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  1. #1
    RobertStapp is offline New Member
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    Starting Steroids. What Do I Do?

    Hey everyone. My name is Rob and I want to start using steroids to get bigger and stronger. I work out maybe 2 a week. Do I need to start working out more befor I start or does it matter? I have never done them so I really dont know what to us or how to start. I would like to use oral pills rather than injecting. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks Rob

  2. #2
    fballhoss51's Avatar
    fballhoss51 is offline Senior Member
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    u shouldnt use steroids just to get big if ur not ready, u should use them after uved reached your natural peak after a certain age, u should also stay away from oral only cycles, b/c they are crap, u need testosterone in all of ur cycles, u need to have a solid work out plan, diet and base(Body) to begin steroids

    what are your stats(heigh weight bf%)

  3. #3
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    welcome bro

  4. #4
    Spyder's Avatar
    Spyder is offline Member
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    Welcome Rob, on this site you will find alot of useful information you will need before you should even consider anabolic steroids . I would recommend in your spare time that you recearch the following very thoroughly, diet, training, steroid profiles, steroid side effects, post cycle therapy (PCT), novice cycles, injecting. You can find links to all this information on the front page of the site. This will help you decide whether you are ready or not, and make an informed decision.

  5. #5
    305GUY's Avatar
    305GUY is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertStapp
    Hey everyone. My name is Rob and I want to start using steroids to get bigger and stronger. I work out maybe 2 a week. Do I need to start working out more befor I start or does it matter? I have never done them so I really dont know what to us or how to start. I would like to use oral pills rather than injecting. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks Rob
    Your going to hear a lot of good advice telling you that you are not ready to use steroids and you need to research like crazy things like diet/exercise/etc. I recommend listening to everything these guys are going to tell you because its all true.

  6. #6
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Give us your stats for sure. And do research. Also get serious about going to the gym and go more than twice per week and you will get bigger that way. Just by reading ur post alone I know ur not ready for AAS.


  7. #7
    grimnlock's Avatar
    grimnlock is offline Associate Member
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    This is gonna be an interesting topic

    Anyways... listen to these bro's...
    They'll give u good sound advice...
    My advice is... listen to them...
    Do some research on diet, workouts and...
    proper use of gear, PCT and its benifits...

    Stuff like this will help u out more than u think
    it can... i started off knowin squat...
    Through months of research... nearly a year later...
    I had some decent knowledge on juicing...
    Hell i'm still learnin...
    Happy researching & Good luck bro!!


  8. #8
    RobertStapp is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys for all the good advice. I have already done a lot of research and understand all the side affects and what not. My stats are as follows:
    5' I will continue to hit the gym more often. Do any of you have any good work out plans that I could use to start out with?

  9. #9
    BIG RIG 47 is offline Junior Member
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    You will learn alot from this site on what to use and how to cycel it but as already posted you have along time to wait before you should even consider using ass. Start off tranning more frequently then 2 times a week get your diet in check and send us your stats of weight and bodyfat and hieght so we now if you should be bulking up or cutting down. Welcome to the best site going.

  10. #10
    mizuno is offline Junior Member
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    yeah im sure that wasnt the news or advice u wanted to hear but its all true. good luck with everything. as far as workouts go there is a whole section about that on this board. u can learn some good things from there as well. keep doing ur research. check out the steriod profiles pages as well that has some of the best information.

  11. #11
    grimnlock's Avatar
    grimnlock is offline Associate Member
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    Look into proper diet...
    Without proper dietry intake and consistant training ure
    headin down a dead end... ure not gonna grow...
    so pls look into that...
    Remember ure PCT!!!

  12. #12
    Spyder's Avatar
    Spyder is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertStapp
    Thanks guys for all the good advice. I have already done a lot of research and understand all the side affects and what not. My stats are as follows:
    5' I will continue to hit the gym more often. Do any of you have any good work out plans that I could use to start out with?
    Go to the workout forum, there is an abundance of workout information. I don't mean to be rude but i don't believe that you have done your research and understand all the side effects and what not. Please, for your own good spend atleast a few more months researching before you hurt yourself.

  13. #13
    Spyder's Avatar
    Spyder is offline Member
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    How old are you anyway?

  14. #14
    RobertStapp is offline New Member
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    Spyder and everone. Thank you for your support and feedback. I am 23 and I have been researching this for about 2-3 months. I understand all of the side effects and problems that could stem from usage. Any ideas on products as far as supplements to use to get ready for ass? I mean if i work out and use proper diet and supplements i might get the way i want to look from that and not have to use ass.

  15. #15
    8-MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertStapp
    Thanks guys for all the good advice. I have already done a lot of research and understand all the side affects and what not. My stats are as follows:
    5' I will continue to hit the gym more often. Do any of you have any good work out plans that I could use to start out with?
    Yeah man, no offense but you do not sound ready. Do some thorough searching on this board about diet and nutrition (go to the diet forum).

    After you have that squared away (because it is most important) you should check out the workout forums to get help on a proper workout. Use core lifts that will stimulate the most growth (squats, bench, pull-ups, ect).

    Then go check out the steroid profiles and see what compund can help you acheive your goals. The profiles will tell you about dosages, side effects, and other good stuff.

