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  1. #1
    Anonymous_post is offline New Member
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    Trying to gain mass

    Hello everyone i'm about to start my first "un-natural" body building attempt.

    I'm 6'1 140lbs. and working out on my own isn't enough.. I'm on a high protien diet and still no results. research on methods of body building has proven useless as everyone wants to market their product so here's the best boost i can come up with

    any opinoins or comments would be appreciated
    (positive input only please)

    the passed 3 months my every other day work out has been:
    1-3 hours basketball
    lift till the shit don't move
    30 mins steam room

  2. #2
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    save yer money bro, ya dont want that shit

    what are your goals specifically? whats yer age? if you are playin a lot of bball you may be doign too much cardiovascular activity to be in a state of optimum muscular growth. as for the "lift till the shit dont move" approach, i dont think it is a very good idea to literally lift until you cant move that bodypart. stick around here, do some searchin and learn as much as possible. Ive only benn here a little while and I have learned A LOT.
    Last edited by guest589745; 08-17-2005 at 01:40 AM.

  3. #3
    Anonymous_post is offline New Member
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    what then

    what do you think i should try.. i don't wanna "shock" my system and do any serious damage

  4. #4
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    1-3 hours basketball EOD. No wonder you are having trouble gaining weight.

  5. #5
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Well, what is your diet like? amounts of protein carbs etc? If you want to gain as much muscle as possible, i would say **** the bball. you need to eat about 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight roughly if you want to gain mass. buy some type of protein supp., go to the grocery store and buy some oatmeal, chicken, milk, lean beef and fruits and veggies and start eating. stick to compound movements like bench, deadlift, squat at first. a begginers routine might be mon, wed, fri. dont go more than 45-1 hour workouts IMO. you can honestly learn more if you do a search or just read in the different forums here, than me telling you what to do. I am not as knowledgable as some others here. but dont give up. I really think the 3 hrs of bball is killin ya.

  6. #6
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous_post
    what do you think i should try.. i don't wanna "shock" my system and do any serious damage
    this SHOCK you speak of is just a term often used by lifters more accustomed to lifting than lets say, you perhaps. It is when someone who has adapted to their current training program, wishes to "shock" their muscles by doing something completely new in an attempt to stimulate new growth. I am not very sure you can literally "shock" your muscles though, it is just a term as I said. You cant be afraid to lift, to avoid "doing any serious damage". sometimes you have to know what is too much, to know what is enough. Dont be afraid of doing damage, if you have a high caloric (protein/low gi carbs mainly and essential fats) diet and a lifting regimen that is not overdoing it, you will do more good than harm IMO.

  7. #7
    Anonymous_post is offline New Member
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    The basket ball is more to work on my overall co-ordination and speed. It seems like a nice warm-up though...

    I'm not a serious body-builder but i'm looking for a light-moderate boost on muscle gain

    i have no "set" diet i just eat every peice of meat in the fridge when i see it

  8. #8
    Anonymous_post is offline New Member
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    anyway, i'm gonna try a cycle of it any way its only 30 bucks out of my pocket and if it helps me get the extra 5 inches i need on my vertical i'm set, if not then its just money i spent to help give me an incentive to train harder...

  9. #9
    Slic4788 is offline Associate Member
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    Should leave out basketball. It's going to make it harder.

    And diet, you HAVE to eat 6-8 meals a day of atleast 400 calories, totaling atleast 3000-3500cals.

    And 'a lot' of protein is like 60 grams of protein for some people. You need to get in atleast 160-200 grams of protein for your weight.

    Lastly, record what you eat. I thought I was eating a lot too when I first started. But it was only around 2000 cals, when I recorded everything.

  10. #10
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous_post
    anyway, i'm gonna try a cycle of it any way its only 30 bucks out of my pocket and if it helps me get the extra 5 inches i need on my vertical i'm set, if not then its just money i spent to help give me an incentive to train harder...

    what kind of cycle costs $30.00? you are throwing your money away.

  11. #11
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    city of brotherly love
    3HRS OF B-BALL??'ll never gain an ounce







  12. #12
    Anonymous_post is offline New Member
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    alright, i'm gonna go from a 2 mile run straight to lifting since you all think basket ball is such a waste of time. I'm in the process of doing nutrition research, what i really need to know is what to order. I've never used anything before but so i don't wanna start doing anything that needs an expierenced builder... and input would be nice

    thanks in advance

  13. #13
    Wrestlingkompressor's Avatar
    Wrestlingkompressor is offline Associate Member
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    you need to RESEARCH at 140lbs, you're not even done tapping your natural growth limit. Running 2 hours AFTER lifting is a bad idea, before you even start thinking of jucing learn how to lift and learn the basics of nutrition. Then after about 2-3 years come back.

  14. #14
    Anonymous_post is offline New Member
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    well tryouts are in 6 months so 2-3 years isn't an option and niether is faliure

  15. #15
    keltiktiger is offline Junior Member
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    I hear ya bro about some guys on here not being too helpful with offering advice - sometimes it even verges on bullying! Anyhews I cut and pasted this as I just offered this same advice in another thread;

    I would use Creatine, Glutamine, Nitro Oxide (sometimes get all three in one supplement) and a good low carb protein like Isopure and get to the gym at least 5 times a week. I had good results with some over the counter anti-aromostose testosterone boosters (which could just have been pyschological but I do know I gained a lot of muscle and was horny as hell!!)- Vit B6 as I've learnt on this forum would be a good cheap and safe antedote to take with anything that messes around with your test levels.

    I would also start concentrating on one or 2 body parts per workout rather than the full body workouts I suspect you fit into your bi-weekly excursions to the gym.

