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  1. #121
    ultimate_beef is offline Associate Member
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    to "gotmilk" showed us a picture when you were 17. Can you post a new one of you at 270 pounds.

  2. #122
    GotMilk?'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultimate_beef
    to "gotmilk" showed us a picture when you were 17. Can you post a new one of you at 270 pounds.
    page 2

  3. #123
    kloter1's Avatar
    kloter1 is offline Southern Steel Bodybuilding
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    well gotmilk it sounds like your getting your shit together. not gonna flame ya we all make mistakes, some just like to rub it in.

  4. #124
    zircon is offline Junior Member
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    Agreed. But everyone has their breaking point. Remember you are not even 50% aware (neither are any of us) on the full consequences of taking thewse hormones.

    All I'm saying is I can see where he's coming from. But in the end he's responsible for it, and he needs to figure it out, hoepfully with the help with others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Testostack
    Yeah yeah, but i don't think that's worth taking the risk of screwing my hormones and perhaps my future....JMO

  5. #125
    don anabolico's Avatar
    don anabolico is offline Associate Member
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    holy crap, some of you guys should be banned for not totally understanding what these forums are all about. its to help people with their fvck ups not bash them until they feel the need to defend themselves??? show me one person here that didnt everything perfectly from the time you started juicing, and im gonna call you a liar.
    on the other hand, i think that maybe you post cycle is getting to you a bit gotmilk?? taking that clomid will jack you mind up huh , lol.
    if you taking it for the girls bro, stop juicing and just lean up. you have enough mass on you. alternate route (i do think you are young but you will make your own decisions period) take milder gear like var and shit to maybe just maintain a little of what you have.... no acne ....
    but you will juice again wheather its in 6 weeks or 6 years, just learn from you experiances and choose the right meathod for you.

    and for the other bashers, bash me i really could give 2 shits.

  6. #126
    GotMilk?'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by don anabolico
    holy crap, some of you guys should be banned for not totally understanding what these forums are all about. its to help people with their fvck ups not bash them until they feel the need to defend themselves??? show me one person here that didnt everything perfectly from the time you started juicing, and im gonna call you a liar.
    on the other hand, i think that maybe you post cycle is getting to you a bit gotmilk?? taking that clomid will jack you mind up huh , lol.
    if you taking it for the girls bro, stop juicing and just lean up. you have enough mass on you. alternate route (i do think you are young but you will make your own decisions period) take milder gear like var and shit to maybe just maintain a little of what you have.... no acne ....
    but you will juice again wheather its in 6 weeks or 6 years, just learn from you experiances and choose the right meathod for you.

    and for the other bashers, bash me i really could give 2 shits.
    Thanks !! If I do stop now.... will I lose a lot of what I have gained ? I have always done the proper PCT. But still I dont think these gains will be permanent. Cuz you said to take milder gear like var to maintain what I have .... I really hope I dont lose a lot of it...
    I still think that would be really depressing.

  7. #127
    GearAholic's Avatar
    GearAholic is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    you made good progress got milk nicely done... the most important thing is that u realize whats going on and your trying to better yourself and thats what counts most good luck with that


  8. #128
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Oh boo hoo...........look at Mr. save the day!

    I said nothing about continually badgering him to death. I simply said that his mistakes should not go un-recognized, as this thread may influence others to do/not do something, and realizing the mistakes he made and pointing out that things DON'T have to be this way (horror story type shit) should definitely be explained.

    "Mr Save The Day" - Thanks Swole, I like that, could I have that as my title please?

    As for the rest of the thread: GotMilk - Were your initial posts made just after an argument with your gf? - cos none of it really makes sense now,
    A) You were complaining that you didn't get enough attention from the girls yet you have a 'hot mexican chica'
    B) You said you had become a 'freak' yet now you are worried about losing your size

  9. #129
    GotMilk?'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    "Mr Save The Day" - Thanks Swole, I like that, could I have that as my title please?

    As for the rest of the thread: GotMilk - Were your initial posts made just after an argument with your gf? - cos none of it really makes sense now,
    A) You were complaining that you didn't get enough attention from the girls yet you have a 'hot mexican chica'
    B) You said you had become a 'freak' yet now you are worried about losing your size
    A) my gf tells me I looked better when I was smaller, other girls have commented on it too, and family members.
    B) yeah I have become a 'freak' but does that mean I want to look like the average joe ? hell no.... I am not going to get small because my gf thinks that I look better that way, I am doing it for myself because steroids for me has been nothing but a crutch. Its time for me to move on and learn from my past mistakes. I wouldnt be upset going down to like 240 lbs, but I mean...losing a majority of my muscle mass would be depressing I feel.
    Last edited by GotMilk?; 11-11-2005 at 02:32 AM.

  10. #130
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    I really hope you sort your head out GotMilk, you sound very confused over what you want, and I mean that sincerely - no offence intended.

  11. #131
    zircon is offline Junior Member
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    confusing yes. A) should not be too important, cos its what others think. Obviously to you what others think IS important so you're letting it affect you. Don't blame you, everyone does it to some extent.

