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  1. #1
    vein-x's Avatar
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    WOW! EQ... wtf not??

    here's the deal:
    im all set to order. got the money, source, cycle, pct, nutrition... all that lined up. im waiting to hear back from my guy, when i notice a high rating for EQ. i click on it... now i'm thinking about completely dropping deca and replacing it with EQ! being only my 2nd cycle, i figure i don't wanna run something that runs the risk of shutting you down hard and genereating threads like "why can i cum!!!" so why the hell aren't there 200 threads about EQ, threads promoting EQ and people swearing their lives around it?? maybe i missed something huge, or just completely overlook the EQ threads, but with such a high anabolic /low-moderate androgenic steroid , why aren't there more Test E | EQ | Dbol | HCG (and nolva + clomid for PCT) cycles out there? (btw, thats the cycle i'm planning on running now. for an exact layout, week to week, see my post "will clomid suffice" in the PCT forum) anyway, i hope i get a few people to shut me down or prove me wrong here, that way i wouldn't have to delay my order to do even more research on yet another aas. thx for any input, and if you see a problem with my stack (hcg is only to keep the boys runnin...) PLEASE post it and critique now.

  2. #2
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    EQ is a derivative of test. It works well with test. However, deca is nandrolone based, and is a great bulker with test. It also has many other beneficial effects... i luv deca for sure. run the HCG at end of cycle. then start PCT

  3. #3
    The Godfather is offline Junior Member
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    deca is a lot stronger and more effective than EQ, and you ain't gotta jab 20mls of it in you a week just to get an effective dose! guys that moan about getting shut-down/lympdick from deca usually run no test, no proviron , no hcg , and don't pct properly... if you know what your doing you can use deca to excellent effect and recover without any trouble at all, i feel decas bad rap is unjustified

  4. #4
    vein-x's Avatar
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    my whole thing was vascularity and hardness. sure, deca may put on 5, maybe even 10 more lbs than EQ. problem: 5 comes off from water-weight and 2 more simply from discontinued test ODing. again, i'm not bashing deca, not at all. but as it's only my 2nd time, i have the cash for EQ, i would much rather have better, longer and more quality gains than quicker, bigger, bulkier ones (that might just leave ya...) plus, when i bend over to pick up that barbell (or anything, it seems, with my forearms) and see those 5-10 veins snaking up my arm, makes my day, truly it does. so if i have 10-25% more blood pumpin through em, not only will they be slightly more clear, but thicker n sicker! i'm still open to ideas! haven't ordered...yet.

  5. #5
    Jray1der's Avatar
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    I know I'm using EQ, Tren A, Test Prop. Nolva, clen , i was thinking of adding Var at the end of the cycle for 6-8 weeks, then pct clomid. But I too heard alot of good about EQ especially for cutting cycles.
    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    here's the deal:
    im all set to order. got the money, source, cycle, pct, nutrition... all that lined up. im waiting to hear back from my guy, when i notice a high rating for EQ. i click on it... now i'm thinking about completely dropping deca and replacing it with EQ! being only my 2nd cycle, i figure i don't wanna run something that runs the risk of shutting you down hard and genereating threads like "why can i cum!!!" so why the hell aren't there 200 threads about EQ, threads promoting EQ and people swearing their lives around it?? maybe i missed something huge, or just completely overlook the EQ threads, but with such a high anabolic /low-moderate androgenic steroid , why aren't there more Test E | EQ | Dbol | HCG (and nolva + clomid for PCT) cycles out there? (btw, thats the cycle i'm planning on running now. for an exact layout, week to week, see my post "will clomid suffice" in the PCT forum) anyway, i hope i get a few people to shut me down or prove me wrong here, that way i wouldn't have to delay my order to do even more research on yet another aas. thx for any input, and if you see a problem with my stack (hcg is only to keep the boys runnin...) PLEASE post it and critique now.

  6. #6
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    If EQ is better for your purposes use that. EQ and Deca are often compared and treated the same, but they are actually completely different drugs. Both have there place.

