its been well stated that the use of T3/clen should be avoided without anabolics. My dilemma is this: I've just recently (4weeks) came of a cycle. And since then i've been trying to take the fat off which I gained during the cycle. I planned on using T3/clen to help me but now it seems to be a bad idea.
So....I hasnt been long enough for me to start a new cycle but at the same time I dont want to look like a backstreet boy in a few weeks. THE QUESTION now is how much juice is enough to keep me anabolic and not loose too much muscle? Would a 20cc bottle of (RWR) winstrol (50mg/ml) be enough to ofset the catabolic state? If so should I use 50mg ed or eod?? Another thought would be to just use the clen by itself with out the T3. I planned on using the T3 the way cycleon outlined in his post for about 25 days at a MAX dosage of 100mcgs maybey only as high as 75mcgs?? Depending on how I react. All input is appreciated