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  1. #1
    kbala is offline New Member
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    Winstrol Only Diary

    I've decided to post a day by day journal of my buddy's progress with a winstrol only cycle. We both started cycles yesterday. He is doing Winstrol @ 40mg ED for the first 5 days then going up to 50mg ED for the remainder of the cycle. Going for 6 weeks. We have the exact same gym routine and always go together, even on the mornings. Here is some background.

    This thread is made to let people know of the benefits and drawbacks of winstrol only. Keep in mind that we are not going for size, just cutting.

    His specs. 20 years old, 219 pounds, 6'0'', and approximately 16%-17% body fat. Problem areas include stomach and lovehandles. Pretty solid up top.

    We are both taking lots of Flax seeds everyday,try to eat one serving of eggs, 2 - 52 gram protein shakes and reduced carb intake.

    We hit the gym every morning during the week (Mon - Fri) at 6 a.m. to do an hour of cardio (30 min on bike (random, level 12), 15 min on treadmill (random incline @ 3.5 - 4.0 mph) and 15 min on the x-trainer (random, level 12)). We do cardio pretty much everyday, missing the odd day, even on weekends

    ALL THIS ON AN EMPTY STOMACH...then go and eat breakfast and take the first 20mg-25mg of Winny along with Liv52. We both take the Liv52 3-4 times a day and drink stupid amounts of water. We have also committed to stop drinking alcohol completely throught the cycle.

    Workout looks like so:

    Day 1 - Legs, Abs in the evening, Cardio in the morning.
    Day 2 - Chest, Shoulders in the evening, Cardio in the morning.
    Day 3 - Biceps, Triceps in the evening, Cardio in the morning.
    Day 4 - Back, Abs in the evening, Cardio in the morning.
    Day 5 - REST - maybe cardio anytime during the day.

    We repeat this cycle throughout the 6 week period.

    I decided on Anavar instead due to the fact that I have a rare form of Arthritis in my back (Vertabrae - Ankylosing Spondylitis) so I cannot risk getting much more pain in my joints.

    Anyhow, to all the guys who are gonna tell us to take TEST, save it. I understand that it is much better and you will get better results. However he is DEATHLY afraid of needles and I am not so fond of them myself and plus, we wanted to see the results of this cycle. This winny is from India, I will check in on the exact manufacturer. Little pink pills 5mg each. The Var is British Dragon, 50mg tabs.

    So i will follow this thread everyday posting updates of my progress. I hope this will help some people in the future.

    January 11th, 2006 (Day 1)

    Took 40mg, nothing major except a noticably greater pump at the gym.

  2. #2
    scotttiger54's Avatar
    scotttiger54 is offline Senior Member
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    i personally had a good run with winny only back in the day when i was fairly ignorant to AAS. most get shut down badly with these types of cycles, however i never did. then again im that dumb ass that took between 400-600mg of deca by itself with absolutely no problems. i look forward to your findings

  3. #3
    kbala is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotttiger54
    i personally had a good run with winny only back in the day when i was fairly ignorant to AAS. most get shut down badly with these types of cycles, however i never did. then again im that dumb ass that took between 400-600mg of deca by itself with absolutely no problems. i look forward to your findings
    Can you explain how you were "shut down"?

    January 11 (Day 2)

    GREAT PUMP @ the gym today doing was really noticable especially in the biceps. Other than that...nadda.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    am looking forward to the results although am a test guy lol but i think to bend the rules & go winny/eq cycle somtime down the road.

    good luck bro

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  5. #5
    kbala is offline New Member
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    January 12 (Day 3)

    Another good pump. Really starting to feel the effects of my workouts more.
    Little nausea, don't know if it's related to the winny though.

    January 13 (Day 4)

    Day off from gym, only doing cardio. Looking in the mirror I see not much yet.
    Nausea is still bugging me so I took an Advil right before I typed this.

  6. #6
    Machin3 is offline Associate Member
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    Awesome I will be following this diary...

  7. #7
    O'Banion is offline Junior Member
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    I'm subscribing

  8. #8
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    I did winny only back in the day and was sorry for having done it too. I got a near tendon rupture in my knee, couldnt squat for weeks. My shoulders and elbows also ached and felt like they were grinding in the bench. Elevated liver enzymes and bad cholesterol alterations? You bet. Compound all this with depot injections hurting like a bitch, but yes you can drink winny

  9. #9
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kbala
    His specs. 20 years old, 219 pounds, 6'0'', and approximately 16%-17% body fat. Problem areas include stomach and lovehandles. Pretty solid up top.
    IMO, as far as cutting goes, I don't think your buddy is gonna see much in the way of fat loss, even with doing cardio everyday. It's not a fat burner. Winny is best left when you've got lower BF%. At least 10% or less, IMHO. Interesting read though. I'm curious to see what both of your end results will be in relation to BF%.

  10. #10
    kbala is offline New Member
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    January 14, Day 4

    PUMPS and more GREAT PUMPS...feel like my knees are a little stiff...other than that everthing is fine.

