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  1. #41
    Vitor Ennnergy's Avatar
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    The main point i see is .... people that flame and say that is a stupid thing and say about moron valentino, usually never touched any SEO or at least never used it the right way...cause SEOs works and works good.

  2. #42
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big A
    To answer the original guys questions:

    1) I have seen countless people use Syntherol. The biggest increase ever was 3.5" over 30 days. That was Crypto, when he went from 19" to 22.5".
    The smallest gain was xcelbeyond who gained only 1/2" in 30 days - went from 18" to 18.5"
    This is because, everyone is individual. Just like with steroids , people get different results.
    With Syntherol, the average gain is 2" over the 30 days.
    However as mentioned earlier, you do have to have a decent size arm to begin with before you use it.

    2) When used properly, like in my guide, the muscle will look more striated and more vascular. Keep in mind though, that you will lose 1/2" after the 30 days. That 1/2" is inflamation caused by the trauma of daily injections.

    3) Again, follow my guide exactly and you will get no scar tissue.

    4) Follow my guide to the letter, and the gains will become permanent.
    hey bigA, did these two individuals use the same protocol or did the injection time/volume differ between the two?

  3. #43
    Big A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    hey bigA, did these two individuals use the same protocol or did the injection time/volume differ between the two?
    Same protocol! I only keep tabs of people that do the proper protocol as in my guide.
    But both of these are absolute extremes.
    80%+ of users get between 1.5" and 2" permanent size increase (when both biceps/triceps are done at the same time) each cycle.

  4. #44
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    Site Enhancement Oils

    This is a very broad category of drugs, and is one which will take some care and consideration to properly delve into. The first, and most common misconception is that Chris Clark produced the first site enhancement drug. This is not true, if we are painting “site enhancement drug” with the broad and exoteric strokes.

    The first drug used by bodybuilders to produce a local increase in muscle size was “Esicline,” which was technically an anabolic steroid, but actually imparted no anabolic effect. Bodybuilders used it prior to a contest for the localized swelling it caused in the muscle it was injected into. This was, of course only a temporary effect, only useful for a quick cosmetic boost for bodybuilding contests.

    The next drug bodybuilders experimented with was Caverject. This drug was developed for impotence, and basically swells and hardens the area it’s injected into. It required injecting (with a very fine gauge needle) into both sides of your penis. Inject only one side and you have a boomerang shaped tool.

    Anyway, it didn’t take bodybuilders very long to figure out that they could inject this into virtually any muscle to increase the size and hardness (temporarily) of it. This, unlike Esicline could simply be used backstage at a bodybuilding contest, and wouldn’t require a week of injections to produce it’s effects.

    Finally, Chris Clark developed the now famous Synthol, under the trade name PumpnPose. This product, being the only one which produces permanent gains. Currently, there are several popular versions of this type of product, Synthol/PumpnPose, Syntherol, EsikClean, Nuclear Nutrition Site Oil and Liquid Muscle.

    Chris Clark’s Synthol/PumpnPose was the original product. This being the case, it currently retails for $149.95, and wholesales for over $100 per bottle. If you find it for less than $100, it’s simply not real. Currently posing oil dot com is the official site to purchase the product from. As with many products, the original is not the only option, nor always the best option. Since Dan Duchaine performed a HPLC test on the original product, it’s formula has been known to the industry, and several manufacturers have developed their own version with minor changes here and there. For example, a product currently available on the market is Syntherol (made by Synthetek), which has added silica, making the gains seem much more permanent to people who have tried it. It was always disconcerting to me that Chris Clark originally refused to disclose what his product contained, and then actually denied that it contained what the HPLC tests said it contained!For the record, Syntherol contains:Caprillic Acid, Capric Acid, Caproic Acid, Lauric Acid,
    Silica, Benzyl Alcohol
    Syntherol, however, is made under pharmaceutical grade conditions by a large pharmaceutical house, so it is guaranteed sterile. In addition, original Synthol actually hurt a bit to inject, but the Syntherol (notice the different spelling) hurts less according to people who’ve used both. Syntherol is also endorsed by several IFBB pro’s who have very aesthetic physiques. This, to me, would seem to indicate that the results caused by Syntherol create a more even look to the muscle, as opposed to the bizarre rear delts and biceps peaks which were arising on the IFBB circuit after the creation of Chris Clark’s product. Currently, this is the number 1 best selling Site Oil in the world.Synthetek also offers a double money back guarantee, which has never been taken by a single customer anywhere in the world. This speaks volumes for the product, to me, showing that it’s results are worth double what it’s being sold for. Asking price is $129.95, for this product, found at:www.synthetek.comLets take a look at some other products in this category:EsikClean is actually the same formulation Synthol with collagen added. Horrible idea, if you ask me. Seen Goldie Hawn recently? She’s had collagen injected into her lips; producing a very large, soft (silly) looking pair of lips. Look at some Hollywood movie stars, who’ve had collagen injections, and ask yourself if you’d want your muscles to look like their lips. I know I wouldn’t. In addition, with collagen, the formation of scar tissue could become problematic, as this could inhibit many of the oils effects.want any scar tissue build up when you use site oils.The asking price is $100 per bottle from synthol direct dot com These are the people that originally counterfited Chris Clark'sPnP and Synthetek's Syntherol, so one wonders how'genuine' they are. Their associated websites are synthol dot com (yes, they own a website for a product they don’t own the rights to…shady…), fina labs dot com and zoe labs dot com (a very dubious organization, who if memory serves me correctly once sold fake Cimaterol). My advice? Stay away.Nuclear Nutrition Oil - is a very good product, whichworks quite well. It's exactly as Syntherol, but with added prohormones. I don’t know what will become of this product due to the recent prohormone ban. If you wanted hormones in your product, why not simply dissolve a small amount of sterile hormone powder in your site oil? Anyway, the asking price is $149.95, and is available from nuclear nutrition. Liquid Muscle is supposed to be the same as PumpnPose, but is $199.95 perBottle! The cost is too prohibitive, if you ask me, considering the market. This is made by liquid muscle dot com.