    Sounds like you're looking for a quick fix short cut and bottomline even with the best steroids you might as well inject rats piss if you only workout twice a week & don't ingest enough protein!

    Once you have been working out 5 times a week for at least a year taking good over the counter supplements and eatting right then perhaps you might be ready to proceed to roids or even decide you don't need them (yet).

    Also don't forget that you are an athlete and weigh up what is more important - being light and agile on the basketball court or pumped up like a juiced-out linebacker?

  16. #16
    keltiktiger is offline Junior Member
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    I was supportive before but now I'm taking that back as I detect a tinge of dramatics here!

    what has tryouts in 6 months got to do with it? For basketball? You either have it on the court or you don't already and big pumped up muscles aren't really gonna help you catch that ball, bounce it around your opponent or get it in the hoop - now is it? For any cardio-dependent sport such as soccer, basketball, hockey most steroids really don't help & from what you say you want to build mass & mass building steroids really won't help you for these tryouts - period!

    As for failure not being an option.....well as I said u either have it or you haven't and if dope testing is part of these try-outs then failure may very well be an option!

  17. #17
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous_post
    alright, i'm gonna go from a 2 mile run straight to lifting since you all think basket ball is such a waste of time.
    I doubt anyone thinks basketball is a waste of time. What I do think is: that much cardiovascular exercise is extremely detrimental to building muscle mass.

  18. #18
    str8cubano is offline Junior Member
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    sorry to break it to you...but down the line you will have to make a or weights and was the same choice for me, I chose weights..sure I can't dribble downt he court anymore...but thats 100lbs later. If I wanted to, I could keep playing ball 1nce a week to keep up..but its too hard for me. So I made my choice. Cardio will burn calories. You need all the calories in the world to gain mass.

  19. #19
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Cut back on the cardio- way back and eat at the least 3000 calories a day and start lifting correctly.

  20. #20
    CrunchyWhyte000 is offline New Member
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    Im on the same boat as you brother, a year ago I was 19 and 6'1 and 154 pounds. I started workin out hard about 3 months ago and put on a solid 15 pounds of muscle mass without juicing. Im still a thin guy but im getting there, First thing I did was watch how I ate, Protein is most important, If your diet doesn't have much protein buy some at Wal-Mart its like 12 bucks for 10 days worth of 60 grams of protein. Don't overwork your muscles they need time to grow work out 4 or 5 days out of the week. when you come back youll feel stronger than ever, also I wouldn't invest in creatine, It sucks to drink and it didn't really do much for me just a little bit of fat on my chest. Also mabye take a trip to GNC and pick up some weight gainer. Heavy weights at low reps would be better to if your looking to increase your mass. If you can do more than 10 reps you need to put some more weight on the bar. Hit a pool also if you have one you can access. See what you can do naturally before juicing.

  21. #21
    Anonymous_post is offline New Member
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    before i go with crunchy's idea i was hopin somone else might post that they agree with him, no offense buddy but i did read some shit i thought made sense but everyone else said was the stupidest shit they've ever heard

  22. #22
    Lucifer1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous_post
    before i go with crunchy's idea i was hopin somone else might post that they agree with him, no offense buddy but i did read some shit i thought made sense but everyone else said was the stupidest shit they've ever heard
    I agree on the fact that you should not be using AS at 140lbs up your calories and cut all of the basketball. Maybe once or twice a week but not everyday. Its doing you no good. If you want size you have to eat. IMO

  23. #23
    schico28's Avatar
    schico28 is offline Junior Member
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    If you whant to add some lbs with supplementation try Cell tech it worked for me I add like 10lbs in two months just drink a chet load of water.

  24. #24
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by schico28
    If you whant to add some lbs with supplementation try Cell tech it worked for me I add like 10lbs in two months just drink a chet load of water.
    dont buy cell tech, buy MEAT.

  25. #25
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Weight gain in and of itself is nothing more than a simple exercise in arithmetic. Weight gain or loss is proportional to the difference between calories in (food) and calories out (physical activity). So you must EITHER:

    Reduce your physical activity... no bball or running. OR
    Increase your food intake.

    Both would be better. It is simple arithmetic. You can't just get mass out of thin air, even with gear. In fact, on gear you need to eat even MORE!

    How many times a day do you eat, and how many calories do you consume in a day? Your maintenance level could easily be as high as 5000, which means that anything less than that will cause you to lose weight and anything over will cause you to gain. But you only know your exact maintenance level if you count calories and keep bumping them up until you find the point where you begin to gain weight. Be warned... if you are eating enough, you will probably be shitting 4 times a day or even more.

    All hardgainers are essentially the same. They do not take in enough calories to supply the needs of their basic metabolism and their level of physical activity. You can talk about cortisol or T3 or blame it on anything else, but in the final analysis, simply eating more and more and more until you find the amount you need to gain, is the way to do this. Don't think you are special. If I played bball 3 hours a day and ran, even at my age I would probably have to double my calorie intake.

    Here's your homework:
    find out the total calories and total fat in
    A 16 oz steak
    A dozen eggs
    A 1/2 lb filet of frozen or fresh tuna
    A pint of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream
    count how many calories you consume tomorrow, and how many grams of protein. NOT how many grams of food or powder that contain protein, but how many actual grams of protein are in your food.

    Until you do all this, nobody will be able to make a believer out of you.

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    NO "Thank You" PMs, please.
    PMs are for personal or sensitive questions or information, or for stuff that is not allowed to be posted on the board.
    Inappropriate PMs will not be read or acknowledged. Repeated reporters will be offended.
    -The Baron-

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