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Thread: fat burner T3

  1. #1
    snail is offline New Member
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    May 2002

    Question fat burner T3

    hey all im pretty much very proud of my body i look great well at least people tell me that but i just dont like the muscle man look i think i look great but i have around 40 - 50 lbs to lose to get the lean look and im totally a novice at steroids ive never taken them or really looked in to them but i can not get my weight down before you say you shouldnt or do some research before hand im a pretty smart guy but i just want to get a good idea of what the hell T3 is or what the full name is i heard it was good to burn fat i dont mind loosing muscle i dont really want it any more and i also know about the effets it can have on the thyroid but i have no idea how to take steroids or if i take T3 should i take that alone if i dont mind loosing muscle or hell i dont know what a cycle is so but believe me i will do my homework before i do this im not about to get my self killed over a few pounds but please i need you imput on if i do get T3 how to take it and how long and with what else and please remember im not a expert on steriods i dont know sh** about them and any infor you have on T3 plese respond thank you

  2. #2
    solid90062's Avatar
    solid90062 is offline Member
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    Los Angeles
    there is thread all about T3 in the "Educational threads" by cycleon that u should check out

  3. #3
    snail is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2002
    sorry just lost control

  4. #4
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Aug 2001
    T3 is cytomel . Check out the profile on the main page and then use the "search" (top of page) key and type in "cytomel" or "T3". There is plenty of good reading in the archives. Good luck bro.

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