  7. #7
    bignatt's Avatar
    bignatt is offline Anabolic Member
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    I vouch for EQ its good shit

  8. #8
    Darkness's Avatar
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    Deca is more of a bulker and EQ of a cutter.

  9. #9
    bignatt's Avatar
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    The thing about eq is that it makes you hungry like a cow so it could be used as a bulker as well you just have more clean muscle

  10. #10
    vein-x's Avatar
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    well, seems like i leaning towards replacing deca with EQ ore and more every second! thanks for all the input guys! can someone take a look at this cycle/post (2nd, reformatted one):

    and tell me if EQ could completely replace deca, even with the same doses? also, it wouldn't hurt to read my initial question about clomid and the use of hcg @ 200iu/week throughout a slightly harder cycle, such as that one?

  11. #11
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bignatt
    The thing about eq is that it makes you hungry like a cow so it could be used as a bulker as well you just have more clean muscle
    yeah, thats what i read too. and if you think about it, 1000 more calories a day? HARDLY sounds like a cutter to me, could be wrong though anyway, not only did the increased appetite interest me, but as i posted earlier: 10%+ more RBCs running through my veins honestly is like a fetish to me! i love those extremely veiny forearms and after picking something up, or ever bending over for a second or 2 sends the blow ripping down my forearms... uggh... gets me aroused thinking about it. bottom line: increased vascularity, to me, is MORE than worth it over deca , which probably cut put on 5 more lbs, but it's slop and i want clean quality mass with hardness and that added cut/grainy look.

  12. #12
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bignatt
    The thing about eq is that it makes you hungry like a cow so it could be used as a bulker as well you just have more clean muscle
    just about to say this

  13. #13
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    If you like lean, vascular, keepable gains there's no better drug out there then Eq IMO.
    Very little sides (if any) except that it makes "most" ppl VERY hungry. I'm on 600mgs per week and my grocery bill has almost doubled :-)
    Great pumps too!

  14. #14
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    If you like lean, vascular, keepable gains there's no better drug out there then Eq IMO.
    Very little sides (if any) except that it makes "most" ppl VERY hungry. I'm on 600mgs per week and my grocery bill has almost doubled :-)
    Great pumps too!
    That's the only down side when trying to cut.You eat like crazy and never feel satisfied.Really hard for me to restrict cals on EQ.


  15. #15
    RoidGut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    That's the only down side when trying to cut.You eat like crazy and never feel satisfied.Really hard for me to restrict cals on EQ.

    yeah no shit. I started out wanting a cutting cycle....but now into my 4th week on eq and I have doubled my caloric it is a bulker cycle .

    The hunger is crazy...I am hungry right now and I just finished eating!!! The vascularity and pumps are no joke either....but I still want to try deca ....

  16. #16
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidGut
    yeah no shit. I started out wanting a cutting cycle....but now into my 4th week on eq and I have doubled my caloric it is a bulker cycle .

    The hunger is crazy...I am hungry right now and I just finished eating!!! The vascularity and pumps are no joke either....but I still want to try deca....
    I never done it,but I bet taking clen would help curb the hunger pangs.I'm not sure how guys cut on EQ.I eat like a madman on that stuff.I've tried to cut,but to no avail.


  17. #17
    mark956101957's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    If you like lean, vascular, keepable gains there's no better drug out there then Eq IMO.
    Very little sides (if any) except that it makes "most" ppl VERY hungry. I'm on 600mgs per week and my grocery bill has almost doubled :-)
    Great pumps too!
    I have never used Deca and don't intend to. Every cycle has been with EQ for the joint lubrication, takes all my shoulder pain away by the 3rd week. The 5th or 6th week you will start getting more of an appetite and you should use it for 12 weeks. I suggest 500-600mg weekly. Eq is painless to inject which is another good thing plus from all I have read the gains are going to stay with you longer than deca. Plus the fact it will not shut you down like deca.

  18. #18
    MBaraso's Avatar
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    For the advanced steriod users here...Run eq for 20+ weeks and you'll really see what eq can do.

