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  1. #1
    steel10 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2002

    Want to add 5 weeks onto 10 week cycle-- feedback

    I am in the 7th week of my 2nd ever cycle. I am 22 years old, 5'8'' and started this cycle at 195lbs @13% bf. I up 10 lbs, to 205, at same bf.

    My cycle is this (I have not yet done the last 3 weeks):
    weeks 1-10: tkk cyp @ 400mg/week
    weeks 1-9: tkk deca @ 300mg/week
    weeks 2-7: ref-b @ 50mg (with some changing of dosages)-- I started at week 2 because of probs getting tabs.

    Anyway, this is going to by my last cyle for the forseeable future, as I am beginning my job as an Investment Banker in September and lifting/nutrition will have to take the back burner for some time. I am strongly considering extending my current cycle another 5 weeks in order to, obviously, extend its results throughout the summer. I know most cycles we talk about here are around 10 weeks, but would this be a really bad idea? My dosages have been rather moderate and I have made solid, but not huge, gains.

    If extending the cycle, I was planning on doing the tkk cyp at the same dosage (400mg/week) for the final 5 weeks (weeks 10-15), but possibly switching to tkk eq @ 500mg/week for weeks 10-14-- instead of staying with the deca. Would such a change be a bad idea? Anyway, I appreciate the feedback. Thank you.

  2. #2
    steel10 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2002
    Bump for some feedback. Thank you.

  3. #3
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Switching to EQ for 5 weeks wouldn't work, it take 4 week to kick in. I have no idea about 15 week cycle. It seems alittle long to me, as far as recovering you natural test goes, you might have problems.

    Why go that long if in September from what you said it seem as if you won't be lifting anymore or very little, why take a chance of a possiblity of more side effects?

    I would like to hear some input on this myself.


  4. #4
    steel10 is offline Junior Member
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    That is what I want to see, if it would be really unwise with respects to sides. My dosages are rather moderate and I havent experienced any sides thus far (besides the normal d-bol ones, with cramping and such). It is not that I am going to stop training in September, just that I consider this like my last serious training burst. I am happy with the gains I have made since beginning to train with dedication about 4 years ago and want achieve the best physique I can before lowering my level of dedication for some time... Anyway, thanks. More feedback appreciated.

  5. #5
    steel10 is offline Junior Member
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  6. #6
    testaprim's Avatar
    testaprim is offline Associate Member
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    i would go with johnny on the eq, as far as the 15 week cycle just remember that the longer your cycle the less the odds are that your natural test production will occur thats the reason for the time off between cycles and clomid therapy, to allow your body to start producing test on its own. the longer you are on the more of a chance you take.

  7. #7
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Keep the cycle at 10 weeks and look for a way to keep lifting.

    Seriously, as a guy who put career ahead of my personal life for WAY TOO LONG, you look back and see that taking care of your body is second to NOTHING, except perhaps family--and even then, your family would want/need you to be in the best shape you could be, right?

    Find a good 24 hour gym and hit it when you get done with work--whenever that is! If you travel, pick hotels with a gym. Find a way, find some way!

    You don't want to wind up as some fat-cigar smoking banker in a three-piece suit wheezing your way down the golf course (in tacky Bermuda shorts) once a month! Oh, the horror!
    Last edited by Ajax; 05-18-2002 at 12:55 AM.

  8. #8
    steel10 is offline Junior Member
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    Damn Ajax-- that just gave me a funny mental image (the bermuda shorts, cigar,etc). Unfortunetely, with I-Banking, my job will have to be priority number one for some time. I made a conscious decision to try to get the job I did for various personal reasons-- in short, I am confident that the benefits will prove to outweigh the costs, as I should find myself in a position to have a lot of freedom at a very young age after putting in some serious time over the next years. In any event, I do plan on continuing to lift, just not with the all around dedication that I have now.

    One thing I do take exception with that you said is about being healthy for our family members. I agree 100% with that premise, but I don't think we (or at least most of us) do the types of things we do (i.e. gear) to promote healthy living. In terms of just being healthy, I think we would be better off maintaining a steady body weight (w/o the bulking/cutting fluctuations), low bf, doing a lot of cardio and not doing as many powerlifting movements as many of us do, which will most likely prove more taxing on our bodies when we are older. Anyway, this is just my $.02 Thanks for all the feedback and it will certainly provide me with some extra motivation when I need it next year.

  9. #9
    THEGAME187 is offline Associate Member
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