avatar
    IronCy is offline Senior Member
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    first you need to determine if your probs are from the deca or the sus...if your getting gyno from the deca, the nolva aint gonna help, if its caused by the sust, then you've gotta this situation--should he stop the deca? I would like to know the answer to this as well---anyone?

  5. #5
    NightOp is offline Member
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    the commong doseage of nolva for estrogenic gyno symptoms is 40mg ED, then dropped to 20mg ED whenever the symptoms reside.... but as he said, calm down, you came to the right place... someone will reply either suggesting you stop the deca (which i would) or not.. i can't really say for sure because I have no experience with this.

    I'm sure if there is a next time you will have your anti-e's on hand before you start, i hope

  6. #6
    tyler D is offline Banned
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    you should know if you have gyno sorness, itching, lumps, alittle fat tissue around your nips or puffyness doesn't mean you definity have gyno

  7. #7
    Joe myers is offline New Member
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    Same thing happened to me about a 8 week cycle now I have b-cup breasts. LOL got cha . Actually mine were started getting sore the 3rd week. And keep getting sorer and alittle puffy. Was pretty worried but I finished off my cycle and after awhile the soreness went away. Also I had these weird lumps behind my nipples but those went away to. Im sure I was starting to get gyno. If I keep juicing im sure I would have got some titties. Since sounds like your already half way through your cyle I would cut that test in half. The more test you put in the more estrogen you can make. Atleast that seems to be so. Any way hope I helped.

  8. #8
    NightOp is offline Member
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    joe.. did you not use any anti-e's during your cycle ? just curious bro.

  9. #9
    Joe myers is offline New Member
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    I didnt take any anti est.

  10. #10
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    if your almost done, i'd just run it till the end. take your anti-e's. and if its from deca , gyno doesnt form tits overnight and mostly small gyno symptoms go away quickly after a cycle

  11. #11
    4inguy is offline New Member
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    i doubt your gyno is from deca . at that low of a dose chances are very low.

  12. #12
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    why dont people carry this ancillary drugs before a cycle?????

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