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Thread: guinea pig

  1. #1
    Pharoah's Avatar
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    Cool guinea pig

    hi all,
    I just joined today cause i'm getting really frustrated trying to figure out what to do, if anything, with regards to some chemical help. I'll just give an idea of me: i'm an ex-boxer and used to play a lot of county rugby when i was younger. after partying for too many years, i lost a lot of weight and dropped (due to other chemicals!) to 145lbs.....i'm now at 160lbs but cant for the life of me seem to get any bigger! f-ing annoying! i've got about 7% body fat and eat shed loads. i been looking at anapolon50 and all this other stuff but it just confuses the hell out of me! firstly, do i need to take something to get the gains i'm after (which is about another 10-15lbs, maybe more) or can i do it without?? i been goin to the the gym daily for about an hour now for 4 months but nothing.....can anyone help me find a good solution that may help cause i dont think what i'm doing is quite right?? i tried to upload a picture so u can see where i'm at but my comuter curse has struck again!
    cheers you bulky mo fo's!;-)

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Mate you can easily do this without steroids . Its all ablut what you are eating, if your arnt doing that right then even taking gear will not help. What you need to do is post up what you would eat in a normal day. this link will give you some idea what you should be eating you should be getting at least 3000 calories a day and 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight, and I am willing to bet both testicles that you are not getting anywhere near that. Post up your diet here and we can help you out

  3. #3
    Pharoah's Avatar
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    Hi Kale,
    thanks for the quick's my daily diet:
    breakfast: cereal, protein shake with milk, couple of boiled eggs and a mars bar! - some days a nice fried brekkie (eggs, meat and beans with toast)
    lunch: usually a whole cooked chicken, hopefully a vaccinated one without the flu! and some other kind of chocolate.
    Dinner: i tend to have a lot of meat, usually about 3 sirloin steaks with veg and potatoes, salad and another protein shake.
    in between i have a few snacks, sandwiches and whatever else tickles my fancy.
    i do eat a lot but apparently my metabolism is quite high so it seems like an uphill struggle.
    what should my diet be? i dont count calories cause its hard to tell how many i'm taking even with a calorie checker thingy! i mean i have started looking at calories when i by something, but i can only tell if it has that info on the actual item.

    ps - by the looks of your pic, i dont reckon u have 2 testicles to bet with. but if ur that sure, you can wager mine!
    i just looked at that link u sent me.........its really good. the thing is i guess i'm impatient - how long should i try maintaining a high calorie diet for before expecting results?
    Last edited by Pharoah; 01-02-2006 at 06:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Mate are you yanking my chain? You cannot be farking serious. Mars Bars ? Chocolate? Whatever else tickles my fancy ? If you are serious about growing then believe me, what you will have to do with your diet is going to turn your life upside down, you wont think about anything else but eating and working out. You need to be eating something every 1.5 to two hours and NEVER EVER be hungry. You also need to break up the meals intno 6 to 8 times a day. You need to do something pre and post workout as well.

    I am definitly confident my testicles are safe, and the bird in the pic looks after them pretty damn well I have to say.

    Get on the Bulking Diet in the link I gave you and stick to it religously. Now that we know your diet is a mess how about your workout, How often do you workout ? What do you do excericise wise ?
    Last edited by Kale; 01-02-2006 at 07:13 AM.

  5. #5
    Pharoah's Avatar
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    i'm glad ur bollucks are safe.....looks like you have a good person to keep them that way!

    ok so my diet is gonna change from tomorrow............with regards to training:
    i do an hour every day.......heavy weights (bench 170lbs and dumbells 45lbs)......chest, biceps and triceps along with deltoids and traps and lats.......i been told to focus more on certain areas but i prefer to go through the whole lot. is that ok?
    with regards to the bulking diet in the link.........i think its good to see it like that and i'll get onto it immediately. do u have any other eating routines that i can use?

  6. #6
    Pharoah's Avatar
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    oh yeah.........i saw this Mega Mass powder which gives about 2000 calories a day.........would that be a good option or is it best to do it through the diet plan?

  7. #7
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    well your workout sucks as well I am glad to say. So here is what you do.