    Using Site Enhancement Oils:

    To increase overall size, you’ll have inject every head of the muscle, while rotating the injection spots daily within that head; if you don’t you’ll end up with a very unnatural look to the muscle. Buy yourself s bunch of those small circular bandages at the drug store, and put one over every injection you do, after you withdraw the needle. Why? So you know EXACTLY where your last shot was.Here’s an example of how to increase arm size:Shoot 1ml in each head of the triceps (there’s three of them, hence the name) and 1ml in each head of the biceps (which of course has 2 heads) for 10 days. Massage the injection sites, when you are done with every injection, for this entire protocol. Never let a lump form! You may also want to have some weights around your house (or a bunch of those rubber “stretch bands” used for rehab), so you can do some reps and get the blood flowing in your arms. This will all help the process, and you also need to do this daily.Next, shoot 2mls in each head of the triceps, and the same for the biceps.Finally, shoot 3mls in each head of the triceps and the same for the biceps.SO, that final 10 days, you are shooting quite a bit of oil, and that’s going to be a bit uncomfortable.Of course, a more artistic touch is going to be needed to peak a muscle like the biceps. I recommend taking several photos of yourself (in contest shape if possible) and circling the areas you want to enhance or peak. Then you’ll know exactly where to shoot. For peaking you’ll still need to shoot 1-2mls/day in the area for 30 days.Now, Lets look at what all of that oil is doing…Originally, Chris Clark claimed that the oil stayed in the muscle for up to 5 years. I don’t think that’s true at all. Several notorious users of these oils have had their arms examined and there was nothing in either the X-ray or MRI to indicate this.They get dissipated within months, I’d guess. However, during this time, they would have certainly stretched the fascia of that muscle. Think of the fascia as a “sheath” around the muscle, which holds it all together tightly. Loosen that sheath, and the muscle has more room to grow. John Parillo and Dante (DoggCrapp) endorse intensive (and painful) stretching to accomplish this. Imagine stretching a balloon from the outside. It doesn’t really get much bigger before it goes back to normal. Now imagine blowing it up (stretching it form the inside). It gets much bigger, right? The same is true of how site enhancement oils work…you’re stretching the fascia from the inside, which is far more productive. As they dissipate, the `space' left by them can now be replaced by new tissue growth (muscle). Remember…you are just giving your muscles the potential to grow by doing this, nothing else. If you don’t train, the results will surely and quickly fade.

  5. #45
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    thnx for the added info. still think the thirty day protocol has to be pretty uncomfortable. i would think that much trauma of daily injections would surely hinder your arm workouts.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    thnx for the added info. still think the thirty day protocol has to be pretty uncomfortable. i would think that much trauma of daily injections would surely hinder your arm workouts.
    It's only uncomfortable for the first week, after that you are used to it.
    On my site (ProfessionalMuscle) there's a lot of people that did Syntherol journals, detailing day by day every shot and how it felt, etc. Just do a Search there for them.

  7. #47
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Very interesting, would be horrible if it disfigured your arms and you couldn't change them back. Worth it?

  8. #48
    Big A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Very interesting, would be horrible if it disfigured your arms and you couldn't change them back. Worth it?
    It's very controllable. The people that have mishaped muscles is because they lost proper sight of what they were doing.

