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05-14-2002, 03:21 PM #41
Well just me being on AR should give you a clue as to what I might do, I'm currently on a lifting program specifically for hard gainers, I just started it, im actually comming off sitting on my ass for 2 months so ill let you guys now how its working.
I know metabolism is part of your genetics, but your metabolism can be changed by your diet or just getting older. Your genetic code is your genetic code, overall that cant be changed. Dont worry, no bubble bursted
05-14-2002, 04:54 PM #42
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jamotech check out my thread "hardgainers part 2 the skinny bastard diet" it's a good article give it a shot.
11-22-2003, 01:37 PM #43
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i am also an hardgainer...
i caanot pu weight on..
i train heavy and right
eat load 4000kcals per day
do everythink right...
surly there must be somethink else i can do 2 gain and keep what i gain..
are roids a waste a time for myself ..
yes i will gain but my body will not keep what i gain.....
this is what happened when i did sus/ deca / clomid
11-22-2003, 02:59 PM #44
asking if hardgainers really exist is like asking if the opposite (endomorphs) really have trouble losing not fat and i wouldnt make a comment like "they could lose the fat easily, they are just lazy" cause i havent been in their shoes and dont know how difficult it is for them to lose the weight. the answer is yes they do exist and thats not just an opinion....its scientific fact that some people have higher then normal levels or myostatin which is what limits muscle growth of new fibers and cells....thus making them "hardgainers"
Last edited by Khull_Khuum; 11-22-2003 at 03:30 PM.
11-23-2003, 12:25 AM #45
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i am new here so HOWDY!
i thought i would chime in here so here goes
every one is different--metabolic rate, hormone levels, receptor levels, blah blah
however anyone can add muscle--some easier than others but buy working smarter instead of harder all things can be pretty close to equal
when i was 18 i started working out--i was 5'6" and weighed 95#---started working out with old powerlifters at YMCA--at 20 1 weighd 145--hit the juice--up to 185--went to boot camp--came out a flabby 150---bak to powerlifting--up to 203--drug free---played with some more juice--upto 210--took a hiatus for three years--215--drug free--last year hit some fina--222#--got some dirty 4AD and septicemia--1 year layoff--down to---well to damn small--back to the gym for 6 months this year---210# and climbing today
i could bench 315 and squat 315 for 12 reps at 145# before i started juice---on fina at 222--my bench was 442 and squat 650--i am not the biggest guy in the world nor am i the strongest--but i did gain 127pounds--increasing my bodyweight by 130%
if you want to grow big you have to lift big--eat big-sleep big
i see people here complaining about eating 4000 calories---for me that is merely a maintainance intake--i would kill to be able to gain 10 pounds a year eating only 4000 calories---in order to grow i need to be above 5000--and i am only now 5'7"---now think about what you could possibly need if your a skinny 6'3"--5500??---maybe 6000?
a long time ago i discovered flax seed oil and started drinking it--but it was expensive so i started rotating it with olive or canola--currently i consume several ounces of oil aday---BUT GUESS WHAT--i discovered there is a whole community of people doing the same thing and growing
if you would like to be 250 then you will need to eat as much if not more than your avg 250 pounder would--start with 400-500 grams of protein--right there is 2000 calories--next lets balance that with an equal(caloricaly) amount of fat--roughly 250 grams--2000calories--thats your 4000 right there--now add 100 grams carbs in the day before training and at least 200 gramms after lifting--300 grams--1200 calories---now our total is 5200---methinks you should grow
when i first started out i would do low volume periodization routines--then a physical therapist turned me on to mike mentzer--lately i have been using a workout routine styled after DOGGCRAPP--but my best strength and size gains have always come when only working out ONLY 2 times a week and only 1-3 total worksets per muscle group
and POST CYCLE THERAPY is just as important as the cycle itself
if you cant grow--train less--but more intense--eat more--sleep more
you will grow
i have been reading here for a couple months and there are some smart muthers here--but i think the majority are kids typing in keyword searches on "anabolic " or "steroid "---not putting you down--but if i had known all the shit when i was young that i know know not only would i be a lot larger--but i could have spared my self a lot of disappointment over the years
i am not soliciting but if you are looking for diet or training info i think you should visit "the realm of doggcrap and ia" at and just read for a while--it will save me thousandths of hours extrapolating all this to you
11-23-2003, 01:18 PM #46
Eat more cals than you use = gain weight
Eat less cals than you use = lose weight
Thats life. Call you a hardgainer, hardloser, hardfatass, still applies
If you cant make gains (wether cutting or bulking) you diet or training needs work, PEROID.
2 examples. Typicall "hardgainer" 160 lbs guy. Cant seem to make gains. Come to find out hes already eating like a horse with a massive 4000 cals and trains 5x a week. ~Now give him 6000cals, switch to more basic core training 4x a week and mysterically he starts gaining weight...holy crap
Now the guy who cant lose weight. Eating very clean and does cardio. Drop his cals another 500 and double the cardio...and holy crap...he starts loosing more.
Believe me, IVe been there done that. AT one point in my life I swear Ive been in BOTH the above predicaments! It really is that simple, you can call yourself whatever you want but it doesnt change anything.
11-23-2003, 01:35 PM #47
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can i get an AMEN?!
11-23-2003, 02:42 PM #48
Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
Same holds true for the "hardgainer." Take all the weight gainer, creatine, juice, and andro you want...but unless your eating more cals than your consuming...your gonna remain the same weight you are.
