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Thread: Don't Order Now

  1. #1

    Arrow Don't Order Now

    IF you are considering placing an order, be clear that very few are coming through, and your hard earned $$ will be lost.

    Nothing that I have ordered since September 8th (2 international) and 1 domestic have came through priority mail.
    No letters, no phone calls, my contacts are good. The post office must be having a hay day catchig all the gear coming and going.

    With the recent Florida incident, it's now going to get worse, and anything x-rayed looking medical will likely be opened.

    Just hate to see my brothers loose $$ - so know that orders are not coming through. Good luck!

  2. #2


    this is not what i like to hear. i was so close to buying some too. when do you think i can? thanks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Not true

    My friend just received, two times in the last week. So...what......did his magically come through?

  4. #4

    Arrow Mods Help Here

    ...what might help is to establish some patterns, point on entry,
    what cities are members "missing" shipments to, what shipments domestic cities are "missing" shipments.

    Mods could do a survey, or have members email you to find out how to best advise board members.

    Here is my trend: Shipment to Seattle
    Shipments from, NYC, South America, UK - all missing.

  5. #5
    I have a friend who ordered from 5 different sources around the middle of September. (He wanted to try them out.) 3 have been delivered and two have not. All were international.

  6. #6
    CYCLEON Guest
    Gettooit - u have a buch of scammers then - no way that all arent coming through - there were a large number of people who had to wait the 2 weeks after the incedent but then everything started freeeing up a bit - I know of many bros getting international packages and domestics as always, have not seemed to have a problem. but I would agree that it is important for them to pack it well due to the crisis

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    Hmmm....well this isn't good.

    Bro I appreciate what you're doing - it's very nice. But I just read two posts where you're telling people not to order anything. I KNOW that there are many people ordering gear domestically AND internationally without a problem right now. I appreciate you helping people out but don't scare people - I am sorry bout your gear but it may have been a problem with YOUR source....

    I will agree though - there IS more reason for concern and caution at this time.

  8. #8

    Sources good

    Mike -
    My sources are good, and checked out by Mods... what can I say?
    I'll take this off line, and E you about this, thanks!

  9. #9
    The Iron Game Guest
    sorry guys but im calling bullshit on this post or the sources packaging methods

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    I agree with iron on this one

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    hey my source is out of russia and he sent 5 packages 2 days after another i have recieved 3 of them and the rest will come this week if i dont get them i will tell you

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    my "friends" been getting all his packages from over season in good time bro.... i know some are slower now but damn since the 8th? i would start to worry if i was you inless its from china then i know his packages are really being slow..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Well.......i can actually help you guys here.

    Nothing will make it though the boarders very fast after 9/11/01 untill some further date.

    I'm a intern working though school and none of our orders (for leagal shit) from mexico have made it to us. They are all in inpound right now.

    With the Antrax scares now, i don't know when every thing will return to normal.

    Expect a dry spell on the juice.......

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