    Saying that Syntherol use is not controllable, is like the person that says they don't want to use steroids 'cause they'll get too big. Or the non trainer that wants to do weights but warns that he doesn't want the weight training to make him too big. Like it would happen overnight.

  9. #49
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    So can any muscle group be shot, and isn't it recommended for people with lower BF? If you shot arms, wouldn't you have to do every other muscle group to maintain symmetry. Ex. Delts, chest, traps.

  10. #50
    testosterona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big A
    It's very controllable. The people that have mishaped muscles is because they lost proper sight of what they were doing.

    Saying that Syntherol use is not controllable, is like the person that says they don't want to use steroids 'cause they'll get too big. Or the non trainer that wants to do weights but warns that he doesn't want the weight training to make him too big. Like it would happen overnight.
    now i'm starting to like this stuff.....should i shoot myself

    points are very valid. i appoligize for being nieve earlier in this thread BIG A

  11. #51
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    This would require MUCH research, just like any other compound that you'd put in your body. I just don't see how it would give you a hard and natural look. Also I would think it would be for extremely advanced bodybuilders with a solid foundation. Meaning someone that has competed and placed.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    So can any muscle group be shot, and isn't it recommended for people with lower BF? If you shot arms, wouldn't you have to do every other muscle group to maintain symmetry. Ex. Delts, chest, traps.
    Syntherol is used on bringing up lagging bodyparts, like arms for example. It is not made to grow overall, although it can be used that way and some do. But generally, you can make your body grow no matter what, but some bodyparts eventually will be left behind. That is what Syntherol is for - to make those bodyparts catch up.

    And yes, you can use it in any muscle group (of course different usage patterns apply) and you have to be lean enough to be able to see where you inject.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    I just don't see how it would give you a hard and natural look.
    When used properly, as in my guide, the end result will be more striations and more vascularity because you will have a larger real muscle. But you have to do it properly, ie like in my guide.

    And to answer the previous question, yes, you can do your shots yourself obviously, but also as stated, it's for advanced bodybuilders, or at least you need a certain amount of size to warrant it's use. If you are 5'10 and 15" arms, the product is not for you.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big A
    If you are 5'10 and 15" arms, the product is not for you.
    Sorry testosterona.

  15. #55
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big A
    Syntherol is used on bringing up lagging bodyparts, like arms for example. It is not made to grow overall, although it can be used that way and some do. But generally, you can make your body grow no matter what, but some bodyparts eventually will be left behind. That is what Syntherol is for - to make those bodyparts catch up.

    And yes, you can use it in any muscle group (of course different usage patterns apply) and you have to be lean enough to be able to see where you inject.
    How much oil would you recommend for the posterior(head) delt?1 cc ED enough?

    Anyone take pics of this process on your site?


  16. #56
    testosterona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Sorry testosterona.
    haha, as soon as i get my hands on some synthol i'll be on you and your 19inchers. bwahahahaha

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    How much oil would you recommend for the posterior(head) delt?1 cc ED enough?

    Anyone take pics of this process on your site?

    Rear delt is a small muscle, so unless you are a huge guy, depending on your size you either do 1ml ED for the whole 30 days followed by 1ml per week for 6 weeks,
    or 1ml for 10 days, 1.5ml for 10 days and 2ml for 10 days followed by 2ml per week for 6 weeks.

    I don't remember seeing any pics for rear delts. Plenty for other muscle groups, including delts overall.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big A
    Rear delt is a small muscle, so unless you are a huge guy, depending on your size you either do 1ml ED for the whole 30 days followed by 1ml per week for 6 weeks,
    or 1ml for 10 days, 1.5ml for 10 days and 2ml for 10 days followed by 2ml per week for 6 weeks.

    I don't remember seeing any pics for rear delts. Plenty for other muscle groups, including delts overall.
    OK..thanks!My rears are slightly behind,so I'll look into this further.I can deal with 1 ml shots ED for both rear heads.

    Yeah,I was asking about pics in general.I'm gonna get over to your site and start researching this.



  19. #59
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    great site by the way, have a bunch of npc and ifbb judges that'll judge ur pics if you've got the balls...

  20. #60
    mranak is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big A
    Mr Huge, that's not you in the Avatar, is it? If it is, what the hell happened to you??? Did you go to a concetration camp or something? You look like you dropped 100+ pounds!
    I'm sorry Mr Huge, but this is funny.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    great site by the way, have a bunch of npc and ifbb judges that'll judge ur pics if you've got the balls...
    Yes it is a good site.I joined last night....I'll be reading/researching over there alot.


