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  1. #1
    MortalDefiance's Avatar
    MortalDefiance is offline New Member
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    Dec 2005

    Talking Bulk cycle, opinions needed

    Hey guys,

    Im interested in doing a bulk cycle and im not sure how to go at it. This will be my second cycle. My first cycle consisted of Testosterone Enanthate at 600 mg/week. I used Test (E) for 15 weeks and i loved it! I try to eat at least 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight. I’ve gained 20 pounds, and I am happy with the results “but” more is always better! I’m now finishing my (PCT) with Clomid. I weigh 210 pounds and I stand 5 feet 11 inches, and I have several years of weight lifting under my belt. I have done extensive research upon theses following substances, but I would like to hear the opinion of someone who has had experience and success with theses substances. What could I add to my cycle, and how many mg/week? And what herbal suppliments do you guys suggest?

    Seteroids and (PCT)

    -Testosterone Enanthate
    -Deca -Durabolin
    -Trenbolone Acetate
    -Tamoxifen Citrate (Novladex)
    -Clomiphine Citrate (Clomid)

    Herbal Suppliments

    -Milk Thistle Extract - (protects the liver from toxins and diseases)
    -Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) - is the number one herb for the cardiovascular system
    -Saw Palmetto (helpful for symptoms of an enlarged prostate)
    -Glucosamine Chondroitin, (promotes joint repair)
    -Boswellia and White Willow Bark (promote joint relief and anti-inflammation)
    -Good multivitamin
    -Coral Calcium (Bone helath) Coral calcium has the highest absorption into the tissues

    Am i missing something for herbal suppliments?

    My philosophy is “go big or go home”, so knowing that guys please help me out, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. MortalDefiance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    My philosophy is “go big or go home”, so knowing that guys please help me out, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. MortalDefiance[/QUOTE]

    well, most people on the board will tell you that big doses of gear is not always what you need. but i do remembering you not feeling much @ 400-600 mg a week. sometimes you need to figure out what ur body likes. up ur doses. reduce if sides r 2 much or maybe run prop instead of enanathate. trial and error, when experimenting with hormones, no one out there can tell u exactly whats gonna happen, be your own doctor, be safe. and if ur late for the gym again, im gonna drop a 10 pounder on yo head

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    someone help with correct doses for stacking these aas. thxx

  4. #4
    SoulCard's Avatar
    SoulCard is offline Associate Member
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    ive never used tren , so maybe someone can opinion on that but ive heard a higher incidence of unwanted sides with it though it is a good bulker... test and deca with a dbol front start would be a good bulker if your diet and training are solid...IMO prop would be preferred to cyp or en, as long as you dont mind the more frequent sticks...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SoulCard
    ive never used tren, so maybe someone can opinion on that but ive heard a higher incidence of unwanted sides with it though it is a good bulker... test and deca with a dbol front start would be a good bulker if your diet and training are solid...IMO prop would be preferred to cyp or en, as long as you dont mind the more frequent sticks...
    do you ususally prop it ed or eod? big difference, or is it still doable eod?

  6. #6
    SoulCard's Avatar
    SoulCard is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2005
    that is an age old debate here...many will say ED only to keep blood levels stable, but last time i ran it i did EOD and found it to be just brother ran the same prop as i did at the same time the same way and also had no complaints...i guess you can always start EOD and be prepared to go to ED if necessary...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    7 pokes a week is just.. wow. i donno man

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