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  1. #1
    Stryke3 is offline New Member
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    [b]first Cycle- Need Help!!!!![/b]

    This is my first time here, & my first posting. Some of you may have noticed that I posted this same stuff in different forums on this site, I think I may have found the right one this time though. I'm 6'5", 233 lbs., 26 years old. I'm about to start my first cycle. Right now I have Deca QV300, and D-Bol. Is this a decent start? How much should I take of each, and can I get away with just these or is there a necessity that I need to add to this list?

    I also have an anti-aromatase called Novadex (oral- Vitamin Shoppe), & 6-oxo, should I be taking one of these during? I plan on following my cycle with Clomi or perhaps something else.

    I am also wondering what other over the counter supplements I should take while I'm on? I have about 4 bottles of methyl 1 test and a bottle of 19-nor andro II (sci-fit)- would any of this be benefitial to me during or post cycle? I intend to start ASAP, be brutally honest with me, all help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    boywonder10101 is offline Associate Member
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    You definitely need test in there.

  3. #3
    longislandbeast is offline New Member
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    On top of needing test, you also need an anti-estrogen such as nolvadex and some would even argue and AI such as arimidex or letro. "Novadex" from vitamin shop or 6-oxo arent cutting it and your gonna end up sporting a D-cup this summer. Be careful with deca also as it is known for harshely supressing endogenous test levels.

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    do some more research before you do anything. Your first cycle should be test only. Save the deca and dbol for another time. Definitely do NOT do deca w/out test, or you risk suffering deca dick!! Novadex and 6-oxo are crap. You need nolvadex and clomid which can be purchased from the flashing banner in the upper right hand corner. Do some searches for first cycle, test only, PCT, etc. You dont want to screw yourself up.

  5. #5
    Stryke3 is offline New Member
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    I can get the test. But that by itself?

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes you need to see how your body reacts to just one compound first. Test should be the base of every cycle and you should see how you react before adding other stuff. That way if you get sides, you'll know its from the test. If youre taking 3 things your first time and you get sides, how will you know what caused it? With solid diet, training, and rest, you'll get good gains off 500mg/wk of test for 12 weeks w/ proper PCT

  7. #7
    Stryke3 is offline New Member
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    i see exactly what you're saying. i will certainly do what's best for myself- and overall health. but what would you add to the test for round 2?

  8. #8
    phreezer's Avatar
    phreezer is offline Respected Member
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    Well bro, don't worry too much.. lots of guys have done the classic Dbol Decca stack..... is it the most effective cycle to do? No, there are definitly better cycles out there...

    Here are some things to remember, You don't always need an anti-e... Remember the body needs some estrogen to properly function.. and a little is fine.. Look at bb's from the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's.. these guys didn't use Anti-e's and they managed to avoid a lot of the sides like Gyno etc... Guys now adays go over board with anti-e's.. IMO you need to keep an anti-e around like Nolvadex in case you start to develop gyno but that's about it.. especially if you're running lower cycle doses...

    Here's the thing to remember about deca .. it has about a 9-11 day half life.. it causes suppression..... and if you are not supplementing test you could get some nice sides like deca dick (impotence).. dbol is an oral form of testosterone .. it will take care of you while on the deca.. however, it has a 3-6 hr half life so you need to take it 2-3 times every day... Also you won't run it as long as deca (I'll explain in a minute) Dbol will clear way sooner than deca in the course of your cycle.. Leaving the deca all alone in your system to cause you those nice little sides.... Here's something else about Dbol.. it is hepa toxic.. which means that it's hard on the liver... so you really don't want to run it longer than 5-6 weeks... which means you would have to kill the deca in about week 4 or so...this cycle will work.. it's not great.. but it will add some mass on you..

    If I were you, I'd run an eight week simple cycle... run dbol for 4 weeks at the beginning at 25mg ED, Run about 500mg weekly of test, and run the deca at 300mg EW for 6 weeks... buy some nolva to keep on hand.. and look into PCT for when you come off...

  9. #9
    Stryke3 is offline New Member
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    phreezer, thanks bro. that's the info i needed. how long do i run the 500mg/EW of test for, and do I stay on it for any amount of time after i finish with the deca ? Or, do I start my PCT right away and cut everything out?

  10. #10
    Stryke3 is offline New Member
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    I ordered nolva, should have it within the next 3 to 4 days. Still unsure what I should take for my first cycle. A friend of mine recently completed his first cycle- he went into it without as much research as myself, and used dbol by itself and had very nice gains in both strength (mostly) and weight. THIS IS FRUSTRATING....

  11. #11
    Stryke3 is offline New Member
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    how much nolva do i take?

  12. #12
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    10-20mg ed if you need it,i only use it if i need it and i havent yet,but i always have it on hand,its a must!

  13. #13
    Stryke3 is offline New Member
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    Tamox 50ML 20mg/ml- does this mean that there's 20mg's of active ingredient per ml? And I should only use it if needed, what signs should I look for?

  14. #14
    clhp20's Avatar
    clhp20 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryke3
    Tamox 50ML 20mg/ml- does this mean that there's 20mg's of active ingredient per ml? And I should only use it if needed, what signs should I look for?
    Yes, and puffy sore, possibly lactating nipples.

  15. #15
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
    FrkyBgStok is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clhp20
    Yes, and puffy sore, possibly lactating nipples.
    also itchy nipples

  16. #16
    clhp20's Avatar
    clhp20 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    also itchy nipples
    What he said too!

  17. #17
    selwan is offline New Member
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    Which test 500mg is best? And any recommendations on where to purchase? There are loads out their..Testoviron Depot? or Testosterone Enanthate (Testo Depot) ?

    Any names would be beneficial for a first timer doing his research!

  18. #18
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
    FrkyBgStok is offline Senior Member
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    LOL....1)thread hijacked 2) asking for a source. read the rules bro!

  19. #19
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
    FrkyBgStok is offline Senior Member
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    also if you get any PMs they are all probably scams.

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