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  1. #1
    Silverbackgorilla's Avatar
    Silverbackgorilla is offline Junior Member
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    Anyone here stay "on" all the time?

    Just curious if anyone here stays "on" all the time?

    If so how long have you been on?

    And how old are you and what age did you decide to?


  2. #2
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    13 weeks 2 X a year.

  3. #3
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerbodybuilder
    13 weeks 2 X a year.
    so thats a NO???

  4. #4
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    I keep it safe. You want children and sex???

  5. #5
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Some do, some don't.... I used to. I'd run 20+ week cycles and cruise on 500mg test in between. Did that for a few years and came off everything back in November... ben clean since and plan on jumping back on soon. What kind of info are you trying to get from all this?

  6. #6
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada Ehh...
    I am doing research into year round cycles. I will let you know when I get good info.
    for now here are a few to read:
    if it is something you are intrested in, I would suggest a lot of reasearch.
    I am sure there are lots of side effects that go with year round cycles

  7. #7
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    You are ridiculous

    You are ridiculous. Who is SO INCOMPETENT, so LAZY, SO WEAK, so UNWILLING, as to need a YEAR LONG CYCLE? Learn how to eat big, train hard, and manipulate your insulin with sugar, and you will only need one 8 week cycle PER YEAR. Grow up, learn to love your body. You only get one.

  8. #8
    needle's Avatar
    needle is offline Senior Member
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    lol tell Ronnie C that ^ or the super big guys in the gym that! I have 3 solid cycles under my belt! Ive just decided that to obtain the freakish built that I want I will go on for about 2 years straight! Obviously I have a pretty much endless supply of gear so this wont be a prob for me. Im 20 59 206! Just to keep things in check im getting check ups every 3 months!

  9. #9
    rodge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    You are ridiculous. Who is SO INCOMPETENT, so LAZY, SO WEAK, so UNWILLING, as to need a YEAR LONG CYCLE? Learn how to eat big, train hard, and manipulate your insulin with sugar, and you will only need one 8 week cycle PER YEAR. Grow up, learn to love your body. You only get one.

    so i ques this means youre calling me incompetent,lazy weak and unwilling.
    look bro i'm sure that there are alot people who use it as the easy way out, but there also a lot of bb-ers that just like me who got there whole life planned around they're bodybuilding lifestyle. i havent got the best genetics,so no intentions to be a pro one day, but just love to be a bb-er and willing to do verything i can,and leave everything that holds me back.

    so i think yore response is not well thought,as like many of your answers in other threads.

    not to flame you bro but i think you should think for a second before you give a response.

    Last edited by rodge; 05-13-2005 at 09:47 AM.

  10. #10
    Stumbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    You are ridiculous. Who is SO INCOMPETENT, so LAZY, SO WEAK, so UNWILLING, as to need a YEAR LONG CYCLE? Learn how to eat big, train hard, and manipulate your insulin with sugar, and you will only need one 8 week cycle PER YEAR. Grow up, learn to love your body. You only get one.
    Thats a very silly response.

    One 8 week cycle per year? Yeah, maybe to maintain a mediocre build.

  11. #11
    flabbywussy's Avatar
    flabbywussy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    You are ridiculous. Who is SO INCOMPETENT, so LAZY, SO WEAK, so UNWILLING, as to need a YEAR LONG CYCLE? Learn how to eat big, train hard, and manipulate your insulin with sugar, and you will only need one 8 week cycle PER YEAR. Grow up, learn to love your body. You only get one.

    don't know if you realize, but this is a steroid forum not a natural forum

  12. #12
    needle's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    You are ridiculous. Who is SO INCOMPETENT, so LAZY, SO WEAK, so UNWILLING, as to need a YEAR LONG CYCLE? Learn how to eat big, train hard, and manipulate your insulin with sugar, and you will only need one 8 week cycle PER YEAR. Grow up, learn to love your body. You only get one.

