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  1. #1
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Warning about GH

    First off i want to tell everyone that i am not posting this to scare anyone away from useing anything or freak anyone out.

    I care about you bro's.. and i worry about you mostly the young ones. So i thought i would share this with you as i found out today.

    I had a friend, He was a personal trainer kick ass guy 34ish father husband brother and son. He dabbled in some gear here and there nothing huge. About two years ago i found out he had Sickle cell anemia, it wasnt somthing that he had ever showed signs of before and it was never anything that had been an issue.

    From what we have been told he was doing a few small cycles of GH and apparently it can, if you have the gene. activate things that have been passed onto you that might have skipped you in your gene pool.

    IE your mother her mother and her mother before her had Lukimia you could in theory devlope the active dissorder in your body.

    I have no scientific proof of this but it makes all the sense in the world to me.

    My friend died this summer from his illness he was 260lbs at 5"10 before he got sick. From what i hear he was under 100lbs when he died.

    So my hope is this guys look into your family history a few generations and make sure you are not prone to somthing like this.. i am pretty choked up right now as i didnt know he had died.

    Please be safe.


  2. #2
    daytrader's Avatar
    daytrader is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    First off i want to tell everyone that i am not posting this to scare anyone away from useing anything or freak anyone out.

    I care about you bro's.. and i worry about you mostly the young ones. So i thought i would share this with you as i found out today.

    I had a friend, He was a personal trainer kick ass guy 34ish father husband brother and son. He dabbled in some gear here and there nothing huge. About two years ago i found out he had Sickle cell anemia, it wasnt somthing that he had ever showed signs of before and it was never anything that had been an issue.

    From what we have been told he was doing a few small cycles of GH and apparently it can, if you have the gene. activate things that have been passed onto you that might have skipped you in your gene pool.

    IE your mother her mother and her mother before her had Lukimia you could in theory devlope the active dissorder in your body.

    I have no scientific proof of this but it makes all the sense in the world to me.

    My friend died this summer from his illness he was 260lbs at 5"10 before he got sick. From what i hear he was under 100lbs when he died.

    So my hope is this guys look into your family history a few generations and make sure you are not prone to somthing like this.. i am pretty choked up right now as i didnt know he had died.

    Please be safe.


    Damn,,, just damn bro im sorry man to here that

  3. #3
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    that sucks bro..
    i have heard of GH can/will increase your chance of getting, wether it be hereditary or just happens cancer.

    i mean your right it totaly makes sense with GH your speeding up the growth of all cells in your body. all cancer is, is a bad cell. makes 100% sense that GH will cause and speed up the cancer to where if it would take a few years could happen ina few months.

    me and my friend were talking about lance armstrong the other day. my friend is a triathlon. our debate was i am conviced lance was using GH. i mean his cancer spread rediculously fast thorughout his body resulting in almost death. its a scary thought considering its such an amazing drug, but yeah def. look into family history to see if you could be at high risk of cancer and while using GH keep it closely doctor monitored to insure a safe healthy cycle.
    Last edited by aadrenaline; 01-01-2006 at 07:57 PM.

  4. #4
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Yeh, im pretty bumed out.. we used to train together, we go out clubbing with him and his wife and brother and others. He was really a great guy.
    I have had so many friends die that i kind of shut down when i hear they are sick or somthing is going bad.. i just cant cope with it. I find myself staying away from it becouse i dont want to confront it. Its not dieing.. im not afraid to die.. its just the effects on others.. his kids wife ect.. i dont know..

  5. #5
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    That is terrible to hear, I cant even imagine him being under 100lbs.
    That is why I was always skeptical about GH.
    I really believe the cost/benefit ratio is lousy.

  6. #6
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Sorry tranzit....this is the ugly side of this sport.

    You didn't frighten me.I'm well aware of all the risks taking Hgh and anabolic steroids.


  7. #7
    justtrnd40's Avatar
    justtrnd40 is offline Associate Member
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    Tranzit, believe me I know how you are feeling. Try not to let it get you down too much. It sucks losing a friend especially when they have kids. My friend was killed by a repeat drunk driver. You know you can count on the guys here for support. Take care man.

    "Its not the years in the life but the life in the years"

  8. #8
    NewBreed is offline Associate Member
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    I don´t think an never read or heard that gh can do anything like that.I think everyone telling this, was just talking out of his ass.

    Teh more i read about hgh/Igf then more I come to the conclusion, tha tthey don´t provoke cancer or anything like that.

    Under certain circumstances IGF is related to breast cancer, but it was documanted that even with cabcer and a carb-depleted diet, igf made the tumnor shrink by promoting mauslce cell growth and depletion of AAS in cacner tissue.

    Anyway sickle cell anaemia has never been linked to gh, it´s a bad and often deadly illness and you´re def. not into it, predicting wether you get it or not or wether you´ll survive or not.

    At last, all of us wil most likely die of heart-attacks, strokes or cancer, ´cause that´s the most common way to die for humans today.

  9. #9
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    sorry to haer about your lose bro, stay strong.

  10. #10
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Warning about GH-gay15.jpg
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBreed
    I donīt think an never read or heard that gh can do anything like that.I think everyone telling this, was just talking out of his ass.

    Teh more i read about hgh/Igf then more I come to the conclusion, tha tthey donīt provoke cancer or anything like that.

    Under certain circumstances IGF is related to breast cancer, but it was documanted that even with cabcer and a carb-depleted diet, igf made the tumnor shrink by promoting mauslce cell growth and depletion of AAS in cacner tissue.

    Anyway sickle cell anaemia has never been linked to gh, itīs a bad and often deadly illness and youīre def. not into it, predicting wether you get it or not or wether youīll survive or not.

    At last, all of us wil most likely die of heart-attacks, strokes or cancer, īcause thatīs the most common way to die for humans today.
    Yeh, ill trust what you have to say.. as you sound like a very educated person.
    Its also never been documented that eating human shit wont make your breath stink but i'm sure it will. The info i got about the cause and effect was from his brother who got it from a major university he was being treated at, as well as specialists trying to save his life.
    So ill just basicly take what you have to say as complete bullshit and keep letting the rest of the guys here " who i happen to care about" know the possible dangers that can come from this.
    And as far as us all dieing of heart attacks blah blah blah.. thats fantastic.. your logic is like light years ahead of modern science.. so basicly the way you think.. statisticly speaking.. alot of people die in car wrecks.. so i should drive like a jack ass when i am behind the wheel becouse after all.. alot of us will die in car wrecks.

  11. #11
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    BTW thanks for the support guys, i apprichiate it as i said i kind of close up IRL when in these situations so its nice to have a place where i can talk to friends about this.

  12. #12
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    Its also never been documented that eating human shit wont make your breath stink but i'm sure it will.
    Even in a mournful state,you are still fvkin hilarious bro.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I'm running one good cycle of GH for 6-8 months and then I'm leaving it alone. All I want out of it is the ability to eat above maintenance level and stay pretty average to trimmed, and the retainable gains, nothing I wanna make a lifestyle out of, especially for the cost of it. My ultimate goal is to maintain a lean physique in the 220's, by lean I mean no more than 8-9% year round. If my body gets to 250 fairly average % to trimmed, that muscle memory will help me maintain a weight above 220 fairly trimmed even off season. I think even after 1 6-8 month GH cycle, or at least I'm hoping

  14. #14
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am truly sorry for your loss, and for the family of the bereaved.


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