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  1. #1
    highnmighty is offline Associate Member
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    DHT dirretive roids?

    Ok I've been reading through a lot of posts latley that recommend finestride for both dht dirretive gear as opposed to gear that converts directly into dht. I was under the impression that finastride will not work with dht "dirretive" roids ex.((Primo, Winny, etc.) Only topicals are helpful with these compounds??? Maybe someone could help clear this up a little. Thanks

  2. #2
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    Finesteride stops the conversion of testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone, via inhibiting the Alpha-5 reductase enzyme. Ergo, Fin will only protect against hairloss caused by DHT, not other potent androgens like Tren or proviron .

  3. #3
    highnmighty is offline Associate Member
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    I'm still confuzed about androgens which are DHT derivative and if finastride will effectively work.

  4. #4
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    Finasteride will DO NOTHING for ANY STEROID other than TEST.

  5. #5
    highnmighty is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolic Authority
    Finasteride will DO NOTHING for ANY STEROID other than TEST.
    This is what I thought.

  6. #6
    highnmighty is offline Associate Member
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    So am I correct in assuming that for instance if I were to run Primo, that only topical preventives would be suffice?

  7. #7
    Needle_Newb is offline Junior Member
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    Any Androgen can cause hair loss. Finasteride will only prevent Test from converting into it's more androgenic cousin, DHT. But you lose some gains.

  8. #8
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by highnmighty
    Ok I've been reading through a lot of posts latley that recommend finestride for both dht dirretive gear as opposed to gear that converts directly into dht. I was under the impression that finastride will not work with dht "dirretive" roids ex.((Primo, Winny, etc.) Only topicals are helpful with these compounds??? Maybe someone could help clear this up a little. Thanks
    finasteride will help with the 5-apha, which converts test to dht. It wont help with dht's though.

  9. #9
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Your right in that it doesn't protect against anything except when using test. It can still be of help during a cycle without test (bad idea ) because it will supress your natural production of DHT.

    Truthfully, I dont think Proscar will do anybody much good, at least for hairloss concerns. The FDA even says it only helps the back of the head and to some extent the middle of the forehead. The side tempels may still keep balding even when taking this drug.

  10. #10
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Your right in that it doesn't protect against anything except when using test. It can still be of help during a cycle without test (bad idea ) because it will supress your natural production of DHT.

    Truthfully, I dont think Proscar will do anybody much good, at least for hairloss concerns. The FDA even says it only helps the back of the head and to some extent the middle of the forehead. The side tempels may still keep balding even when taking this drug.
    True about re-growing hair on the crown and other areas. But finastride can stop or hinder MPB by quite bit across the whole scalp. Prevention, not growing hair back.

    Finastride helps a lot actually. It's the most effective prevention method for MPB. Just use roids that do not cause hairloss and use finstride with test. That's what I do and it works great. Turanibol and Anavar are good orals that don't cause MPB. Test and EQ are great injectables while using finastride. Also remember DHT enlarges the prostate, epecially in succeptable men.

  11. #11
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    True about re-growing hair on the crown and other areas. But finastride can stop or hinder MPB by quite bit across the whole scalp. Prevention, not growing hair back.

    Finastride helps a lot actually. It's the most effective prevention method for MPB. Just use roids that do not cause hairloss and use finstride with test. That's what I do and it works great. Turanibol and Anavar are good orals that don't cause MPB. Test and EQ are great injectables while using finastride. Also remember DHT enlarges the prostate, epecially in succeptable men.
    jeeze i better check my prostate.

  12. #12
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    I use dutasteride with test - it blocks 5ARs' activity even more than finasteride (around 95% compared to around 70% for finast)
    I also agree with Var & Tbol being pretty easy on the hair - never used Eq - I've got some kicking around, but I heard a few Eq/hairloss stories which scared me....although most people say Eq is pretty easy on the hair..

  13. #13
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    if you block the androgens so much, wont you not experience the strength gains associated with strong androgens? Heard many stories that 5-alpha blocking stops gains right in their tracks...

  14. #14
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerboy
    if you block the androgens so much, wont you not experience the strength gains associated with strong androgens? Heard many stories that 5-alpha blocking stops gains right in their tracks...
    Well, DHT is a great CNS stimulator that helps with strength gains. I've always believed strength gains are more mental than anything to go past a previous max. I don't lift for strength anymore but for BB and sculpting. I know I must increase my lifts to grow but I will not open myself up to injuries like I did in the past. I had a injured right shoulder from benching heavy in the past. Now it gives me no problems because I use dumbells only now.

    If you take ephidrene, caffeine, etc before max days, it helps a lot. I remember using ephidrene back in the early 90's when it first came around and my max bench when up right away. More focused and more energy.

    I believe as a man gets older he has to be concerned about too much DHT for mainly prostate reasons. You'll know when you have prostate enalargement because you'll start pissing a lot slower.

  15. #15
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Well, DHT is a great CNS stimulator that helps with strength gains. I've always believed strength gains are more mental than anything to go past a previous max. I don't lift for strength anymore but for BB and sculpting. I know I must increase my lifts to grow but I will not open myself up to injuries like I did in the past. I had a injured right shoulder from benching heavy in the past. Now it gives me no problems because I use dumbells only now.

    If you take ephidrene, caffeine, etc before max days, it helps a lot. I remember using ephidrene back in the early 90's when it first came around and my max bench when up right away. More focused and more energy.

    I believe as a man gets older he has to be concerned about too much DHT for mainly prostate reasons. You'll know when you have prostate enalargement because you'll start pissing a lot slower.
    i use caffeine... it gets me through a workout full throttle. And for those reading this thread... DHT is about 5 times more androgenic than testosterone , is produced from testosterone via the 5-alpha reductase in certain parts of the body (hair, nails, prostate etc.) and these are all DHT derivatives : Proviron , Masteron , Anadrol , Winstrol , Primobolan , and Anavar . None of these aromatize. Although Anadrol is very active on the estrogen receptor. Just info.

  16. #16
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    I can tell you from experience that prostate enlargement sucks really bad. I dont have that much of a problem with it anymore, but sometimes I can feel it irritated. (I had this problem before ever using AASs). Prostate growth usually occurs when both DHT and estrogen are present in high amounts.

  17. #17
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    I can tell you from experience that prostate enlargement sucks really bad. I dont have that much of a problem with it anymore, but sometimes I can feel it irritated. (I had this problem before ever using AASs). Prostate growth usually occurs when both DHT and estrogen are present in high amounts.
    this is good info... unfortunately with high levels of test and estrogen the growth is great... with the DHT conversion.... but shit isnt there always a bad with the good when it comes to AAS

  18. #18
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Great thread! One intelligent AND intelligible answer right after another... minus a few that were reduntant.

    Anyway, whats being said is that it only stops converstion - if it's already there ... finasteride can do nothing to deactivate it.

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