    Go to a Natural site !!!!! U dont belong here!!!!!!

  13. #13
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    LOL..I am sorry if I do not possess a BLATENT disregard for my health and well-being as many on this board do. And I am not a natural bodybuilder, I fully support and encourage the safe and responsible use of Anabolic /Androgenic Steroids . And, a year LONG CYCLE, does NOT fit those parameters. From a biological standpoint, it is downright LUDACRIS. Are you that UNSATISFIED, that INSECURE? I guess, its a matter of values....My IMAGE (what people see) or my HEALTH.

    OH...and at 5'10, 200lbs, 6% BF, I am hardly MEDIOCRE.

  14. #14
    Silverbackgorilla's Avatar
    Silverbackgorilla is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    LOL..I am sorry if I do not possess a BLATENT disregard for my health and well-being as many on this board do. And I am not a natural bodybuilder, I fully support and encourage the safe and responsible use of Anabolic /Androgenic Steroids . And, a year LONG CYCLE, does NOT fit those parameters. From a biological standpoint, it is downright LUDACRIS. Are you that UNSATISFIED, that INSECURE? I guess, its a matter of values....My IMAGE (what people see) or my HEALTH.

    OH...and at 5'10, 200lbs, 6% BF, I am hardly MEDIOCRE.
    Well if your happy with your 1 -8 week cycle yearly.. Then that is great, but others have different opinions, and desires.. If you have at 200lbs 6%bf then great...but that is not my goal..

    ALOT of people would call you crazy for even doing and 8 week please save your preaching for other people..

    BTW--Post a pictures.. I am around your height and weight, but with more bf.. I would like to get an idea of what I will look like when I get some more of this fat off..

    Big Texan.-- I am just trying to get some feedback from the guys who stay on all the time.. Side effects, positives, negatives. How long they have been "on" etc. I am not doing it now, but it crosses my mind occasionally..

    Thanks fellas

  15. #15
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    this january i decided to stay on year round,after 16 years of training and a lot of cycle experience,alot of uneducated cycles also,but i learned alot about it.
    when i joined this board i read as much as possible and asked alot of questions(and still do)
    and now with a well thought plan and proper bloodwork done every 3th month i'm going for it. my doc is fully aware of what i do and i visit him once a month for a check on bp and pulse and talk things over.
    i can't tell much more then this since it still is'nt that long that i'm on.
    i just can say that if you wanna do it give it a good thought cause after a couple of years on you probably need hrt for the rest of youre life.


  16. #16
    punchrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    You are ridiculous. Who is SO INCOMPETENT, so LAZY, SO WEAK, so UNWILLING, as to need a YEAR LONG CYCLE? Learn how to eat big, train hard, and manipulate your insulin with sugar, and you will only need one 8 week cycle PER YEAR. Grow up, learn to love your body. You only get one.
    there are those who need to be on year round because there body doesn't produce enough test any longer. Hormone replacement therapy. i don't think there are any long term studies to it's effect on health of an individual but the research so far, i don't think that there have been as many negative side effects as positive. going up to a gram or 2 of test a week year round might not be the best for your health, but as long as you monitor it and are in the healthy range why not?

  17. #17
    Silverbackgorilla's Avatar
    Silverbackgorilla is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    this january i decided to stay on year round,after 16 years of training and a lot of cycle experience,alot of uneducated cycles also,but i learned alot about it.
    when i joined this board i read as much as possible and asked alot of questions(and still do)
    and now with a well thought plan and proper bloodwork done every 3th month i'm going for it. my doc is fully aware of what i do and i visit him once a month for a check on bp and pulse and talk things over.
    i can't tell much more then this since it still is'nt that long that i'm on.
    i just can say that if you wanna do it give it a good thought cause after a couple of years on you probably need hrt for the rest of youre life.

