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  1. #1
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    stupid ass border patrol...

    went to progresso yesterday and was in the dentist chair from 10:30 to 6:30... in those 8 hours I got 3 root canals and 8 crowns/caps... so when I go back on thursday when my permenant caps are ready, every single tooth in my head will be porcelan and perfect....

    my dentist wrote me a perscription for an antibiotic, and a pain killer that also had valium in it so I could sleep... my dad got 2 capped teeth and fitted for dentures at the dentist across the street....

    so after 8 hours of having my jaw pryed open, I walk to the border crossing point, I have bllod on my shirt where the bib slipped off, I cant even speak or keep my mouth closed, also bleeding alot...

    But **** me I was wearing a tank top... I get to the guard and wasnt worried because he looked cool but guess what he wasnt... he gave me 20 questions, opened my tooth paste I brought, slowly rocked my gatorade bottle back and forth and mouthwash bottle looking closley at the liquid, kinda ignoring the dentist receipt I had for 1,500 dollars, and the 2 prescriptions for my teeth ...

    he tell me to come with him, I groan loudly and my Dad who is behind me immeiatley asks to see a supervisor... he is a six foot 2, 63 year old man that uses a full sized chainsaw every day for his chainsaw carving shows... he is not only intimitating, he is stronger than me and he never lifted a weight, and he hates the government and also hates seeing his son in pain and getting ****ed with...

    I am rambling but I took 3 diff painkillers after waking up in bad pain...

    I get into that room and kick my shoes off and put them on the desk, drop my bags, keys , cell phone and wallet basicly emptying my pockets... he looks at my key chain and remarks about all my gym memberships and GNC/Vitamin world discount cards... I call him an Idiot... ass he looks up there I am with my tank top pulled up and my track pants and underwear down around my ankles with my dick swinging....

    He like flips out... and starts yelling for me to get dressed and I promtly and vocally refuse... the supervisor walks back... all whats the problem... and I spray blood across the room yelling " you see that I am in pain from the dentist and you want to ask me 100 stupid questions but never just search me and get to the bottom of it... I am tired of this constant harrassment, I dont like being profiled and I want to file a cmplaint... I was very lod, my dad said he heard me outside the door, so did everyone else...

    I got sir calm down, and I said **** you, you be calm after 8 hours at the dentist and the sam old hassle every ****ing time... I opened my bleeding mouth and showed off the bloody gauze inside...

    he said sir get dressed you can go, and I said the **** I can... I want to see your supervisor to file a formal complaint, and I an calling my state representative, congressman, senator, and governor...

    as I got my pants up My dad comes in looking furious ( he never ever ever gets mad... ) He pulls out his cell phone and dials the number to Carl Dudensing an attourney for the teamsters union, who also handles civil rights cases ( usually racial stuff, all for free )... My Dad is letting them know all this, and says we arent going anywhere!!!

    I got such a sick satisfaction at these jerks sweating bullets, looking as uncomfortable as they usually make me feel... the big supervisor come over from out where the vehicles are checked and my Dad is yelling at him, and waving his hands wildly... " he has a receipt from the dentist, prescriptions from the dentist, and pain pills and antibiotics, and is with his Dad... what about that senario makes him look like a drug smuggler!!! Why do out of shape unhealthy olde people get to just get waved thru, no ID no nothing... My dad shows his pain killers and said " he didt ask to see in my bad, if I had any medication or even to see my ID just waved me through" ... " I am going to get the media involved if thats what it takes to get some action here, while you harass an innocint kid ( Im 34 LOL ) some mexican is smuggling a kilo of coke and 1,000 oxycottin... Your guys never even pat him down, never have in months they just ask stupid questions over and over again...

    I sat there sipping my gatorade only to have it dripple down and pool up on my crotch ( painkillers and valium were kicking in )... The supervisor asks me a few questions about whats been hapening every time I cross and he says well you do have the look... I said well since I live 30 minutes away dont you think I would just come across once a week and do a shot and walk back, so I dont risk jail time or break any laws... He said do you? I said yes I do!!!

    he appoligized very matter of factly, and said we were free to go, and my father waved his arms and yelled about the event all the way home... He was utterly appauled... he said well shit you can bring across codiene, valium, percodans, viagra, booze, ciggarettes... why the **** would they care about steroids ... he was confused, he said you come across with your clomick and nova whatever ( clomid and nolva, I discuss my usage with him openly )... I tryed to explain the difference, well anyway he decided that if the government didnt want us to have them that they must be good... he asked if he could just take a pill steroid and I said no but I can set him up with some test enanthate , nolvadex , and clomid and even pre load all the syringes and I have showed him me injecting about 6 different spots...

    I have had him on DHEA, Tribex and creatine, he likes them all but is ready to start juice now at 63 just to spite the government...LOL

    guys I am high as a kite so I know this story may not be as good as my usual ones... but I hope you all get a kick out of it... no part of the story is even exaggerated a littlde bit...

