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  1. #1
    Jack84 is offline New Member
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    Post Beginner cycle for a person with very low fat %

    Hi guys

    I have trained hard for about 5 years now, but I just can't gain mass! My body fat % is only 3, and I have tried almost everything. (wheigtgainer, serious diets etc.)

    I think I whould start my first (mild) cycle, but what steriod should I go after?

    I have read allot about anavar , winstrol and Primobolan Depot, and they sounds great because the side effect are minimal (I prefer).

    But which whould be best for me? and are there other product there whould be better for me?

    My goal is 15- 20 pounds

    Hope you can help me


  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    bro what are your stat's ?? height weight age

  3. #3
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack84
    Hi guys

    I have trained hard for about 5 years now, but I just can't gain mass! My body fat % is only 3, and I have tried almost everything. (wheigtgainer, serious diets etc.)

    I think I whould start my first (mild) cycle, but what steriod should I go after?

    I have read allot about anavar , winstrol and Primobolan Depot, and they sounds great because the side effect are minimal (I prefer).

    But which whould be best for me? and are there other product there whould be better for me?

    My goal is 15- 20 pounds

    Hope you can help me

    What's your diet like. I know that it's probably not the answer you want but all the gear in the world won't matter if your eating like poo-poo.

  4. #4
    Jack84 is offline New Member
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    here is my stats

    Wheigt 73 kilo (160 pounds)
    height 180 cm (5.9 feets)

    Diet: very normal I think

    breakfast: Müsli
    Lunch: salat, rye bread with different cold meat etc.
    dinner: chiken, fish, beef with potatoes, salat, pasta.

    extra: fruits, raisens, nuts

  5. #5
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    that diet is not good at all for someone wanting to gain weight. You should be eating between 6-8 times a day, not 3 and you are not anywhere near getting enough protein to build muscle. To gain weight, you need to consume at least 1.5 grams of protein per lb of body weight. You should be consuming at least 250 grams of protein a day. Here's a good example of a bulking diet

    I would really work on improving your diet before taking steroids . Without proper diet you wont get much from gear.

  6. #6
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    that diet is not good at all for someone wanting to gain weight. You should be eating between 6-8 times a day, not 3 and you are not anywhere near getting enough protein to build muscle. To gain weight, you need to consume at least 1.5 grams of protein per lb of body weight. You should be consuming at least 250 grams of protein a day. Here's a good example of a bulking diet

    I would really work on improving your diet before taking steroids. Without proper diet you wont get much from gear.

    good thread bro

    i would take a look at this before taking any anabolic 's

  7. #7
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    3% is low mate,perhaps too low?

  8. #8
    Jack84 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the answers guys

    But the only problem with so many meals is that Im very busy. But I will give it a try.

    can I combine the diet with for examble Anavar or Winstrol ?

  9. #9
    TonyM's Avatar
    TonyM is offline Junior Member
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    Seriously bud, the diest is they key, sort that out before looking at gear, your gains will be 100% better with a descent diet.

    Good luck!

  10. #10
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
    ***xxx*** is offline Anabolic Member
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    ur diet sucks big time. go to the diet section, read the buling sticky. u don t need juice!

  11. #11
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack84
    thanks for the answers guys

    But the only problem with so many meals is that Im very busy. But I will give it a try.

    can I combine the diet with for examble Anavar or Winstrol?
    you have to learn how to make time to eat. Saying youre too busy is just an excuse. A good majority of people on here have very busy lives too and a lot of them make the time to eat. Without proper diet, taking steroids is really a waste

  12. #12
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    With your diet adjusted properly and your training sufficiently intense, you will make a lot of gains naturally. You could do a cycle and gain 10 lbs as you fiddle with your diet and end up spending all that money to become 170 lbs and then watch 5 lbs disappear over the next two months. OR, you could get your act together, gain 20 lbs over the next year naturally, then do a cycle and gain who knows... maybe 15 or 20 lbs of quality mass, end end up at 200lbs. It is a no-brainer, to me. If you are not near your natural peak, you are wasting gear getting the same gains you could get without it. If you want the best bang for the buck, start out with the best possible platform of quality muscle first. Also the knowledge that you will have to acquire and the lifestyle habits that you will have to pick up will help you when you cycle, and you will not lose as much of your new gains when you go off.

  13. #13
    fhorst's Avatar
    fhorst is offline Associate Member
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    by only using D-bol, I started to gain pounds. I am eating like 6000 calories per day, but prior to the D-bol, I did not gain a bit. I use low dosage (3 x 5 mg) and, as long as it works for me, it's OK.

    I don't know for you, but I am a "hard gainer" also. I'm switching to use also sust and test-e, to keep the gains I make with D-bol.

    Time will tell if it's my lifestyle / diet, or my original metabolism.
    If I keep the gains, I'm happy If I lose them, I'm still happy as I know now that with a bit of help, I can gain!

    And for me, a key factor is rest and diet.

    Good luck! first boost your diet, adjust your training to low reps, high load. If that still does not give the results....... well.... D-Bol works for me..

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