    I hope the best for you--Keep us updated on any news. What are you going to run as far as test.. How much weekly? Are you going to cycle the other AAS? deca for 12 weeks, eq for 15 weeks, etc

    I may be doing the same in a few years.. I want to fully recover from my current cycle..if possible..

  18. #18
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    yes, you are correct, we all have different goals. If you are a Bodybuilder FOR LIFE (juice for life) than I suppose a year-long cycle is no big deal. However, for those of us who desire children, and our long term health, I strongly advise keeping cycles to a maximum of 15 weeks--AND staying off for another 20 weeks after cessation. I am not a competitive bodybuilder and I am more than satisfied at my current body composition. However, i apologize to those Elite competitors who I may have offended. I am only here to learn and to help those I can.

  19. #19
    needle's Avatar
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    You can mubble all u want about the safety etc and all your BIG words... blah blah
    Do u think people like ronnie C would be as big as they are without steroids or hgh or any supp- just curious about your thoughts on that ! IM talking about being on all year around to obtain freak like looks!

  20. #20
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    As for pics...check out my AOL profile...and those are from about a year ago...In these pics I weighed anywhere from 185-195, 6-8% BF, they were all taken at different times so you can see progress. New pics will be up soon...AFTER THIS VAR/PRIMO cycle!

  21. #21
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    YES..LOL..if you actually DESIRE to look like RONNIE C...LOLOLOL..then YES...start doing some YEAR long cycles....and some HGH, and insulin , and be prepared to never have a normal penis again--among many other things.

  22. #22
    needle's Avatar
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    exactly what I want thanks !!!!

  23. #23
    Deezuhl is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    YES..LOL..if you actually DESIRE to look like RONNIE C...LOLOLOL..then YES...start doing some YEAR long cycles....and some HGH, and insulin, and be prepared to never have a normal penis again--among many other things.
    as if you or anyone on here even a clue as to what ronnie coleman is on. 1- 8 week cycle is all you need for maximum gains. We are all not gentically the same so you could never say what everyone needs. thats an ignorant statement.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    You are ridiculous. Who is SO INCOMPETENT, so LAZY, SO WEAK, so UNWILLING, as to need a YEAR LONG CYCLE?
    Me, I guess. I usually go off during the winter, but this year I had try-outs for an all-star team (I made it), so I extended my cycle. This means my cycle ran into my off time (I had around 4 weeks off, in the last 14 months), and then into my season/pre-season.

    I'll take some time off eventually, but right now, my bloodwork is fine, and I have yet to accomplish all of my goals athletically.

    The most harsh compound I was running was Letrozole , and when I stopped it and ran nolvadex for PCT, my nagging cough went away.

    Usually I run test+ 1 other compound, and under a gram total, per week.

  25. #25
    rodge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverbackgorilla
    I hope the best for you--Keep us updated on any news. What are you going to run as far as test.. How much weekly? Are you going to cycle the other AAS? deca for 12 weeks, eq for 15 weeks, etc

    I may be doing the same in a few years.. I want to fully recover from my current cycle..if possible..

    i use test as a base and cycle other aas in at a dse and lenght that is needed for that aas,for example i started with EQ at 500mg for 15 weeks together with the test at 500mg.
    then drop the EQ and lower the test to 200-300mg for some weeks to lower bloodlevels,and then another compound for the right amount of time/dose with the test.
    i'm trying to keep the weekly total at or under 1000mg ew.
    2 months ago started hgh at 3iu 5on/2off wich i hoped to run until my next contest that would be november 20006,but this is'nt a sure thing right now because i've torn my pec major and have had surgery 7 days ago.
    so as long as i can't workout i keep my test at 250mg ew(no other aas) and the hgh at 3iu.


  26. #26
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    Sorry to hear about your surgery..I hope you heal well..Oxandrolone and TE have been clinically proven to enhance the rate of recovery from injury. you should b ok.
    Last edited by TheMindOfRoss; 05-13-2005 at 11:18 PM. Reason: spelling

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