    No B is confusing. so you dont want to be a freak, but you dont want to be average joe? You have to be more specific what you want, because right now whatever you do, its not good enough. pick a weight , pick bf, thats healthy, and try to stick to that, and see wher eit takes you. If you dont like it, change. But stick with it for a while.

    If your recovery is fine pct etc, I reckon you should easily be able to hang on to 220-230, and thats great.

    But you're right you are using them as a crutch, although I'd be willing to bet that 90% of ppl here do it wanyway, including me, to some extent.

    There is a balance. I used to be 110 lbs at 18, 5'9, now aroun d 175 lbs 5'11. I feel much healthier and more on a the same level as others. Try and do that. Try and get to others level, because what you're doign now is trying to compensate for whatever you may think brings you below others level, by physically overcompensating.

    been there, done that, lol.

  12. #132
    GotMilk?'s Avatar
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    If I were to stay the way I am now and just maintain that and never cycle again, just get rid of the acne. I think I would be happy. Don't get me wrong, I did like the attention I got, but putting my life on hold to make my body bigger was getting me no where, while others are moving forward.
    I am happy with the way I look now, but hate the acne, even tho when I was smaller I was more appealing to the ladiez. The only reason I am stopping is because all I was focusing on was my body and getting no where with my life. I only recently got this gf who really cares about me as a person first, and how I look second.

  13. #133
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I totally agree with all the replies stating that you have a self image problem which probably is related to the acne and some emotional issues... and the crazy girlfriend I have pretty good skin - but my brother got my Dad's unfortunate genetics of oily, blemished skin... its all in the genes. See a doctor and try and get some Meds for this. It could be a result of a f'ed up puberty due to steroid use at a young age - but hopefully you can get past it quickly...

    I would totally, 100 percent support you stopping all steroids for at least a few years. Get yourself focused on growing up - fuk dude, your only 20... and deffinitly should not have been using AAS.

    But don't stop your fitness endeavors! Don't let anyone tell you it is not healthy - you have good potential and in the end, fitness is basic hygiene... something many Americans are losing sight on...

    Put your focus on training and diet while getting back into school or get your ass in the Marine Corps! They'll make a man out of ya there... and chicks DO dig Marines! Thats proven

  14. #134
    zircon is offline Junior Member
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    yeah marine corps soudns good. SHould suit you.

    First stop is getting rid of them roids for at least a coup[la years. second is accutane. Shit bro, this stuff has saved my life. I had problem skin since 13. Oily gunk on my face 20 min afetr washing it. Even beofre touching any steroids .

    I've been on accutane a month now, will be off any roids for next 6 months, while it does its work. I reckon this will solve it once and for all.

    Second you are def very concerned with the ladies, but I dont really blame you, I've been there, and still sometimes am.

    Just sort out the basic stuff liek not using roids for now, getting accutane, and getting some goals and meaning in your life. Start searching about how really successful ppl live their lives, and how they create their happiness. I've been doign a lot of searching myself the last 3 months, and I'd be happy to help you out.

    You are fortunate. You are 20, I was 27 before I figured out some of these things.

    Good luck,

  15. #135
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    GotMilk? is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the advice warrior amd zircon!! Yeah I think its best I take a couple years off juicing and focus getting an education...and just getting the ball rolling !! Thanks...I really appreciate it !!

  16. #136
    zircon is offline Junior Member
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    2 books. Tony Robbins - Awake the Giant within.

    Dealing with uncertainty - susan Jeffers.

    You might not like either of the books much or the people (many ppl dont like Tony Robbins), but they link you up with a WEALTH of info on what succesful and happy people do, to get where they want to be. I have managed to pick up many things from them, where it points me into a direction, and I do research on it, and figure out more abnout myself and other people.

    The key to this is the fact that everything happens for a reason. There's a reason why you're going through whatever you're doing now, and believe me, it's your best chance to look at yourself and change what you don't like, specifically relating to your self esteem.

  17. #137
    stockyone is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotMilk?
    that is me 3 years ago... Ill post up pics of the freak I turned into tommorow...

    Don't mind if i ask, can we see the after pics?

  18. #138
    GotMilk?'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stockyone
    Don't mind if i ask, can we see the after pics?
    PAGE 2

  19. #139
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    what about an antibiotic like erythramoycian (spelling)..One of my friends is on and he takes that w/ great success
    Antiobiotics really arent the answer for acne...If you're on them for too long you will start to build a resistance to them and eventually they'll stop working to clear your acne. Worse than that, when it comes time that you REALLY need the antiobiotics to fight infection, they'll be far less effective and you'll have to move onto really strong antibiotics, really not the best idea. Id stick with tane or other non-antibiotics...

  20. #140
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    oh and by the way, you look jacked bro...clear up the acne and i think your good to go, i agree that your confidence will definately go way up with good skin...

  21. #141
    GotMilk?'s Avatar
    GotMilk? is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah the acne really does suck. I only went to the gym once this week because this is the worst it has ever been.