  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by mranak
    I'm sorry Mr Huge, but this is funny.
    The guy looks damn good. Or at least used to in the last pics I saw of him, so I don't know what happened. I seriously don't think that's him in the avatar.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    great site by the way, have a bunch of npc and ifbb judges that'll judge ur pics if you've got the balls...
    Not only you have a lot of IFBB Pros (some using their real names) that openly talk about gear, etc, but tons of top level national competitors as well as judges, magazine writers, photogs, etc. Basically, anyone that you hear about in the industry, would be there. That is where the mags come to when they need a 'fresh faces'.
    So anyway, the info there is as good as you get since poeple are at the top of the sport.

  24. #64
    topvega's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info big a... alot of us only knew about the guys who took it to a freakish level.. i m going to go check out your site as well..

  25. #65
    GearAholic's Avatar
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    damn, 1 of the best threads i've read in awhile, its totally put me in a new perspective of synthol i think this thread should be moved to the educational threads. props to big a and hooker very enlightend bros


  26. #66
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    big a what's up with your site? i havn't been able to get on, keep getting a server error..

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    big a what's up with your site? i havn't been able to get on, keep getting a server error..
    Nothings wrong..I've been on it lurking around.

  28. #68
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    ok i got on now... must have been a problem on my end..

  29. #69
    TheOak*'s Avatar
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    Big A, what do you recommend with calves, this would probably be the only place I would use syntherol. Any tips?

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOak*
    Big A, what do you recommend with calves, this would probably be the only place I would use syntherol. Any tips?
    With calves is better to start with 0.5ml per shot, per muscle head, per day for 10 days, then 1ml per shot for 10 days and finish off with 1.5ml per head for 10 days.
    Remember, the shots have to be on the edge of the muscle, as the claves are naturally flat looking muscles. If you inject in the middle of each calf head, you will get around look which looks fake.

  31. #71
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    Big A-

    I spent well over 3 hrs on your site going back reading all the threads on Synthol/Syntherol.Extremely educational!I can't stress that enough.
    I noticed almost everyone had extreme soreness the first week or so.That's understandable with the high BA concentration ect.It's highly recommended to stretch the injected muscle as much as possible.Massage as well.That all makes perfect sense,and seems perfectly logical to reap the maximum rewards from using Syntherol.
    Here's my question to you : Above I inquired about rear delt shots(I noticed not many ran a cycle on this muscle head).It a tough shot to make in the first place.What exercise/exercises do you recommend for stretching that muscle head during the course of the day(At home/or office ect)?
    Massaging it won't be exactly easy either.Any suggestions there?



  32. #72
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    Sorry Big A,I forgot to ask this question.

    Cycle timing is a VERY important part to having success with syntherol.As I read through countless threads I didn't see a definite answer to this.
    When do you want your anabolic cycle to start peaking?Around the time the Syntherol starts to clear at week 5?That seems logical to me,but I'm asking anyway.

    THX Again-


  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I noticed almost everyone had extreme soreness the first week or so.That's understandable with the high BA concentration ect.

    Here's my question to you : Above I inquired about rear delt shots(I noticed not many ran a cycle on this muscle head).It a tough shot to make in the first place.What exercise/exercises do you recommend for stretching that muscle head during the course of the day(At home/or office ect)?
    Massaging it won't be exactly easy either.Any suggestions there?


    The soreness the first week is not from the BA but from the stretching effect.

    Try and find someone to do the shot for you in the rear delt. It is impossible to do yourself.

    Tomassage that, use an electric handheld massage unit. Exercise wise, just betover raises, even without any weight, that gets the muscle moving.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Sorry Big A,I forgot to ask this question.

    Cycle timing is a VERY important part to having success with syntherol.As I read through countless threads I didn't see a definite answer to this.
    When do you want your anabolic cycle to start peaking?Around the time the Syntherol starts to clear at week 5?That seems logical to me,but I'm asking anyway.

    THX Again-

    That is correct. When the Syntherol starts clearing at week 5, you should be fully into your cycle.

  35. #75
    hollisurfer is offline New Member
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    did i read corect, when using this, you keep gains? your arms will not go back down to normal?

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollisurfer
    did i read corect, when using this, you keep gains? your arms will not go back down to normal?
    If you use it according to my guide exactly.

    Of course, you will laso lose approx 1/2" when you stop the daily injections. That is just inflamation caused by the trauma of injectin gdaily in the same area.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by ageofpoo View Post
    Wtf are you doing dude? Go annoy somewhere else we dont want to buy your shit, we can go straight to the supplier. GO AWAY and stop bumping 3 year old threads.

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