    Monday Chest and Biceps

    Bench Press
    DB Flys
    DB Decline Press

    Dumbell Curls
    Barbel Curls
    Standing Concentration Curls

    Tuesday Back and Triceps

    Cable Rows
    Stiff Leg Dead Lift
    Cable Pull downs in front

    Tricep Cable Push downs
    Skull Crushers
    Standing French Press

    Wednesday Off Or Cardio but you want to gain weight so forget Cardio for the minute

    Thursday Shoulders

    Shoulder Press In Front
    Bent Over DB Raises
    DB Flys

    Friday Legs

    Leg Press
    Leg Extension

    Saturday and Sunday off

    This is a pretty basic workout, add and subtract excersises as you see fit. Change it around every couple of weeks so that the muscles dont get used to the same movemnt.

    No more than 45 mins in the gym any more is a waste of time

    Use good form, dont cheat, if you feel you are cheating go with a lighter weight. No more than six to eight reps per set, and four sets per excercise. You are only doing one body part per week so make the most of it, hit it hard.
    Last edited by Kale; 01-02-2006 at 08:18 AM.

  8. #8
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Stay away from those weight gainers they are shit, full of sugar mostly. Just do a protein shake and add half a cup of oatmeal to the shake. Put the oatmeal through a coffee grinder if you have one, its a lot easier to get down that way.

  9. #9
    Pharoah's Avatar
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    I gotta say've been a star! thanks for ur help, i'll get bang on it.
    take care and happy new year by the way.

    PS - i'm giving up smokin (yeah i know, really bad habbit) that should also help put on a bit of weight too right??

  10. #10
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    No worries, there is lots of information and forums here to help. There is a Diet Forum( where that Diet is I sent you ) and there is a workout forum. If you have any specific questions post them there. Look at the stickies as well thats the info at the top of the forums, that Diet is a sticky by the way. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Yes stopping smoking should help you gain weight as well. Just keep the diet clean, keep that fats to a minimum. Happy New Year to you too bro.

  11. #11
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    I noticed you mentioned that you train daily for 4 months? Like 7 days a week?
    Also anapolon cycle is terrible IMO. But agree with proper training, diet, rest you should gain some serious size

  12. #12
    Pharoah's Avatar
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    i just been looking over the daily diet thingy - i've just bought some whey protein ( weider mega mass 4000). just wanted to the hell am i supposed to eat 8 eggwhites in the morning? does that mean raw (like in a shake or somethin?) and if possible can i lower the amount of meals to say 5 but with more content or is it best to spread them out?
    PS - prada, yeah i been doin atleast 6 days a week for an hour each day. but i just got a planner thing from kale and am gonna try that.......let me knoe if u have any pointers. cheers fella

  13. #13
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pharoah
    i just been looking over the daily diet thingy - i've just bought some whey protein ( weider mega mass 4000). just wanted to the hell am i supposed to eat 8 eggwhites in the morning? does that mean raw (like in a shake or somethin?) and if possible can i lower the amount of meals to say 5 but with more content or is it best to spread them out?
    PS - prada, yeah i been doin atleast 6 days a week for an hour each day. but i just got a planner thing from kale and am gonna try that.......let me knoe if u have any pointers. cheers fella
    You eat the egg whites cooked, And it isnt that much really, give it a try. You might get to the stage where youactually gag when you eat because you just dont want to, Get some water to help get it down, but GET IT DOWN. Dont lower the number of meals, that defeats the purpose, do exactly waht it says in the diet. By the way if that is you in you avatar you dont look too bad bro.

  14. #14
    Pharoah's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in the avatar.......but ur just bein nice.........i still got a long way to go! with regards to the egg whites, the thought makes me wanna gag! but here goes nothing!

  15. #15
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pharoah
    yeah thats me in the avatar.......but ur just bein nice.........i still got a long way to go! with regards to the egg whites, the thought makes me wanna gag! but here goes nothing!
    Gag !!! You pussy, wait untiil we get you onto Diet Coke and Tuna shakes

  16. #16
    Pharoah's Avatar
    Pharoah is offline New Member
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    diet coke and tuna shakes!!?? kale, i just ate my egg i really am gonna chunder!

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