    I know that you want to jump into this as soon as possible because it is exciting to see your body change, but to tell you the truth, your body won't change very much at all with out all of these things in line. Steroids will not do it all. Diet and workout are by far more important. Take it from someone who has made your mistake before. You will be much happier with your gains if you do as advised by me and the other bros on here.

  16. #16
    CrispyHaole is offline Associate Member
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    Your 175. DOnt even worry about supps yet. Go directly to the diet forum, do not pass go, do not collect $200. When your diet is in order, go directly to the training forum, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Train and diet properly for 1 year. Then come back here and ask about supps and gear.

  17. #17
    keltiktiger is offline Junior Member
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    I would use Creatine, Glutamine, Nitro Oxide (sometimes get all three in one supplement) and a good low carb protein like Isopure and get to the gym at least 5 times a week. I had good results with some over the counter anti-aromostose testosterone boosters (which could just have been pyschological but I do know I gained a lot of muscle and was horny as hell!!)- Vit B6 as I've learnt on this forum would be a good cheap and safe antedote to take with anything that messes around with your test levels.

    I would also start concentrating on one or 2 body parts per workout rather than the full body workouts I suspect you fit into your bi-weekly excursions to the gym.

    Sounds like you're looking for a quick fix short cut and bottomline even with the best steroids you might as well inject rats piss if you only workout twice a week & don't ingest enough protein!

    Once you have been working out 5 times a week for at least a year taking good over the counter supplements and eatting rightthen perhaps you might be ready to proceed to roids or even decide you don't need them (yet).

  18. #18
    beefjr22 is offline Banned
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    For supps Creatine always gets the job done for first timers and lots of FOOD and protien

    Your work outs definately need to go more than twice a week

    Start off begginin of week with legs ...... squats, dead lifts, leg curls, leg exstensions, calf raises, lunges
    I always do Chest and tris next day
    then Back and Bis
    Shoulders/forearms ... light bi/tri if i feel like it
    then start it over
    at 15% bf you probably want to add some cardio in there jmo
    dont touch steriods yet untill u have a good natural starting may seem like the easy way out but listen to these guys and wait, you'll beglad you did

  19. #19
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    not ready.. read, research, ask questions.. focus on your diet and rest

  20. #20
    Smak is offline AR's Midget Beater
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    You'll realize you're ready when your not afraid of needles.

  21. #21
    RobertStapp is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the great advice. I will start to diet and train alot more. Im sure all of you know alot more than me. I just though because i already have a lot of muscle ass was the way to get bigger. I was totally wrong. I will diet better and train more and then see if ass is the answer.

  22. #22
    diezell's Avatar
    diezell is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertStapp
    Spyder and everone. Thank you for your support and feedback. I am 23 and I have been researching this for about 2-3 months. I understand all of the side effects and problems that could stem from usage. Any ideas on products as far as supplements to use to get ready for ass? I mean if i work out and use proper diet and supplements i might get the way i want to look from that and not have to use ass.

    how come in youre profile it says that you are born in 85 that would make you just turning 20, no matter what youre age is be prepared to stick youreself with a needle and hang around this board for awhile, dont make any drastic decisions. welcome to the board

  23. #23
    SprinterOne's Avatar
    SprinterOne is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertStapp
    Hey everyone. My name is Rob and I want to start using steroids to get bigger and stronger. I work out maybe 2 a week. Do I need to start working out more befor I start or does it matter? I have never done them so I really dont know what to us or how to start. I would like to use oral pills rather than injecting. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks Rob
    Well, it's obvious you're not ready to start, you've got a lot to learn. Luckily, you are at the right place. Read a lot, ask questions and soon you will be ready.

  24. #24
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertStapp
    I just though because i already have a lot of muscle ass was the way to get bigger.
    Ass won't get you bigger. It's a good lay, yes, but does nothing for growth.

    Now to be serious:

    No offense, but at 175 lbs. and your height, I wouldn't consider that "a lot".

    I know we all have our own ideas about what "a lot" is, but this is my way of saying you ain't ready.


  25. #25
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Give us your stats for sure. And do research. Also get serious about going to the gym and go more than twice per week and you will get bigger that way. Just by reading ur post alone I know ur not ready for AAS.


    do more research first bro.....

  26. #26
    Smak is offline AR's Midget Beater
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Ass won't get you bigger. It's a good lay, yes, but does nothing for growth.

    Now to be serious:

    No offense, but at 175 lbs. and your height, I wouldn't consider that "a lot".

    I know we all have our own ideas about what "a lot" is, but this is my way of saying you ain't ready.


  27. #27
    lfrisbee's Avatar
    lfrisbee is offline Associate Member
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    I was thinking the same thing as SC... I'll second third and fourth everyone's opinions here... not to sound like a broken record, but for your health and safety hit up the diet and training at least 4/5 days a week. You should be able to cut down to 11/12% naturally and put on another 15 pounds with diet and training locked down.

    My advice would be to just hang around the board and read peoples questions and the answers to them. As for now, you're not ready. More research!

    Good luck to you.

  28. #28
    Lucifer1 is offline Junior Member
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    Research, Research, Research...thats the most important thing

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