    I go back thursday with dad for my crowns, and I take him back friday for his crowns and dentures... did I mention when I stripped they had no intrest in even looking to see if I had anything... I am definatley bringing across some gear taped to my sack both days, and Dad said he would cross with whatever, and **** those ****ing rent a cop idiots...

    PS: why dont they have a steroid problem in mexico???

  2. #2
    Red Monster's Avatar
    Red Monster is offline Associate Member
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    someday you'll learn

  3. #3
    WildCh1ld's Avatar
    WildCh1ld is offline Banned
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    That does suck bro, but it's not only the Mexican's bringing sh*t across, you would be surprised at how many different nationalities have there own cartel's..

  4. #4
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    wow read my post now that I am not on painkillers... yet... christ I was stoned out of my ever loving mind last night... LOL...

    someday you'll learn???

    learn what that no matter how I dress or what my buisness is in mexico that border patrol will always act like a bunch of retards... yeah I already learned that lesson years ago... Now I just dont stand for it, I am a tax paying citizen and law abiding... at least when crossing the border... I dont appreciate being harassed every single time I try to cross, and I am going to make my complaints very vocal ... at least until friday when I move to ft.lauderdale...

    these are the same jack asses that have novladex on the restricted list of items you cant cross with in matamoros, but they dont even flinch when I bring across 2 boxes of Taxus ( tamoxifin citrate ) same ****ing thing... Thats like saying you cant cross with vicodin, but you can bring hydrocodiene...

    thats my complaint, they arent even trained worth a shit... and suddenly they are experts on criminal profiling every time they see me... I can wear khaki shorts, and an izod shirt take out the ear rings and keep the tatoos covered and because of my size ( and I am not that ****ing big actually, I could pass for natural with my shirt on ) they are a bunch of ****tards... and after I get my dental work done thursday I hope never to have to deal with those shit heels again... they are a ****ing disgrace... security guards with attitudes...

    and any time I have wanted to get anything across, via using a runner or any other method they havent ever even come close to catching me...

    my advice to you is just leave mexico alone, there are many pro's that get mex gear at wholesale and will deliver it to your door via priority mail, safley and cheaper than if you went to mexico to get it... if you need dental work, get a refferal from a local gringo, get it done, and get the **** out...

    if you know where you are crossing has asshole border cops, dont wash for a week, and try not to wipe your ass for a few days... and wear a shirt with the Denkall or QV logo on it... and dare them to search you...LOL

  5. #5
    Will_1's Avatar
    Will_1 is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds all to familiar. Easy on the border patrol, those guy your talking about are customs. You dont have to smuggle your roids, just declare them and show your prescription. Theres nothing they can do, thanks to NAFTA.

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    hey you think you can paraphrase all that into 5 NON RUN-On sentences for me?

  7. #7
    punchrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Will_1

    Sounds all to familiar. Easy on the border patrol, those guy your talking about are customs. You dont have to smuggle your roids, just declare them and show your prescription. Theres nothing they can do, thanks to NAFTA.
    the us will honor mexican prescriptions for steriods ? or did i read that wrong?

  8. #8
    JdFlex's Avatar
    JdFlex is offline Senior Member
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    Great story as always Dan!

  9. #9
    Will_1's Avatar
    Will_1 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by punchrf
    the us will honor mexican prescriptions for steriods? or did i read that wrong?
    Yes, under NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). I wouldnt show up and at a local US pharmacy and try to use your script. While legally it should be honored the same as a US doc's.

  10. #10
    yung-priest is offline Associate Member
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    never new they could do that, but then again i jus the vets stuff

  11. #11
    punchrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Will_1
    Yes, under NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). I wouldnt show up and at a local US pharmacy and try to use your script. While legally it should be honored the same as a US doc's.
    have you brought any over with a script? just curious as to how it works and if you get hasseled

  12. #12
    Will_1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by punchrf
    have you brought any over with a script? just curious as to how it works and if you get hasseled
    I havent personally brought any aas back across. Brought some non aas injectables across though. My father walks across with Sustanon , nolva, hcg , needles and everything. He declares it and the majority of the time they just wave him through. A few time he's been asked what are the steroids for. He just says for HRT.

    I get hassled just bringing antibiotics across. Im not planning on bringing any across my self because I dont like being messed with.

  13. #13
    chris2wire is offline Member
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    that story blows that it happened to you... but.....

    at least you get stopped for being big. they wouldnt stop my skinny ass.

    id rather be big and get stopped.

    but either way. they suck.

    additionally, dont they have common sense? ppl on roids only hurt themselves, not others. Even if there were no big fish around, id just let the little ppl through.

    Even if its narcotics or something, i wouldnt give a crap if someone had a small personal supply. do whatever you want to yourself.

    i hate it when people try to act like heros.

  14. #14
    Booz's Avatar
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