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  1. #1
    flo0rida is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002
    west palm, FL

    clomid after fina/primo

    heres the dilly,
    i just finished up my 7 week of tren , i started 400mg primo about 4 weeks into it so ive still got a few weeks left on the primo. now my question is, would it be wise to start clomid after fina is done since it shuts you down hard and also clomid after primo, or do i even need to clomid after primo since it isnt very harsh. my friend was a dumbass and didnt start clomid til 3 weeks after his fina was over and he crashed hardcore lost 10 lbs and i really dont want this to happen to me. so should i be safe and run it at the end of both? thanks

  2. #2
    flo0rida is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002
    west palm, FL
    if you need to know, i ran the tren at 75mg/ed

  3. #3
    Lush's Avatar
    Lush is offline Associate Member
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    Calgary Canada
    Interesting question,

    IMO 400mg of primo is enough to keep you shut down. So clomid right after the fina won't do anything. I'd say after the primo is the way to go.

    Of course if you have enough clomid you could through in some after the fina anyways- it won't hurt and may even help a little if 400mg's of primo isn't totally shutting you down.

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