  22. #142
    PowerHouse555's Avatar
    PowerHouse555 is offline Associate Member
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    I never saw a thread get such a reaction. Not only did u start to young....u did it for the wrong resons, if you are going to do riods do it for yourself for you can be rational at it...if you are doing it for the respect (learn to fight) and the ladys (why you have a girl friend) then you have other issues you need to deal with bro. "case in piont" u need to find confidence and peace of mind somewhere and know u f'ed it up by using wieght training.

    My advice you should have used muscle tech've seen the ads, woman are always hanging on those guys

  23. #143
    LuckyDragon's Avatar
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    EDIT: It looks like you have decided the right path to go, in which case the preceeding tongue-lash was not necessary. Good luck GotMilk!
    Last edited by LuckyDragon; 11-13-2005 at 10:24 PM.

  24. #144
    sonar1234's Avatar
    sonar1234 is offline Banned
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    Its never to late in life to make something of yourself, i went back to school at 24, did not even have a high school diploma, at 26 i add my diploma and has well has a diploma has a computer technicien, i am making some good money now.

    20 is young, you need to realize that there is not only size in life, at 33 and injured in the back i cannot training like i did i was 220 pounds natural, of course my bodyfat was not 7% but more around 16% but i was big, add respect from a lot of people, lifted heavyweights and more.

    I am now 200 pounds and cannot train like i used to but that is life. I been training has you have since i was 13, joined a gym at 16, and spent my Friday night in the gym instead of going out with my friends, in fact i put everything on hold myself til i was 24 and realized that like you my life was going no where, only difference is that i did 2 brief steroid cycles at 28 and i didnt get hooked.

    In your natural pic you where pertty big and add a great shape.

    Goodluck to you bro and beleive in yourself, find out what you wanna do with your life and go for it.

  25. #145
    Testostack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madflabby

    He's 20, and he works as a security guard for minum wage.

    Get your ass to school, learn a trade, do something. You're too young for that sh!t

    Take the medicine these guys recomend and go to the tanning bed, I have a feeling that 95% of your low self image is the acne, because aside from that you looked ripped bro.

    Also I couldn't help noticing your G.I. Joe guys and your race cars right beside your bottle of NO-XPLODE on your buff picture. Damn man, you are pretty young for this stuff.

    LOOOOOOOOOOOL........that's rough dude!! but funny and certainly true!

  26. #146
    Steerhard is offline New Member
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    HI Gotmilk! Could you please list down your last 4 cycles and PCTs?
    I'm a newcomer to the juices and about to start my 2nd cycle.
    It really freaks me out after hearing your story.

  27. #147
    GotMilk?'s Avatar
    GotMilk? is offline Junior Member
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    my past cycles conisted of:

    18 years old:
    PCT: 6oxo

    19 years old 11 week cycle:
    Deca 300/wk for 10 weeks
    Test E 500/wk for 11 weeks
    PCT: Clomid & Nolvadex

    19 years old 11 week cycle:
    Deca 300/wk for 10 weeks
    Test E 500/wk for 11 weeks
    HCG weeks 6- 13
    PCT: Clomid & Nolvadex

    20 years old 9 week cycle:
    Tren A 525/wk for 8 weeks
    Test C 250/wk for 9 weeks
    HCG every 4 days 250-500 till day before pct
    PCT: Clomid

  28. #148
    Steerhard is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotMilk?
    my past cycles conisted of:

    18 years old:
    PCT: 6oxo

    19 years old 11 week cycle:
    Deca 300/wk for 10 weeks
    Test E 500/wk for 11 weeks
    PCT: Clomid & Nolvadex

    19 years old 11 week cycle:
    Deca 300/wk for 10 weeks
    Test E 500/wk for 11 weeks
    HCG weeks 6- 13
    PCT: Clomid & Nolvadex

    20 years old 9 week cycle:
    Tren A 525/wk for 8 weeks
    Test C 250/wk for 9 weeks
    HCG every 4 days 250-500 till day before pct
    PCT: Clomid
    Thanks Gotmilk.
    Did you take Nolva during cycle and how much? How much Nolva did you take during PCT?

    Also, which cycle did you first have the really bad side effects?

  29. #149
    GotMilk?'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steerhard
    Thanks Gotmilk.
    Did you take Nolva during cycle and how much? How much Nolva did you take during PCT?

    Also, which cycle did you first have the really bad side effects?

    I only took nolvadex during PCT at 20mg ed for 30 days along with my clomid.
    Deffinately this last cycle I did with tren was the worst for side effects. I didnt have any night sweats or trouble sleeping cuz I sleep with a fan on I guess. I got HORRIBLE acne off it...well mine was bad already... it made it 10x worse... time for accutane I hope..

  30. #150
    Steerhard is offline New Member
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    Would it help if you use Nolva during cycle? Did the acne turned up then?

    With your determination, i'm sure you'll recover. Lucky it's just acne.

  31. #151
    zircon is offline Junior Member
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    Yes tren aggravated my acne terribly, and then the pct just blew it over the top lol.

    Use accutane, no roids nothing. When you're 24 you might run cycles like primo, eq and test, no androgenic stuff like tren, at least thats what I've decided for myself, to keep away the acne.

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