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  1. #1
    sentient is offline New Member
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    using dianabol, nolvadex, proviron, clomid??

    Firstly sorry if I have gone about posting this in totally the wrong way, as by now I have been to so many sites and have heard so many peoples views.

    If anyone who really knows their stuff should happen to read this and could find the time to reply, or further talk online. I would be very grateful for their help.

    In brief...

    26 years old and had a serious car accident. Was once quite fit, but now lost alot of muscle on legs escpecially, etc etc.

    After back to a good diet I have the following

    Dinabol 10mg tablets
    Proviron 25mg tablet
    Nolvadex 10mg tablets
    Clomid 50mg tablets

    If I was to do the follwing cycle, would I need to use all of the other drugs apart from the obvious clomid, and if so how and when would I take them? I dont want to get huge results, just train hard but not all the time and gain enough mass and muscle gains to just feel athletic kinda tuff.

    15mg dianabol

    20mg dINAabol

    25mg dianabol

    20mg dianabol

    15mg dianabol

    100mg CLOMID

    50mg clomid

    Would it be necessary or just a good idea to use, nolvadex, proviron or leave alone unless nolvadex is really needed?

  2. #2
    soo2bhuge's Avatar
    soo2bhuge is offline Senior Member
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    i'm not trying to flame bro, but that's a pretty bad cycle.
    do a search on 1st cycle and u'll find alot of info.

  3. #3
    sentient is offline New Member
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    why bad?

    Why would this be a bad cycle?

    I dont want to get massive results just increase mass and muscle enough and safely as possible. I have these steroids so thats what I have to use and have done alot of reading to know that I might have chosen better but then again I could have done alot worse.

    Alot of people have said that what I want to do is fine but I dont undersatnd or know if it is worth envolving the others ie; proviron , nolvadex


    Please can someone properly talk me through this and I realise that I would be better to do around 8 weeks and even increase the ammount of dianabol used but what about the other drugs and when would you ideally use them?

  4. #4
    w_rballs's Avatar
    w_rballs is offline Anabolic Member
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    d-bol only cycle huh? thats a big no-no. no needle = no cycle. please try doing some more research bro.

  5. #5
    sentient is offline New Member
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    I realise that in an ideal world using pins would be the best, but at the low dossage I would use dianabol and for what I want to gain why would this be silly?

    I dont want to put to much stress on liver etc, so again, I want to take orally and at a low dose. FACT this will give a normal fit young guy results so why am I being stupid if I dont want huge gains?

    Please help me in depth. I have read alot and simply dont want to do the levels that most would choose to do.

  6. #6
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    dbol cycle only would be like blowing up a balloon and then letting it go. Also, dbol is very hard on your liver. Just get some test.

  7. #7
    sentient is offline New Member
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    missed a bit.

    I know oral is bad for the liver so thats why I am taking low dose with all the other things, milk thistle etc.

    please ignore my typeing error in last reply

  8. #8
    clhp20's Avatar
    clhp20 is offline Member
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    1-4 dbol 30-40mg
    1-12 test e 500mg/wk

    Clomid 100mg/ed 14 days after last shot of test
    Nolva 10mg ed from start of cycle

    This is a wise choice.

    oral only cycles aren't wise, especially using dbol. It is very hepatoxic. ( Bad for the liver)

    Read this thread( to learn about PCT ( post cycle therapy ) and what each of the compounds( Nolva,CLomid) do.

  9. #9
    sentient is offline New Member
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    I know about the whole water reten etc, but again for results that would be enough for me I have had the go ahead from a few using dbol and would it not help with using nolvadex , proviron ?? especially as doesn't one of them act similar to what test would do?

    I have known a mate who just did test and it wasn't effective enough to say the least as well as expense

    this web link for one says of a cycle using dbol only??

  10. #10
    sentient is offline New Member
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    Thanks Clhp20!!

    I know what your saying!

    but if I really couldnt inject and had to do something with what I already have?

    I have had enough just getting hold of that and being safe real gear.

    And surely at these low dosages of dbol I would be less at risk than anyone doing the right mixture and using dbol at higher doeses than this?

  11. #11
    sentient is offline New Member
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    Why could I not do my original proposed cycle of dbol while taking 10mg of nolvadex each day?

    Then do my proposed ending of clomid?

    Surely I would keep enough of my gains to be happy and stronger to the level that I want.

  12. #12
    clhp20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient
    Thanks Clhp20!!

    I know what your saying!

    but if I really couldnt inject and had to do something with what I already have?

    I have had enough just getting hold of that and being safe real gear.