    January 15, Day 5

    Looks like my vein on my biceps is starting to protrude a little bit more, but that could just be my eyes. My knees continue to hurt when I bend my legs. This could be from hockey though, i'll have to keep my eye on it.

  11. #11
    chinups Guest
    Nice Job. Keep up the good work

    I will be doing anavar /winny soon

  12. #12
    hardgainer12's Avatar
    hardgainer12 is offline Senior Member
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    Ive thought of doing an all winny cycle but got turned away by other members here! Cant wait to see ur results! Good work so far!

  13. #13
    Herbster is offline New Member
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    Winny only cycles = very dry and painfull joints.
    I last ran a cycle 3 years ago and my joints are shot, or at least i think are.
    I havent trained properly since.

  14. #14
    Rocky IV's Avatar
    Rocky IV is offline Member
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    keep us posted i think the cardio in the morning is going to make a huge difference

  15. #15
    Joey_P_D is offline New Member
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    very interested in this thread....i also was going to do a winny only cycle but the members on such sites as this one have talked me out of it.....telling me i have to do test with it.
    i have decided on doing test, deca and winny..........but i have extra winny and may do a winny cycle alone for the next
    please keep us the keep mentioning how you are doing but you said that your doing anavar not winny?
    who is doing what and what are you reporting on?

  16. #16
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    I know I'm gonna sound like an amateur here (I am wrt AAS) but what is "Var" short hand for? I try to look it up in profiles but there is nothing under "V" for this.

    Quote Originally Posted by kbala
    I've decided to post a day by day journal of my buddy's progress with a winstrol only cycle. We both started cycles yesterday. He is doing Winstrol @ 40mg ED for the first 5 days then going up to 50mg ED for the remainder of the cycle. Going for 6 weeks. We have the exact same gym routine and always go together, even on the mornings. Here is some background.

    This thread is made to let people know of the benefits and drawbacks of winstrol only. Keep in mind that we are not going for size, just cutting.

    His specs. 20 years old, 219 pounds, 6'0'', and approximately 16%-17% body fat. Problem areas include stomach and lovehandles. Pretty solid up top.

    We are both taking lots of Flax seeds everyday,try to eat one serving of eggs, 2 - 52 gram protein shakes and reduced carb intake.

    We hit the gym every morning during the week (Mon - Fri) at 6 a.m. to do an hour of cardio (30 min on bike (random, level 12), 15 min on treadmill (random incline @ 3.5 - 4.0 mph) and 15 min on the x-trainer (random, level 12)). We do cardio pretty much everyday, missing the odd day, even on weekends

    ALL THIS ON AN EMPTY STOMACH...then go and eat breakfast and take the first 20mg-25mg of Winny along with Liv52. We both take the Liv52 3-4 times a day and drink stupid amounts of water. We have also committed to stop drinking alcohol completely throught the cycle.

    Workout looks like so:

    Day 1 - Legs, Abs in the evening, Cardio in the morning.
    Day 2 - Chest, Shoulders in the evening, Cardio in the morning.
    Day 3 - Biceps, Triceps in the evening, Cardio in the morning.
    Day 4 - Back, Abs in the evening, Cardio in the morning.
    Day 5 - REST - maybe cardio anytime during the day.

    We repeat this cycle throughout the 6 week period.

    I decided on Anavar instead due to the fact that I have a rare form of Arthritis in my back (Vertabrae - Ankylosing Spondylitis) so I cannot risk getting much more pain in my joints.

    Anyhow, to all the guys who are gonna tell us to take TEST, save it. I understand that it is much better and you will get better results. However he is DEATHLY afraid of needles and I am not so fond of them myself and plus, we wanted to see the results of this cycle. This winny is from India, I will check in on the exact manufacturer. Little pink pills 5mg each. The Var is British Dragon, 50mg tabs.

    So i will follow this thread everyday posting updates of my progress. I hope this will help some people in the future.

    January 11th, 2006 (Day 1)

    Took 40mg, nothing major except a noticably greater pump at the gym.

  17. #17
    Rocky IV's Avatar
    Rocky IV is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    I know I'm gonna sound like an amateur here (I am wrt AAS) but what is "Var" short hand for? I try to look it up in profiles but there is nothing under "V" for this.
    anavar (oxandrolone)

  18. #18
    NickHex81's Avatar
    NickHex81 is offline Associate Member
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    I just did 8 weeks, stayed at 175lbs, but lost 6% body fat. If anything, it made me leaner and harder. People notice, but I don't think it's that "noticeable" as much as they do.

    Anyways, i'm fixing to get on EQ and my supplier talked me into doing a "blend" of Test. I'm kind of excited.

  19. #19
    rubiconman500's Avatar
    rubiconman500 is offline New Member
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    Will the blend be with Test E?

  20. #20
    NickHex81's Avatar
    NickHex81 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rubiconman500
    Will the blend be with Test E?
    Yes, also CYP.

  21. #21
    NickHex81's Avatar
    NickHex81 is offline Associate Member
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    Way to keep up with your diary..

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