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  1. #41
    tatersaladisgood is offline Junior Member
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    you shouldnt be here

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt2499
    What should I take to cut fat off in my belly, chest, Love Handles, and possibly the back area? I want to be ready for my season in Febuary. I have tried every diet, every fat burning supplement on the market including the ephedra back in the day and nothing has worked. So now I have turned to the dark side and am going to go the steroid route. I have heard that Winny would be the best route..I do not really want to gain muscle mass in those areas, I just simply want to lean up and cut the fat away. Of course good muscle gains would be nice, but I just simply want to loose the fat. Please help if you know a good suggestion.. I do not have a ton of money to spend, but I am willing to buy what it takes. Febuary is coming soon. Thanks for your help.

    To help those of you that MISUNDERSTOOD me.
    I am not some HUGE fat @$$..I play college ball.. I have been eating good this whole entire year. I run 30 minutes a day 3 times a week, and then do sprints the rest of the days.. I just have stubborn fat sitting on my stomach, and sides that I am trying to see if Winstol could help get rid of..Please let me know..Thanks
    if roids are the dark side why are you asking about them. dont be a hippocrit. they are only bad if you make them that way.

  2. #42
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    I believe some people are unfortunate to have areas of fat that just WON'T budge. I got my bf % very low through a sound diet and cardio but i still had some fat deposits on my stomach. Its a good job am getting this dealt with through lipo/surgery.

  3. #43
    Cuttup's Avatar
    Cuttup is offline Senior Member
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    Here and there

  4. #44
    omnipotent is offline Banned
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    winny .. clen .. dnp , are all things you can take into consideration .. just be careful .. especially with the dnp that can really mess you up .

  5. #45
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Topical PGF2a is the closest thing to lipo one can get.....

    When you "diet" you shrink the fat cell.... you don't "kill" it. pgf2a when mixed with DMSO will absorb into the body and actually "move" the fatcell into the blood stream. When taking topical pgf2a it's wise to take a low dose of DNP or T3 sot he fat cell burns and "dies" - otherwise it can re-attach someplace else.

    For more info on PGF2a run a search on this forum. there should be plenty of info on it.

    also, I'm in no way recommending using this as a quick fix for "fatness" - just giving information....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  6. #46
    Matt2499's Avatar
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    Exclamation My Regimen Right Now

    By the way, I just wanted to say THANKS TO ALL for all of your responds!!
    Yesterday I went out and purchased me a bottle of Yohimburn ES
    I have Ephedra pills and if you want to respond to my other thread and the question WHAT IS THE CORRECT ECA STACK??? Then go here

    On Monday Wednesday, and Friday I run 30 minutes in the morning at the Gold's Gym at 6:30 in the morning
    BUT I am going to now UP that to 45 minutes to and hour after listening to you all and your suggestions..
    I am currently eating a more or the less Minimal Carb diet.
    I still eat vegetables, simply just NO SUGAR.

    So please respond and make sure if you know anything about the ECA stack then please go give your knowledge to


  7. #47
    Matt2499's Avatar
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    Question What is PGF2a and where do you get it and what does it cost?

    What is PGF2a, and where do you get it and what does it cost?
    I just bought Yohimburn ES which I am sure you know is a topical Fat burning solution..Is that similat or just as good as PGF2a???

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    Topical PGF2a is the closest thing to lipo one can get.....

    When you "diet" you shrink the fat cell.... you don't "kill" it. pgf2a when mixed with DMSO will absorb into the body and actually "move" the fatcell into the blood stream. When taking topical pgf2a it's wise to take a low dose of DNP or T3 sot he fat cell burns and "dies" - otherwise it can re-attach someplace else.

    For more info on PGF2a run a search on this forum. there should be plenty of info on it.

    also, I'm in no way recommending using this as a quick fix for "fatness" - just giving information....


  8. #48
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    pgf2a isn't easy to find..... im sorry i can't tell you where to get it..... all i can say is i think one research lab carries it.....

    pgf2a is way more effective than anything you can find OTC. It can also be injected to promote site growth. Run a search and read about it.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  9. #49
    Matt2499's Avatar
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    What do you think of Yohimburn ES topical with an ECA stack?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    pgf2a isn't easy to find..... im sorry i can't tell you where to get it..... all i can say is i think one research lab carries it.....

    pgf2a is way more effective than anything you can find OTC. It can also be injected to promote site growth. Run a search and read about it.