    And surely at these low dosages of dbol I would be less at risk than anyone doing the right mixture and using dbol at higher doeses than this?
    I understand what you have read, but the reality is most of those profiles and suggested cycles are old. That is how they used to do things. With the advent of new drugs like Nolva and Clomid, and better AS's, those cycles aren't good. You ask why, if Arnold and the rest of the big boys used them back in the day. well I will tell you. They didn't have anything else to do. Fortunately in this day and age, we have more, and better options.

    Taking any chemical that mimicks Testosterone will fool your body into thinking that it has too much, therefore your body will stop producing it, no matter what the doses are. At some point you will need to help your body replenish, or tell it that it needs to make more. That is the reason for the Nolva and Clomid among others.

    Please research more. You will find all the answers you need. Here is a excellent place to start.. not spelled that way, don't use caps, and replace the 4 with "for"
    Last edited by clhp20; 05-04-2005 at 10:51 AM.

  13. #13
    soo2bhuge's Avatar
    soo2bhuge is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient
    Why could I not do my original proposed cycle of dbol while taking 10mg of nolvadex each day?

    Then do my proposed ending of clomid?

    Surely I would keep enough of my gains to be happy and stronger to the level that I want.
    hey...i guess u can't receive pm's. i tried responding.

  14. #14
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient

    I know about the whole water reten etc, but again for results that would be enough for me I have had the go ahead from a few using dbol and would it not help with using nolvadex , proviron ?? especially as doesn't one of them act similar to what test would do?

    I have known a mate who just did test and it wasn't effective enough to say the least as well as expense

    this web link for one says of a cycle using dbol only??
    I wasnt just talking about the water. No question you will gain size w/ dbol but eventually all your gains from it will go away. If your going to do it anyway make sure you got the pct down.

  15. #15
    sentient is offline New Member
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    sorry m8, I dont know why I cant get private emails, but thanks for being cool about me emailing you directly!

    If I did the following while taking 10mg nolvadex each day for perhaps the second part of cycle and having proviron on standby for an emergency so to speak would this not be a "bad cycle" but kinda ok and safe for what I could get my hands on and I now already have all this gear?

    I know I keep going on and I am sorry to speak like this surrounded by professionals. All I can say is that I am fit in that I do alot of arobic exercise and then keep my weight training separate. Not wanting to get huge or even big, just as I am a a relativly thin guy with fast matabolism, this is all I can think of and am ready to take it seriously. Just shame I have this gear, I know... Any more help, advice from anyone? trying to help me with the stuff I alrady have and how little I want to achieve in means of mass?

    15mg dianabol

    25mg dINAabol

    30mg dianabol

    25mg dianabol

    20mg dianabol

    100mg CLOMID

    50mg clomid

    50mg clomid

  16. #16
    sentient is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE=clhp20]I understand what you have read, but the reality is most of those profiles and suggested cycles are old. That is how they used to do things. With the advent of new drugs like Nolva and Clomid, and better AS's, those cycles aren't good. You ask why, if Arnold and the rest of the big boys used them back in the day. well I will tell you. They didn't have anything else to do. Fortunately in this day and age, we have more, and better options.

    Hi Clhp20, I have nolva and clomid so I know your right about advances from dianabol but if I used clomid and nolva in the right way, surely I would keep enough gains to be happy??

  17. #17
    soo2bhuge's Avatar
    soo2bhuge is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clhp20
    I understand what you have read, but the reality is most of those profiles and suggested cycles are old. That is how they used to do things. With the advent of new drugs like Nolva and Clomid, and better AS's, those cycles aren't good. You ask why, if Arnold and the rest of the big boys used them back in the day. well I will tell you. They didn't have anything else to do. Fortunately in this day and age, we have more, and better options.

    Hi Clhp20, I have nolva and clomid so I know your right about advances from dianabol but if I used clomid and nolva in the right way, surely I would keep enough gains to be happy??
    hey comes down to this...
    everyone is different and i know people who've done dbol only cycles and had no problems with keeping gains or what not.
    then i've seen those who lost everything within a few months after getting off.
    we can't tell u what to do or not to do, but i think most people will tell u not to simply from experience. u can try it and see how it works out for u, but it's just something most of us will say don't do on its own.

  18. #18
    sentient is offline New Member
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    soo2bhuge, that sounds like it wrapped up and bloody good advice!! Thanks

    Again, I know what you are all saying and wish I could have my own chemist to dip into for what would be ideal, but at this stage I cant.

    If I was to try this cycle, could you at least advise me as best as you can (knowing that you dont recomend this) what levels to take the dbol over how many weeks, or have I got it about right?

    Also where and when to ideally put the use of nolva, clomid, proviron or if to bother at all with the last two and just do the clomid?

