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  1. #1
    samsneed is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Oral Cutting Cycle help

    I know they are hard on your liver and injects are the only way to maximize effects, but I am going to start an oral cutting cycle and I wanted some opinions.

    1-------5 tabs/day
    2-------2 tabs/day-----5 tabs/day
    3-------2 tabs/day-----6 tabs/day
    4-------3 tabs/day-----6 tabs/day
    5-------3 tabs/day-----5 tabs/day
    6-------4 tabs/day-----5 tabs/day
    7--------------------------------------1 tab/day
    8--------------------------------------1 tab/day

    I am 6'6", 275 lbs with 20% bf. I have been researching this for a while and I just need some input.
    Last edited by samsneed; 05-01-2002 at 05:00 AM.

  2. #2
    _TaZ_ is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    at the gym
    Hey bud,
    Remember nutrition in 80% of what you'll see out of working out.....
    How is your Diet?, what is your training like so far????
    Try taking a ECA stack of some kind first before the Gear, or even a little clen to get rid of your unwanted weight.
    You can take all the gear in the world, but with out the proper diet, and training plan your waisting your time...

  3. #3
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dbol is not a cutting drug. If you want to run an oral that will HELP with your cutting (no drug except clen , T3, DNP or an ECA will actually burn fat) I would go with winstrol , halo or anavar . BTW....why oral only?

  4. #4
    samsneed is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    My diet is good. I do 30 minute cario 4 times a week and I get a ton of calories and protein. So would this cycle be adequate for a cutting cycle if I added some Clen or T-3?

    WEEK---PROVIRON -----Winny-------CLOMID
    1-------5 tabs/day
    2-------2 tabs/day-----5 tabs/day
    3-------2 tabs/day-----6 tabs/day
    4-------3 tabs/day-----6 tabs/day
    5-------3 tabs/day-----5 tabs/day
    6-------4 tabs/day-----5 tabs/day
    7-----------------------------------1 tab/day
    8-----------------------------------1 tab/day

    Why the oral. I cannot have a bunch of gear around because I am married and I have kids. My wife kill me. Pills are a lot easier to keep hidden.

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