  10. #50
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    pgf2a is not all that effective and the side effects are "shitty" (literally).

    it does work, but most users find it not to be worth it.

  11. #51
    nitro_fusion's Avatar
    nitro_fusion is offline Associate Member
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    A heck of a lot of cardio but as for something to take, there is this stuff that is supposed to raise your body temperature a little bit so you burn more calories just in resting. Might be tren but im not sure.

  12. #52
    MarkinHouston's Avatar
    MarkinHouston is offline Associate Member
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    I'm betting that "clean" diet has way too many carbs for fat loss, especially high glycemic index carbs....look at the diet, and up the cardio....the fat will go away.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkinHouston
    I'm betting that "clean" diet has way too many carbs for fat loss, especially high glycemic index carbs....look at the diet, and up the cardio....the fat will go away.

    insulin sensitivity management is essential for fat loss, however with stubborn fatty deposits (oestrogenic fats) there is the secondary issue of high A2 adrenoceptor ratios (in contrast to beta adrenoceptors) that is significantly inhibitory to fat loss.

  14. #54
    V5RED's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    Topical PGF2a is the closest thing to lipo one can get.....

    When you "diet" you shrink the fat cell.... you don't "kill" it. pgf2a when mixed with DMSO will absorb into the body and actually "move" the fatcell into the blood stream. When taking topical pgf2a it's wise to take a low dose of DNP or T3 sot he fat cell burns and "dies" - otherwise it can re-attach someplace else.

    For more info on PGF2a run a search on this forum. there should be plenty of info on it.

    also, I'm in no way recommending using this as a quick fix for "fatness" - just giving information....

    this fat cell thing will catch on like ppl claiming to be "hardgainers"

    gear for twigs, surgery for jabba the hut......

  15. #55
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    actually EGCG (the thermogenic component of green tea) has been shown to be apoptic to fat cells. It kills them, which pretty much destroys the whole you cant get rid of fat cells only shrink them theory (though there are other forms of apoptis that also contradicted this theory prior-- so it was never really accepted by the scientific community-- the blissfully ignorant medical community did latch on to--- spurred by the plastic surgeons who profited greatly from such ignorance)....rant... rant... grumble...grumble

  16. #56
    karln is offline Associate Member
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    tren winstrol and dbol while on atkins u will gain muscle and cut fat

  17. #57
    mrsuperpump's Avatar
    mrsuperpump is offline Associate Member
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    on the block in T dot
    ok now 57 posts on how to loose fat is enough, just go read the diet forum section no more replies plz

  18. #58
    Montgomery's Avatar
    Montgomery is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by karln
    tren winstrol and dbol while on atkins u will gain muscle and cut fat

    This is the worst advice I've seen in a while. Do this only if you want to shut down your entire endocrine system within a week.

  19. #59
    Montgomery's Avatar
    Montgomery is offline Associate Member
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    when an athlete is cutting, steroids can be thought of as muscle savers. That is, for someone who is past their natural peak and wants to lose body fat without sacrificing muscle mass. In order to lose body fat you need to be hypocaloric (eat less than you burn), and this can burn muscle too if you're past your natural limit. For someone who's not concerned with losing a few lbs of muscle, or has an abundance of body fat, steroids are not the answer and will get you nowhere without a clean, lean diet and good exercise routine.


  20. #60
    Matt2499's Avatar
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    Question Macrophage69alpha....Please help

    Hey Macrophage69alpha,
    Please reply and give me your thought.
    I just bought the YOHIMBURN ES...I have the ECA Stack..
    What else could I take to help speed up this process?? I am trying to cut about 15-20 lbs of fat before Febuary..
    Right now I am 6'1 and 219lbs..
    I take the ECA stack once in the morning, then put on the Yohimburn also, workout, and run for 45 minutes..Then I follow up in the afternoon with the EC stack but not with Aspirin because I take 325 mlg in the morning.
    What else could you advise for quick weight(fat loss) so I can be totally ready in Febuary for my season..Because right now I still have the belly that I am trying to destroy..Let me know, because I can see you know your sh*t here..Thanks macrophage69alpha...

    Quote Originally Posted by macrophage69alpha
    insulin sensitivity management is essential for fat loss, however with stubborn fatty deposits (oestrogenic fats) there is the secondary issue of high A2 adrenoceptor ratios (in contrast to beta adrenoceptors) that is significantly inhibitory to fat loss.

