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Thread: Clen and PCT

  1. #1
    Taurus is offline Member
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    Clen and PCT

    I am on my Superdrol PCT cosisting of:

    clomid 300/100/50
    nolv 50/50/25

    has anyone continued the use of clen after the 3 week pct for the full 6 weeks with benadryl on the the third week? if not, then why not?

  2. #2
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    clen is supposed to have some anti-catabolic properties so if your diet is good for PCT...I would say run it.

    You just don't want any reason not to eat or train during PCT.

    Clen made me hungry as sh*t and want to train so as long as you keep intensity should be fine.

  3. #3
    Taurus is offline Member
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    my diet is clean, but i'm just askin... i know clen is used on pct to allow one to keep the caloric intake high without gaining much fat... but has anyone run the clen over and beyond pct for the further 3 week period to complete the 6 weeks of clen? or will it be too much for the heart to take seeing as though steroid were run beforehand?

  4. #4
    Taurus is offline Member
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  5. #5
    CRUISECONTROL is offline Post Whore Extraordinaire Cruising On Autopilot
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    clen can be ran straight through to week 6 by taking benadryl every third week for a week at 50-100mg every night

  6. #6
    Taurus is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CRUISECONTROL
    clen can be ran straight through to week 6 by taking benadryl every third week for a week at 50-100mg every night
    is there any point of running it for the full 6 weeks or should i jus wait and do a full 6 week cycle later on? or does it make no difference when i do it? i have never read of anyone going through with the full 6 weeks after 3 weeks of pct... why is that?

  7. #7
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    if u wanna get rid of more fat and keep a high metabolism rate, yes u can keep on Clen for 6 weeks (the effectiveness is decreased slowly). plus it'll help keep most of ur gains by minimizing the catabolic side effects.

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