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  1. #1
    edcrna is offline New Member
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    critique my first cycle

    im 20,5"10,175, ive trained naturally for a year, i was at 145 when i started. and now i feel its time to start my first cycle. i will be doing primoteston depot(testosterone enanthate ) @500 mg. a wk for 10 wks, with some nolva all the way thru at 10 mg. a day. ill wait 2wks after my last shot to start my pct: .25 mg of liquidex + 100 mg. of clomid +20 mg. nolva this is what its going to look like for 4 weeks. oh an if i happen to feel some itchyness in my nipples ill up the nolva to 40 mg. for a cuple days then down to 20mg for the rest of the looking to gain a solid 25 lbs. from this cycle. is it atainable?

    hows it look?
    im thinking of throwin in some dbol for the first 4 wks at 30 mg. a day...should i?

    ive also been doing some research on the effects of steroids on the mind, and wanted to know if anyone has ever experienced any depression, psyc. ep., ect...
    i personally dont have anything mentally wrong with me but just curious to see what the words of experience can warn me about steroids and its effect on the mind.

  2. #2
    jwillfcsl is offline Associate Member
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    20 is a little young, generally one should wait one more year, and if you are looking to gain 25 lbs and keep all of that in muscle weight, you are probably dreaming, you may, and that is a big may, gain 25 total lbs on test alone, but much of that will likely be water weight in addition to the muscle mass, you could throw in some d-bol, but this is your first cycle, and the d-bol will likely just add more water weight, probably some strength gains on top of that, as for depression, that usually comes from your natural test being depressed,

  3. #3
    edcrna is offline New Member
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    May 2005
    anybody else have anything to add, it would be greatly appreaciated. how much of what i gain will be keepable when using the test and dbol supposed my diet is great and my workouts are good too, and my pct goes as planned...

  4. #4
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    it looks ok but at your age you can still gain alot woth a good diet

  5. #5
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    the cycle looks ok,you dont need the dbol really on a 1st cycle but if your gonna use it anyway 30mg ed will do.

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