  21. #61
    Matt2499's Avatar
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    I really wouldnt mind shedding just a few pounds of muscle to be honest with you if I could loose fat along with it...Right now, I am really eating more of proteins and carbs as in the form of salad and other green vegetables..I am also taking the ECA stack twice a day, and rubbing on the Yohimburn ES 30 minutes before I run.

    QUOTE=Montgomery]when an athlete is cutting, steroids can be thought of as muscle savers. That is, for someone who is past their natural peak and wants to lose body fat without sacrificing muscle mass. In order to lose body fat you need to be hypocaloric (eat less than you burn), and this can burn muscle too if you're past your natural limit. For someone who's not concerned with losing a few lbs of muscle, or has an abundance of body fat, steroids are not the answer and will get you nowhere without a clean, lean diet and good exercise routine.


  22. #62
    mrsuperpump's Avatar
    mrsuperpump is offline Associate Member
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    on the block in T dot
    nobody listens to me

  23. #63
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    you can take EC 3 times a day. Add EGCG (a good green tea extract)- increases thermogenic effects of any caffiene based stack and is apoptic to fat cells (it can kill them essentially).

    R+ lipoic (especially if you have carb issues) and Sesamin is another good addition.

    as far as your stimulant base you can rotate in Clenbuterol and Thermorexin (slight, though IMO justified, bias) running them 2-3 weeks at a time (EC and thermorexin can be run longer-- clen pretty much tops out at 2-3 weeks with a steep decline in effectiveness)

  24. #64
    Matt2499's Avatar
    Matt2499 is offline Junior Member
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    What is R+lipoic and Sesamin?
    How do I take with ECA stack?
    Give me your best supplement stack and how I should take it each day if I CANNOT get the Clen , because I do not know how to get Clen, because where I am from nobody has heard of that.
    Appreciate all of your time Macro

    Quote Originally Posted by macrophage69alpha

    you can take EC 3 times a day. Add EGCG (a good green tea extract)- increases thermogenic effects of any caffiene based stack and is apoptic to fat cells (it can kill them essentially).

    R+ lipoic (especially if you have carb issues) and Sesamin is another good addition.

    as far as your stimulant base you can rotate in Clenbuterol and Thermorexin (slight, though IMO justified, bias) running them 2-3 weeks at a time (EC and thermorexin can be run longer-- clen pretty much tops out at 2-3 weeks with a steep decline in effectiveness)

  25. #65
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    I hate it when people refer to steroids as going to the dark side!!

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney
    I hate it when people refer to steroids as going to the dark side!!
    some people actually crave the "sinister" aspect attributed to gear. Its a form of acting out (a mild and unhurtful one)

  27. #67
    Unoid is offline Member
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    sounds like cortisol induced fat areas.
    Try some cortisol blockers/level decreasers.
    Or if you're more daring than me Ru486 would do the trick. That in conjunction with cardio

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unoid
    Or if you're more daring than me Ru486 would do the trick. That in conjunction with cardio
    sounds like a recipe for tendon and ligament damage. Progesterone receptor blockers have host of unpleasant physiological effects

  29. #69
    WORNOUTGLOVES is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnatomicallyBlessed
    look up clenbuterol under steroid profiles, i'm using it now with my cycle and i'm getting good results


  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by WORNOUTGLOVES
    things you need to take with clen :
    alcar- cardio protective

    Things you can take with clen to increase fat burning: (partial list)
    cardio breeze or thermorexin (or other non-beta 2 based)
    Green tea
    Yohimburn ES (or other yohimbine based topical)
    Sesamin (sesapure)

  31. #71
    Matt2499's Avatar
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    Would you suggest taking Clen with what you said below,
    taking the ECA stack, with Yohimburn ES, and Green Tea, and Sesamin?
    Please let me know

    Quote Originally Posted by macrophage69alpha
    things you need to take with clen:
    alcar- cardio protective

    Things you can take with clen to increase fat burning: (partial list)
    cardio breeze or thermorexin (or other non-beta 2 based)
    Green tea
    Yohimburn ES (or other yohimbine based topical)
    Sesamin (sesapure)

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt2499
    Would you suggest taking Clen with what you said below,
    taking the ECA stack, with Yohimburn ES, and Green Tea, and Sesamin?
    Please let me know
    they are both good options, individual response will vary. though clen + thermorexin or cardio breeze is going to be as or more potent than EC for fat loss. Clinicals show the MC stack (which is a core part of both thermorexin and cardio breeze) produces the same metabolic increase as EC. Because they are not beta agonists (as ephedrine is) they can be stacked with clen.

