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  1. #1
    INC_HULK92 is offline New Member
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    ??What Would Be BEST??

    I have been busting my ass in the gym to get ready for my first cycle. I would like to try to keep most of what I gain out of my first cycle. I know I will lose some but I would like to try to keep most of my gain. What Gear would be best for me to use?

    Thanks INC_HULK

  2. #2
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    List your stats (age, weight, years working out, diet, bf%, etc) and goals.

    We'll take it from there...

  3. #3
    INC_HULK92 is offline New Member
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    I am 24, 5'7" I am 190 I have been working out for about 2 years. I have been on a high protein Low carb low fat diet. My body fat % is 10. I would like to be about 220 or 230. That is my goal.

  4. #4
    Ms Figure's Avatar
    Ms Figure is offline Retired Moderator
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    OK a great Mass builder for the beginner which gets a lot of "press" around here, is D-Bol, Sus, Deca .

    But this could be a Test, Equipose, D-Bol stack instead. I think it depends on what your "source" can provide.

    If we opt for the first stack run it like this

    D-Bol 30mg ED

    Deca 400mg
    Sus 500mg

    Clomid, 300mg day 1, 100mg ten days, 50mg tens days.

    Take 800mg of milk thistle ED for a week before your cycle and aweek after you finish the D-Bol. Cos D-Bol is 17aa steriod it can be harmful to the liver, milk thistle can help protect the liver and your well-being.

    Inject twice per week

    250mg Sus
    200mg Deca

    Say sun/wed

    Use a 23g 1.5 for glutes.

    And a 23g 1 for delts/thighs

    rotate injections sites to minimise scar tissue.

    To help keep your gains run Clen post cycle, i suggest starting at the same time as cloimd. Run it two weeks on two weeks off.

    Taper up from 1 tab a day to a max of 8, find your tolerance level and stick that for the rest of the period.

    Load on creatine in the off-period. This should help you maintain gains. however, it is always two steps forward one back, so be prepared, to lose strength and size post cycle.

    Diet is key steriods aids absorbtion of protien (inlayman's terms) so increase you protein intake 1.5g per pound at least. drink lots of water and keep sodium to a min to off-set water protection retention

    With test there's is the likely hood of gyno as the the body coverts the steriod to estrogen which like to deposit inself in fatty areas.

    Armidex at .25 mg ed is best. but if you can't afford this you can wait unitl you get signs of gyno (if) (itchy sore nipples) and take tamoxifen (nolv) at 20mg ED until symptons subside and then drop the dose to 10mg ed to the cycle is complete.

    alternatively you can run proviron at 50mg ED.

    Read up on the above to understand what you are gettng into.

    Thinks that covers it.
    Ms Figure

  5. #5
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    I just wanted to say good job Ms. Figure, that post must have taken forever to type, even if you're a fast typer.

  6. #6
    Ms Figure's Avatar
    Ms Figure is offline Retired Moderator
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    70 wpm!

    It don't take to long, I felt like be extra helpful today
    Ms Figure

  7. #7
    SHOT's Avatar
    SHOT is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by Ms Figure
    OK a great Mass builder for the beginner which gets a lot of "press" around here, is D-Bol, Sus, Deca .

    But this could be a Test, Equipose, D-Bol stack instead. I think it depends on what your "source" can provide.

    If we opt for the first stack run it like this

    D-Bol 30mg ED

    Deca 400mg
    Sus 500mg

    Clomid, 300mg day 1, 100mg ten days, 50mg tens days.

    Take 800mg of milk thistle ED for a week before your cycle and aweek after you finish the D-Bol. Cos D-Bol is 17aa steriod it can be harmful to the liver, milk thistle can help protect the liver and your well-being.

    Inject twice per week

    250mg Sus
    200mg Deca

    Say sun/wed

    Use a 23g 1.5 for glutes.

    And a 23g 1 for delts/thighs

    rotate injections sites to minimise scar tissue.

    To help keep your gains run Clen post cycle, i suggest starting at the same time as cloimd. Run it two weeks on two weeks off.

    Taper up from 1 tab a day to a max of 8, find your tolerance level and stick that for the rest of the period.

    Load on creatine in the off-period. This should help you maintain gains. however, it is always two steps forward one back, so be prepared, to lose strength and size post cycle.

    Diet is key steriods aids absorbtion of protien (inlayman's terms) so increase you protein intake 1.5g per pound at least. drink lots of water and keep sodium to a min to off-set water protection retention

    With test there's is the likely hood of gyno as the the body coverts the steriod to estrogen which like to deposit inself in fatty areas.

    Armidex at .25 mg ed is best. but if you can't afford this you can wait unitl you get signs of gyno (if) (itchy sore nipples) and take tamoxifen (nolv) at 20mg ED until symptons subside and then drop the dose to 10mg ed to the cycle is complete.

    alternatively you can run proviron at 50mg ED.

    Read up on the above to understand what you are gettng into.

    Thinks that covers it.

    I agree with everything BUT...the clomid and milk thisle...i woudl take atleast 1200 mg of milk thisle a day....

    the clomid i run 50 mg ed/100 mg eod/50 mged

    other then that i agree

  8. #8
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    bro, i pm'ed you back. i was gonna recommend the exact same cycel that ms fig did. i think that's the most pop cycle right now, and you should gain alot of weight and strenght. ms fig and her 70 wpm beat me to it! she gives great advice though, so listen to her. i agree 100%

  9. #9
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Shots right on the money on this post......

  10. #10
    INC_HULK92 is offline New Member
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    I would just like to thank You guys for helping me out and telling me what would be best. Thank You all of you are great.

  11. #11
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    ms figure
    im very impressed, you wanna set something up for me also?

    seriously, good post i think you covered it well.

    peace bb79

  12. #12
    Mike Guest
    Actually I thought Ms Figure's clomid therapy was perfect - I am not gonna say that yours wont work SHOT, in fact I am curious as to why you have it running this way - it seems like a complicated answer for a simple problem - I run clomid just as Ms Figure suggests

  13. #13
    SHOT's Avatar
    SHOT is offline Associate Member
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    I have ran the clomid both way......and i like my way better...its old school it doesnt take many tabs and plain and simple it works....

    thats about all i can say for it hahahaha

    so i figure why fix something that isnt broke??

    there is many way to take clomid tho and im sure they all work...but i like mine the best... i also take clen like no one else either...along with t-3....just me i guess lol

    Originally posted by Mike
    Actually I thought Ms Figure's clomid therapy was perfect - I am not gonna say that yours wont work SHOT, in fact I am curious as to why you have it running this way - it seems like a complicated answer for a simple problem - I run clomid just as Ms Figure suggests

  14. #14
    Mike Guest
    Yeah there really are only a few ways you can screw clomid up - just wondering if you had a reason for NOT doing it one way or the other - that clears that up for me - thanks

  15. #15
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    I think Ms. Figure's cycle is a bit much. A good cycle though. I'd aim for something like deca /winny, at low to moderate doses. Maybe test enathate (or cyp) and d-bol with Liquidex and lots of liver protection. Will work very well and you will GAIN. Stay away from sust first time due to cost, long kick-in time, pain, etc. Keep it simple and you will gain just as much if not more.

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