  19. #19
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
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    Im on test E/Eq and loving it. Though like previously stated hungry every 20 minutes. I eat a huge meal and literally Im hungry after 20-30 min. Its great though

  20. #20
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    For the advanced steriod users here...Run eq for 20+ weeks and you'll really see what eq can do.
    The time isn't a factor for me,nor lack of experience.How are your curbing your appetite?Or aren't you?..LOL
    I'd love to give that a shot,just don't know if I could handle being hungry 24/7 for 25 weeks.
    Then again,I ran Fina for 26 weeks and didn't sleep the whole cycle.So it's one or the other I suppose.I def wouldn't do both.I'd be up all night eating and staring at TV...LOL...A fat vampire is what I'd be.

  21. #21
    RoidGut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    The time isn't a factor for me,nor lack of experience.How are your curbing your appetite?Or aren't you?..LOL
    I'd love to give that a shot,just don't know if I could handle being hungry 24/7 for 25 weeks.
    Then again,I ran Fina for 26 weeks and didn't sleep the whole cycle.So it's one or the other I suppose.I def wouldn't do both.I'd be up all night eating and staring at TV...LOL...A fat vampire is what I'd be.
    You will not know what you are getting yourself into till you try it. Hungry is not the word to describe what you will feel....STARVING is more like it. I upped my number of meals per day to 10 and I feel I need more.

  22. #22
    MBaraso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    The time isn't a factor for me,nor lack of experience.How are your curbing your appetite?Or aren't you?..LOL
    I'd love to give that a shot,just don't know if I could handle being hungry 24/7 for 25 weeks.
    Then again,I ran Fina for 26 weeks and didn't sleep the whole cycle.So it's one or the other I suppose.I def wouldn't do both.I'd be up all night eating and staring at TV...LOL...A fat vampire is what I'd be.
    Well I'm trying to put on some size anyway so I'm not really watching what I eat all that much lol
    26 weeks on fina Now thats crazy! I couldn't handle that sh!t for that long.

  23. #23
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    Well I'm trying to put on some size anyway so I'm not really watching what I eat all that much lol
    26 weeks on fina Now thats crazy! I couldn't handle that sh!t for that long.
    I got ya.So the extended time that you suggested wouldn't be ideal if you're looking to maintain a low BF %?

    And yeah bro,26 weeks on Fina was a long,grueling road.But the results were just amazing.Not in my plans to do that again in the near future.I can imagine the results you're getting from the EQ at 20+ weeks.I'm trying to figure out how I can curb the appetite somewhat,and then I'll give it a test drive.


  24. #24
    magic32's Avatar
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    EQ sounds voracious. For the bulkers don't bash me of course this is not applicable. But for the cutters...has anyone tried an appetite suppressant, like 3 - 5gms of Garcinia Cambogia?


  25. #25
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    3 - 5gms of Garcinia Cambogia?
    What the heck is that?I never heard of it.Do you take via oral ingestion,or do you smoke it?LOL..


  26. #26
    Jray1der's Avatar
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    i think i rolled one of those when i 16 years old Pinnacle, Good Ol' fashion
    Garcinia Cambogia! LOL

  27. #27
    Ironweb's Avatar
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    Personally on Test e and Eq now. Happy with my results thus far. I use eq in all my cycles and have no desire to run deca . I want good clean keepable gains and that is what I get with eq. For what you are looking for I would use eq. Love seeing the veins coming to surface.

  28. #28
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jray1der
    i think i rolled one of those when i 16 years old Pinnacle, Good Ol' fashion
    Garcinia Cambogia! LOL

    LMFAO...myself as well bro!!!


  29. #29
    doghunter's Avatar
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    dude ur right on track with what u are looking just from ur reading ur post u would be happier with EQ than deca .

  30. #30
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    What the heck is that?I never heard of it.Do you take via oral ingestion,or do you smoke it?LOL..

    Nall, Pinn LOL.
    But Jray is close it is an herb...

