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  1. #1
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    Arrow Sustanon Cycle - First Ever

    alright, I was on my way to the gym, hence the small post

    Here's the stats on my cycle

    250 mg sustanon every 3 days for the first 4 weeks to get my body used to it
    (I'm a pin virgin )

    so it's

    week 1-4 sust 250mg/2x
    Week 5-9 sust 250mg/EOD
    Week 6-11 winny tabs 20mg/ED
    Week 1-15 Nolva 10mg/ED
    Week 12-14 HCG 500iu/ED
    Week 12-15 Clomid 50mg/ED

    Look good? Any Suggestions?

    I had to shoot using a slin pin today, as my syringes haven't arrived yet...

    They should get here tomorrow or the next day, in time for my next shot

    It went in really easy into my rat's butt, however, the oil was a bitch to inject

    he's been telling me it's sore.... I think cause I moved the pin around a bit too much trying to push it out

    My workout is split into 3 days which are cycled for 5 days of the week

    Day 1-Chest/Shoulders
    Day 2-Back/Tris
    Day 3-Legs/Bis

    I have saturdays and sundays off

    my diet is pretty much the "LEAN bulking diet" at the top of diets.

    I don't do MUCH cardio... I really need to pick up on it

  2. #2
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    first ever? pin virgin? is this your first cycle? b/c if it is you are running too much

    don't run the hcg for pct, run the sust at least 10 weeks and don't change the dose. pick one dose and just go for minimum 10 weeks with it. I'd drop the winny but if you really want to run it then run it from week 8-13 so it ends when the sust ends and then start pct.

  3. #3
    hckykrt91 is offline Associate Member
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    you should run teh sus for a atleast 12 weeks. and why not just shoot up EOD from the beginning

  4. #4
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    first ever? pin virgin? is this your first cycle? b/c if it is you are running too much

    don't run the hcg for pct, run the sust at least 10 weeks and don't change the dose. pick one dose and just go for minimum 10 weeks with it. I'd drop the winny but if you really want to run it then run it from week 8-13 so it ends when the sust ends and then start pct.

    do you think it would be better to do 250 2 times a week, or 125 EOD? and for 14 weeks? with my winy ending two weeks after sust then start PCT?

    I want the most that this cycle will give me

  5. #5
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    is it your first cycle or not? then we can guide you a little more accurately.

  6. #6
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    yeah, it's my first

  7. #7
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    Then you are running way to much gear. If you are set on sust. And aren't willing to inject eod then I'd just run 500mg/week with 2 injections per week. Now a lot of people are going to disagree with me talking about how the short esters are wasted doing it this way. And for all intents and purposes they are correct. However, it doesn't mean you won't make gains provided you know how to eat and train.

    Sust has yielded hundreds of people 20lbs+ in 10 weeks with only 2 injections per week so for your first cycle that is what I would recommend.

    Now here is some extra advice:

    1)Drop the winny completely and save it for another cycle

    2)Drop the hcg you won't need it (at least you won't need it if your cycle is only 10 weeks) if you choose to run a longer cycle it would be a good idea to run it towards the end but not into pct

    3)The clomid you can run a number of ways. If you are only running 50mg then I'd run it throughout the entire cycle. If you aren't going to do that then try the typical 300/100/50 approach. But personally I don't care for that method much at all. I prefer the 50mg/day

    4)Understand that there is more than one proper way to cycle these compounds. Everybody and their grandmother has an opinion and most are valid. The ONLY way you will get down the 'right' way to do this is by experiencing it for yourself. Over time you'll adjust what people tell you and what you read to fit your body because we are all different.

    good luck man

  8. #8
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    I'm perfectly okay with injecting EOD

    so should I do it 125 EOD, I could run it for upto 15 weeks

    when SHOULD I do HGC if I want to?

    is that 300/100/50 ED or EW?

  9. #9
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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  10. #10
    KidProspect is offline New Member
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    Hey Symatech, im also thinking about the sust for 10 weeks. Is there anything I should take to prevent estrogen and those side effects. This is also gonna be my first cycle and I dont know what to expect from the side effects of sust. Thanks for the help

  11. #11
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    no thread stealing

  12. #12
    KidProspect is offline New Member
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    my bad man i didnt kno.....

  13. #13
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    shoot the sust evryday!!!! If you want to get the most out of the cycle!

  14. #14
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    bump, need more opinions!

  15. #15
    msu16366's Avatar
    msu16366 is offline Member
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    I have been taking .75 cc's eod which nets out to about 630mg a week. I am on day 28 and starting to feel it. I am up about 7 lbs so far, could be from the d bol though.

  16. #16
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    alright, I've taken my second shot

    Injected into my tri with my slin pins again... my syringes are taking forever to get here
    After removing the pin, a drop of blood came out, nothing to be worried about as I did aspirate

    I feel grrrreat, my left tri is feeling sore a little, probably just because I'm not used to injecting... I've had under 10 needles in MY LIFE :P

    Worked my back/tris yesterday, felt amazing... I felt like a champ I didn't want to stop

    I've changed my cycle a bit from what's above

    week 1 - 14 = sustanon 250 @ 125mg/EOD
    week 10-16 = Winny @ 20mg/ED
    week 16-18 = PCT with Clomid and Nolva

    Nolva @ 10 mg/ED for the entire cycle

    I'm switching up my workouts on Monday, gonna veer towards working out 5 days but separating my pushes/pulls/legs/arms should be good

  17. #17
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    BTW, I'm 170 lbs now, I've gained 15 lbs since I started bulking 2 months ago (most was muscle memory, as I dropped 60 lbs over the past 7 months)

  18. #18
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    and week 14-20 I'm running clen

  19. #19
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    bump, gimme critiques!

  20. #20
    bvanderwerff is offline Associate Member
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    The third shot went well, I got my **** in the mail.... 25 felt so much quicker goin' in than the 29s.... especially since I"m injecting sust

    it was painless, right in the bum... my first shot I could still feel it for 2 days afterwards

    I love this... my muscles feel full, I feel like an animal in the gym, and I've just got an all around better view of myself

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