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  1. #41
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    I say keep going...If there is no PHYSICAL evidence, then I do not think that would be enuff to warrant a steroid drug test on you. Your local government cannot issue a warrant for a drug test on you simple because someone "says" you are using roids or sell them. As long as you keep the stuff out of your house and go elsewhere to administer your injects, I think you are fine. But definately keep the house clean and ditch the computer you're using right now. Having "" on your history is definately a dead giveaway, and if you're in a small town, some dickhead judge may conclude that enough probable cause to issue a warrant.
    In my state it is not illegal to have the substances inside you. The computer won't tell them anything unless you have transactions on there that you bought AAS or sold them. They would have to have a search warrant anyway and the warrant would have to be specific to the computer not just AAS. If they are just looking for AAS then they CAN'T look at your computer since its not reasonable that AAS would be in the computer. Relax, if your gear is gone then no evidence and shut your mouth.

  2. #42
    STONES2 is offline Associate Member
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    The Big Bust

    Okay. Okay. lets think about this for a second. If the cops had as much evidence on you as you think then wouldn't you be in jail NOW.

    Follow the advice and get rid of as much evidence as possible and get ready to be lied to by the cops and I am not sure about your friend ,because I don't know him, but be suspicous.

    Ive spent time in the joint and seen it all never had a rappie (partner) go down with me always kept my mouth SHUT, bad news though I did have a life time friend give me up and had to take my medicen. that was years ago he's dead (not by me) drinking and dope

    your lawyr is your only friend now except GOD and that is the truth.


  3. #43
    BigDaddySmalls is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Wow, unmarked cars and an investigation. That blows.

    Funny, while all this was happening there were people being murdered and crack being sold to kids.
    hey to the gov. steroids are worse than coke bc politicians dont do steroids

  4. #44
    chris2wire is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigDaddySmalls
    hey to the gov. steroids are worse than coke bc politicians dont do steroids
    oh snap

  5. #45
    Dozerd is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    Your only like 1 week into ur cycle.. u dont even need PCT (some1 varify).. So I would let things cool down a bit. U sound like u r from a small town or sumin, coz otherwise I cant see cops goin through all of this trouble just 2 bust a couple of youngsters 4 doing a lil juice.. One tip 4 all: I've been in interrigations where cops come to me and say that ur friends just ratted u out (while doin the same shit 2 my friends etc), straight out lying, NEVER TRUST A COP! .. Always ask a lawyer 2 b there, then at least here they dont do it.. Then they pull that thing where they act as ur saviour typE: We know u r an innocent victim in all this, tell us who is the real criminal behind this n we will help u. Remember: they dont give a shit what happens 2 u! Where I live the rats end up getting pretty much the same sentences, heard that in the great USA rats can buy themselves free with info though.. B samrt ppl, especially th e young ppl there who havent had any contact with the police, DONT TRUST EM!!
    I agree 100% dont trust them. They will lie and tell you anything they think will trick you into saying anything they can use. If they want to talk or you get hauled in only ask for a lawyer. If you wernt dealn then no worries they got there guy from what it sounds like, but they will still try to drag you into it. DONT TRUST EM, THE POLICE!

  6. #46
    chris2wire is offline Member
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    the problem with police is the majority of them grew up with a lack of power. They may have been a younger child, they may have been ugly, picked on, etc. Or jsut stupid with bad grades. Either way, the majority of cops grow up lacking power and thats what subconsciously drives them into this field of work. (or into the military) Its much the same thing that drives us to use AAS.

    My point is once you give power to one that is lacking power then they exploit it and turn 'dirty'. Much like the Sith from Star Wars, though that may be a bad example.

    Once the powerless feel power they over use it and it becomes a life craving for them. For cops this means abusing lawful powers, for AAS users this means cycle after cycle after cycle.

    Just thought id throw that in.

  7. #47
    HoustonJosh58 is offline New Member
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    Here's the thing....while I do not agree with some of the laws concerning drug use, every now and then enforcement of the law is going to bite you in the ass and that is the risk everyone takes.

    If someone stole money from you but it wasn't that much and you had millions anyway, you would still want law enforcement to go after him right? It's like speeding, everyone does it all the time and every now and then a few get caught. They then act like some huge injustice has been done. It's the price you pay for living on the edge.

    Of course this is all in hindsight now and you should follow the previous advice but in the future if you don't want to have worries like this and you don't want to freak out, then you have to stay clean...bottom line.

  8. #48
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    i agree with stones2

  9. #49
    Deezuhl is offline Anabolic Member
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    Houston josh is a cop.. JK I agree with you though.. I love when people get pissed when they get traffic tickets..when you speed every day you drive and break about 50 laws also. And you only get a ticket 2x a year. price you pay to play.. I always shake the cops hand and tell him thank you..

  10. #50
    HoustonJosh58 is offline New Member
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    The answer to all legal questions!!!!

    Not a cop, actually cops hate me (hint). Just find it funny that people act so surprised. The other brilliant move was posting in a public forum. While this certainly isn't conclusive evidence of anything, it amuses me how some get so worried about any "link" that can be found on their computer, yet they freely post admissions of guilt on a public forum.

    For any question regarding legal issues and steroids , the answer is simple, consult those who are trained and educated in that area. It's the only true way to protect yourself.

  11. #51
    jaydub's Avatar
    jaydub is offline Senior Member
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    wait.. where am I?..
    you're good bro. If you got nothing physical in your possesion, then they got nothing on you. But they might keep an eye on you, so be careful in the future.

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