    So many thanks to everyone who has accepted a stupid question in your world but at least trying to help me and put up with me, he he


  19. #19
    clhp20's Avatar
    clhp20 is offline Member
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    You got Yahoo Messenger ?

  20. #20
    sentient is offline New Member
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    no, I haven't m8. using apple mac computer and after last time I tried using it I gave up.

    If you have something that I should hear though, anything I can do?

    email ad or sommin?

    Again, thanks for you all to be helping me allthough I have got myself in to a far from ideal sit.

    brb, gotta take the miss's to super market so will check back in 20mins!

  21. #21
    sentient is offline New Member
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    Anyone still about who can help in any way?

    Perhaps someone who has done an all dbol cycle and even one that was not for huge gains?

  22. #22
    soo2bhuge's Avatar
    soo2bhuge is offline Senior Member
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    if u're set on doing it, then just do 1-4wks at 30mg/day. use some nolva during the 4 weeks and then run the nolva, along with clomid through the pct. that's it.

  23. #23
    diezell's Avatar
    diezell is offline Senior Member
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    you will get gains with that cycle but the second you come off that cycle expect to lose nearly everything except the damage done to youre liver

  24. #24
    sentient is offline New Member
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    respect to you from the pic also!

    would you suggest using nolva 10mg every day from the sec week. or 10mg evry other day etc?

    and how would you suggest running nolva with clomid.

    I know I am asking something a little too precise for someone to reply too, but at the end of the day I can only get info from someone who would know best put together with the only sure thing of listeining to your own body.

    thanks if you can give a run down of everything and I promise I will leave you all in peace, although I will be comming back here alot on the silent side of observing things he he

  25. #25
    sentient is offline New Member
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    After so much worry about my liver I have read an awful lot. Alot of people will say that the liver issue is a little over hyped especially if you are doing everything right. Have you experience of the down sides?

    You also have to realise that I am not wanting anything near an arnie body, just better than what I have now. Allthough I am not a stupid weakling who thinks this is the easy way out. Diet and exercise is the MOST important and one that I abide too.

  26. #26
    clhp20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient

    respect to you from the pic also!

    would you suggest using nolva 10mg every day from the sec week. or 10mg evry other day etc?

    and how would you suggest running nolva with clomid.

    I know I am asking something a little too precise for someone to reply too, but at the end of the day I can only get info from someone who would know best put together with the only sure thing of listeining to your own body.

    thanks if you can give a run down of everything and I promise I will leave you all in peace, although I will be comming back here alot on the silent side of observing things he he
    You aren't asking anything that is precise.. You are asking us to condone the use of oral only cycle. dbol no less... This will be the last time i say this

    wks 1-4 dbol 35mg ed
    wks 1-12 Test E 500mg/wk ( If your source can get dbol he can get Test e if he can't then get another source..jmo)

    wks 1-18 Nolva 10mg ed
    wks 15-18 clomid 100mg ed

    If symptoms of gyno occur during your cycle up the dose of Nolva to 40mg until symptoms are gone, then back down to 10mg for the remainder..
    Last edited by clhp20; 05-04-2005 at 12:19 PM.

  27. #27
    soo2bhuge's Avatar
    soo2bhuge is offline Senior Member
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    run 10mg/day unless u see signs of gyno. u can run 20mg/day to help with the bloat, but i doubt u'll c much difference.

  28. #28
    sentient is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your patience... and especially advice.

  29. #29
    tempbrit's Avatar
    tempbrit is offline Member
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    It appears that you are trying to rationalize your way into an all oral cycle, despite the views offered by experts on this board. If that is the case (although I completely disagee), you should not be using D-bol. What will be gained will be for the most part lost, despite the very best of PCT.

    If you insist on an all oral cycle, then you should be looking at Var. This is about the only oral cycle that can realistically be justified. With Var, you will get huge gains in strength and some gains in LBM. You will still need PCT. However, VAR is by no means a bulking substance.

    The people on this board know what they are talking about. They are not going to endorse something that does not make sense.

  30. #30
    sentient is offline New Member
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    anyone else want to contribute advice, experience anything?

  31. #31
    sentient is offline New Member
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    Thanks Clhp20

    Reading through all this again and again. You have done alot!!

  32. #32
    sentient is offline New Member
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    Your soooo right, I know. VAR would be fab, but it is a long story how I could only get dbol and although it is old, dated, toxic, there is still many who have got good results

    and if it is what I have, I have got to give it a try for the sake of the money but I am doing my best to also be aware of effects to my general health/body.

    Will let you all know what happens, If I go ahead

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