  33. #73
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    One last question for you...
    I have narrowed down what I want to do now
    I am going to take Clen probably with Ketofen..
    I am also going to purchase Seaman....Maybe even get me some Glucorell R...And I might even get Liquidex for chest area/nipples.
    I already have Yohimburn ES..
    Is that a pretty good stack that will help me for sure cut down..
    Tell me your thought and what you think I should definately buy today, because I have been doing all this reading and I am ready to start..
    I am making my orders today..
    Somebody was even telling me to get AAS..
    But give me your final stack that I should take from what I have shown you here and tell me if its too much..
    I will be looking for your reply

    Quote Originally Posted by macrophage69alpha
    they are both good options, individual response will vary. though clen + thermorexin or cardio breeze is going to be as or more potent than EC for fat loss. Clinicals show the MC stack (which is a core part of both thermorexin and cardio breeze) produces the same metabolic increase as EC. Because they are not beta agonists (as ephedrine is) they can be stacked with clen.

  34. #74
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    yes. that looks fine. Though IMO the clen +ketofin is not all its cracked up to be (it is true that Histamine blocking does decrease beta adrenoceptor down regulation) and if it is that means additional potential cardiac issues from extended use.

    IMO it far better to run clen 2-3 weeks at time (with ketofin for the last week if you want) and rotate that with EC or thermorexin (or both- separately not at the same time) in 2-3 week stints as well.

    some people on elite run thermorexin or cardio breeze as their "base" and then add clen for 2-3 weeks at time with 3-4 week breaks.

  35. #75
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    Ok, well then I will just take the Clen with the Thermorexin, Seasman, and Glucorell-R...
    What do you think of Liquidex if I were to throw it in there?
    Will that take off the fat around the chest area, especially around the nipple area?
    What side effects do you know of that Liquidex has?
    Thanks Bro!

    Quote Originally Posted by macrophage69alpha
    yes. that looks fine. Though IMO the clen+ketofin is not all its cracked up to be (it is true that Histamine blocking does decrease beta adrenoceptor down regulation) and if it is that means additional potential cardiac issues from extended use.

    IMO it far better to run clen 2-3 weeks at time (with ketofin for the last week if you want) and rotate that with EC or thermorexin (or both- separately not at the same time) in 2-3 week stints as well.

    some people on elite run thermorexin or cardio breeze as their "base" and then add clen for 2-3 weeks at time with 3-4 week breaks.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt2499
    Ok, well then I will just take the Clen with the Thermorexin, Seasman, and Glucorell-R...
    What do you think of Liquidex if I were to throw it in there?
    Will that take off the fat around the chest area, especially around the nipple area?
    What side effects do you know of that Liquidex has?
    Thanks Bro!
    that is fine. It will help.
    it suppress estrogen production, though less significantly than other aromatase inhibitors.

    side effects are typically minimal

  37. #77
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by macrophage69alpha
    yes. that looks fine. Though IMO the clen+ketofin is not all its cracked up to be (it is true that Histamine blocking does decrease beta adrenoceptor down regulation) and if it is that means additional potential cardiac issues from extended use.

    IMO it far better to run clen 2-3 weeks at time (with ketofin for the last week if you want) and rotate that with EC or thermorexin (or both- separately not at the same time) in 2-3 week stints as well.

    some people on elite run thermorexin or cardio breeze as their "base" and then add clen for 2-3 weeks at time with 3-4 week breaks.
    agree 100%

  38. #78
    needle's Avatar
    needle is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone_Biggums

    why does everyone think steroids are the answer to being fat???
    lol very true

  39. #79
    Matt2499's Avatar
    Matt2499 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok then Macro,
    Shoud I run Letro or Nolva instead??
    And what side effects should I see there?

    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    agree 100%

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt2499
    Ok then Macro,
    Shoud I run Letro or Nolva instead??
    And what side effects should I see there?
    dex is fine
    letro is more likely to cause side effects of too much oestrogen suppression, though you could take it. Just go with a half or 1/4 dose EOD.

    Nolva is only really effective if you have hard tissue. It may actually, based on some of the women research, increase adiposity (fat gain)

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