For most people I guess its just easier said than done
11-23-2003, 03:02 PM #49
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The fitness industry wants everyone to believe that it's incredibly easy to QUICKLY change your body and that no one should have trouble doing it without steroids .
The truth is, most people are hardgainers--Yes, the majority of the population. Those that make fantastic transformations QUIKCLY have had a lot of assistance--either by having their faces pasted onto new bodies in advertisments or by using steroids.
Media touts that transformations can be made quickly. Unless you have the genetics or are using steroids, large gains in LEAN body mass (I'm not talking fat or water weight) is a long steady, arduous process when doing it naturally. How many people would have gym memberships if they were told frankly, "You too can become huge and muscular--it only takes 7 years of hard, steady work!"? I can almost hear the clicks of remote controls as Americans in unison change channels--running from the truth, toward a more reassuring commercial--A deep, distinguished, older voice of SKEWED reason saying, "The more you buy, the more you save when you use this credit card!"
There's an excellent book called Beyond Brawn by Stuart McRobert that goes into depth about hardgainers and what it really takes to build muscle. It's a wonderful resource.Last edited by BASK8KACE; 11-23-2003 at 04:47 PM.
11-23-2003, 03:43 PM #50
Hard gainer right here.
Body type depends on hormone profiles.
ectomorph (hardgainer) low testosterone . low GH, low IGF, low insulin , high cortisol, high Thyroids.
Mesomorph (jay cutler) high test, high gh, high IGF, moderate insulin, moderate thyroids, low cortisol.
endomorph (my roomate) moderate to high test, moderate to high GH and IGF, high to very high insulin, low cortisol, low thyroids.
11-23-2003, 04:50 PM #51
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I think body types depend on more than just hormone profiles. Is this your opinion or a fact that you read? (When you state opinions versus facts, you should make it clear to others so newbies will not be mislead.)
I'm a mesomorph, and my testosterone levels are naturally low.
If anyone is interested in more info on body types, you can do a search on the words: mesomorph, ectomorph and endomorph; you'll find a post of mine where I described each body type.Last edited by BASK8KACE; 11-24-2003 at 11:38 AM.
11-23-2003, 08:53 PM #52
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a couple of thoughts on this thread...i can definitely see the problem with a guy saying he is a hardgainer, can't gain weight no matter how much he eats, but runs around with a 6 pack year round. he obviously needs to get more calories. if u can't get that much from the foods you're eating now, find foods that have more concentrated calories so you can make it happen. FIND A WAY. but for the majority of us hardgainers, buliding muscle is hard, but making fat is easy. if your goal is to look/feel good, upping your calories enough to gain muscle quicker will make u very fat very fast. you spend all winter fat trying to gain muscle, you cut up for the summer and what have you gained? a pound and a half of quality muscle if you're lucky. for most hardgainers, simply adding calories will not give u the body u want.
11-24-2003, 12:05 AM #53
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Originally Posted by chrisAdams
yes there are 3 so called body types--however aside from thyroid fuction this analysis is way off
test levels vry from person to person as well as gh and insulin and has no bearing on body type--usually though the pattern is just the exact opposite for test as you describe--usually the skinnier the guy the highr the test levels--and the reason mesos get so big isnt necessarily a function of baseline GH but a function of above average estrogen levels which provide for an artificially elevated GH level
11-24-2003, 12:14 AM #54
once when i weighed 155 lbs, i put on 15 lbs naturally in a few months by eating 5000+ cals a day (plus working out an assload). let me tell you, it wasn't was fat. i didn't look good and people let me know it.
i finally couldn't stand the way i looked, so i "cut" and lost nearly all 15 lbs and was back at square one (plus some strength gains of course).
i'm sorry if i sound EXACTLY like the type of person who shouldn't be doing steroids , but i MUCH prefer juicing, eating semi NORMAL calories (like 3000 for me), and putting on good looking weight...
-- clocky
11-24-2003, 12:16 AM #55
Originally Posted by octagon
-- clocky
11-24-2003, 12:54 AM #56
i'll find the paper to back up my post. Might take a few days, but i'm going through files anyway, so what the hell.
11-24-2003, 10:23 AM #57
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i,m also a hardgainer, had done lots of things trying to get some weight,
the weird thing is that i lost 12lbs after my last cycle, did hcg follow by
clomid and lost all i work for, i guess i got frustrated i stop my workout
routine, here is the weird thing, i rested and eat real good and i gained
20lbs no bullshit, my goal now is to hit 190lbs then start workingout
again, i got to get rid off my beer bally, it got way bigger than my chest
no good, i gained size allover fat ofcourse...
11-24-2003, 11:10 AM #58
i think it's pretty obvious that some people have a harder time putting muscle on than other people, it's a matter of the grass is greener, people who are endomorphs look at hardgainers and say, damn wish i could eat what i want and look like you, and ectomorphs look at people like me and say, damn, wish i could gain as quickly as you do, we all have the same goal, it's just we have to take different paths to get there and that's how a lot of people get messed up, they take a path layed out by someone who has completely different genetics than themselves. I'm a classic endomorph, so it would be pretty stupid for me to eat 5000 calories a day to get cut up, my lifting partner is a classic ectomorph, so he's trying to eat at least 5000 calories a day, same thing for aas, he's popping dbol and anadrol while i would, if it were legal
would be doing fina/winstrol
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