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  1. #1
    DAMNSIDES! is offline New Member
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    why dont pro BBers have backne??

    Why dont pro BBers have backne from all the shit THEY take?? Yet I just do one cycle of test twice a week and .......BAM!!! my back and shoulders are disgusting?!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I think the biggest reason is most are on year round and their test levels are more stable. Another thing I've heard is GH cleans your skin up a little, not sure how true. And they have had so much of it, that the scarring actually looks like its naturally part of the skin when its tan. Thats my take on it, maybe accutane too

  3. #3
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    i dont get backne,think most of its down to the individual.

  4. #4
    Jsik98's Avatar
    Jsik98 is offline Member
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    I also think it has to do with the fact that we only see them at contests and at guest appearences (or pictures from those events) , so who knows if they have acne during off season when usually they do large amounts of test? You really think they stay on all the time?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsik98
    I also think it has to do with the fact that we only see them at contests and at guest appearences (or pictures from those events) , so who knows if they have acne during off season when usually they do large amounts of test? You really think they stay on all the time?
    **** yeah it's all the time, you know just how many amateurs are on all the time? Most definitely, too many photo shoots, guest appearances, shows not to be on all the time.

  6. #6
    Jsik98's Avatar
    Jsik98 is offline Member
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    That's fukcin crazy if they are. That should be restated : They're fukcin crazy if they are!

  7. #7
    jo150 is offline Associate Member
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    bb's are disgusting. when a person gets that big they have taken it too far... they are all bald and die young. hope I don't get addicted! lol

  8. #8
    jo150 is offline Associate Member
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    what is GH?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jo150
    bb's are disgusting. when a person gets that big they have taken it too far... they are all bald and die young. hope I don't get addicted! lol
    Who has dropped out lately?? Just curious to know. GH means growth hormone

  10. #10
    Liftgod84's Avatar
    Liftgod84 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jo150
    what is GH?
    Growth Hormone . And to be honest, in the scheme of things, some of those guys aren't as big as some guys I know who I compete and train with in strongman. My friend Carl. . .Lt. Carl James, US Army Reserve. He is 6'9". . . 385lbs, and I sh*t you not, 9% bf. He is an animal. He sells cars for a living. Nice Guy too.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftgod84
    Growth Hormone. And to be honest, in the scheme of things, some of those guys aren't as big as some guys I know who I compete and train with in strongman. My friend Carl. . .Lt. Carl James, US Army Reserve. He is 6'9". . . 385lbs, and I sh*t you not, 9% bf. He is an animal. He sells cars for a living. Nice Guy too.
    290 at 4% at 5'10" looks alot bigger than 6'9", 385 at 9%. Just the difference in height alone will throw 100 lbs on somebody of that size.

  12. #12
    Governor's Avatar
    Governor is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsik98
    I also think it has to do with the fact that we only see them at contests and at guest appearences (or pictures from those events) , so who knows if they have acne during off season when usually they do large amounts of test? You really think they stay on all the time?

    correct, but it is also individual.

    There are plenty of pics of Dorian that Ive seen that his bacne is ****ing gross.

    I also saw dexter up close at a show a few years ago and his back was scarred up from acne.

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