    Garcinia Cambogia, is a diminutive purple fruit native to India and southeast Asia, I can't believe you never heard of this stuff it got really big in weight loss circles, but only as a supporting ingredient.

    The reason is that the rind of this pumpkinlike fruit is rich in a substance called hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, which is closely related to the citric acid found in grapefruits and oranges.

    Recent findings indicate that by raising levels of certain brain chemicals such as serotonin, a key regulator of appetite control, HCA also may suppress appetite.

    But in a subsequent 1998 trial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in which 135 overweight adults took Garcinia cambogia for 12 weeks, the supplement failed to contribute to any measurable weight loss. (Those men and women ate a high-fiber, calorie-restricted diet, and some researchers believe that the fiber may have interfered with absorption of therapeutic HCA.)

    It should be noted that in these and other studies, dieters followed a low-calorie diet to help them lose weight, but weight loss or lack thereof is irrelevant here. It virtually eliminates cravings. Honestly, I had to remind myself to eat (off cycle of course).

    It is often combined with other herbs and compounds such as St. John's wort and chromium, and was central figure (with Ephedra) in Ripped Fuel for sure, and I think even Hydroxycut.

    The usual dosage is one pill that provides 500 mg of HCA, the active ingredient in Garcinia cambogia, 3 times a day (for average people) of course this would be amended, but this is a very safe and natural fruit extract. Take it about 40 minutes before each meal along with plenty of water.

    Anyway to battle those cravings I'd start with 1gm. before every (should be 5+meals).

    Look for eat cheaply online, but GNC has a good one called Nature's Fingerprints for about $9 a bottle with 100 caps at 500mgs each.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    EQ houses deca !!!! There is no better all around drug than EQ, wether your cutting or bulking EQ is king to me!!!

  32. #32
    Jray1der's Avatar
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    This sounds like something that needs to go with eq cycles. Some serious hunger curbing(not totally eliminante eating, not what i am suggesting)needs to be done on any cycle with eq.

  33. #33
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Nall, Pinn LOL.
    But Jray is close it is an herb...

    Garcinia Cambogia, is a diminutive purple fruit native to India and southeast Asia, I can't believe you never heard of this stuff it got really big in weight loss circles, but only as a supporting ingredient.

    The reason is that the rind of this pumpkinlike fruit is rich in a substance called hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, which is closely related to the citric acid found in grapefruits and oranges.

    Recent findings indicate that by raising levels of certain brain chemicals such as serotonin, a key regulator of appetite control, HCA also may suppress appetite.

    But in a subsequent 1998 trial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in which 135 overweight adults took Garcinia cambogia for 12 weeks, the supplement failed to contribute to any measurable weight loss. (Those men and women ate a high-fiber, calorie-restricted diet, and some researchers believe that the fiber may have interfered with absorption of therapeutic HCA.)

    It should be noted that in these and other studies, dieters followed a low-calorie diet to help them lose weight, but weight loss or lack thereof is irrelevant here. It virtually eliminates cravings. Honestly, I had to remind myself to eat (off cycle of course).

    It is often combined with other herbs and compounds such as St. John's wort and chromium, and was central figure (with Ephedra) in Ripped Fuel for sure, and I think even Hydroxycut.

    The usual dosage is one pill that provides 500 mg of HCA, the active ingredient in Garcinia cambogia, 3 times a day (for average people) of course this would be amended, but this is a very safe and natural fruit extract. Take it about 40 minutes before each meal along with plenty of water.

    Anyway to battle those cravings I'd start with 1gm. before every (should be 5+meals).

    Look for eat cheaply online, but GNC has a good one called Nature's Fingerprints for about $9 a bottle with 100 caps at 500mgs each.
    Interesting!!Thanks for the info!!I'll look into it.Glad I don't have to go and dust off the old


  34. #34
    Jray1der's Avatar
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    Yeah, i too was about to give zig zags a run for their money when i heard about this herb. LMFAO!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Interesting!!Thanks for the info!!I'll look into it.Glad I don't have to go and dust off the old


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