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  1. #1
    fight_prof's Avatar
    fight_prof is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Help EDUCATE this Newbie Please!

    Hi all,

    As some may know from my previous threads, I have been training for the LARGE majority of the last 13 years naturally. When I was younger/dumber, I did some cycles (if you want to call them that), on the bad advice of others. What I mean are things like running Dbol for 6 weeks with no support or pct, and Deca on low dose alone for 7 weeks, no pct/support. I bailed the deca at 7 weeks cuz even on a low dose I gained a lot of weight and had bad blood pressure (160/100 resting).

    Since then I have committed myself to proper training/nutrition. I have seen many good gains. I take good quality protein, eat good food, EFA's, multi-vit, etc.

    My sport is MMA, and I'd like advice on perhaps getting back into the AAS game. I have been reading many posts here, and many of the drug profiles. It seems that drugs like Anavar , Masteron , and OT will fulfil my goals of low weight gain, while mainly helping my recovery from my tough training schedule.

    I'd like some recommendations on cycles if possible. Length, PCT, how I can do them safest, etc. I think I have a good idea, but it's all theory at this point.

    I would like to compete in my sport for another 12 - 18 months and then most likely call it quits then. The amount of training I want to put in while still working a fulltime job calls for a lot of recovery.

    I have good pricing on most AAS, all legit.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i think if you want no water weight gain get some test prop 75mg ed for 10 or 12 wks if you experinced with everydya shots & tren 50mg ed for 6wks then start pct 3 days after last prop injection i go hardcore on pct i get no sides what so ever with clomid i go with 350mg clomid ed & 40mg nolva but i dont recommend it for you because i dont know how you respond to the sides of clomid do first day 300mg clomid 2nd day & the rest 100mg clomid with 40mg nolvadex for 30 days.

    here is the cycle

    1-12 prop 75mg ed

    1-6 tren acetate 50mg ed

    1-12 nolva 20mg ed for gyno

    pct 3 days after last prop injection

  3. #3
    fight_prof's Avatar
    fight_prof is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    thx for the feedback

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    toys for twats truck
    didn't you watch true life - "im on steroids " last night on mtv?

    you would of learned everything you need to know.....


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