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Thread: anavar

  1. #1
    james7 is offline New Member
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    I know a great deal about this steroid , but I am still looking for personal accounts before I make a decision. Anyone who has taken it I would greatly appreciate info on your dosage/results/side effects (sex drive and hair loss in particular)... Thanks guys

  2. #2
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
    AnabolicAndre is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think the general concensus on this drug is that it is a great compoung for its stregnth, hardening, and cutting effects.

    But there are def. downside. The feeling of lethargy, supression of sex drive, hair loss issues, and PRICE!

    Anavar should be used in conjuction with other AAS to get the desired results from it.

  3. #3
    Taurus is offline Member
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    hair loss? hair loss isnt a side effect of var.

  4. #4
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus
    hair loss? hair loss isnt a side effect of var.
    Of course it is. Doesn't happed to most that I know but definitely occurs. One of my good friends had some serious hairloss from it and had to stop early. Remember is there's a chance then it's going to effect some of us.

    As far as your question James I love Var. Definitley my favorite oral, think about it, is not very toxic, Promotes great gains, and pretty mild on the body’s HPTA. Plus there has even been studies to show that it has fat burning capabilities What's better then all this? The reason some dont get as much out of it is either b/c too short of a run or mostly not taking enough. Obvisouly both due to cost. I have ran from 30mgs ED to 50mgs. My next run will be 80-100mgs for 6 weeks. On my previous runs I had great results with no sides whatsoever so I'm looking very forward to this upcoming run..........

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i took var at 100mg ED for 10 weeks.. and the best i kan give u is..
    "meh it was ok..."

    once u run something stronger its just sad.. i think eq is > Var and I HATE EQ

  6. #6
    james7 is offline New Member
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    Is there anything that shuts you down less than var?

    read the rules...key.
    Last edited by KeyMastur; 01-14-2006 at 04:55 PM.

  7. #7
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by james7
    Is there anything that shuts you down less than var? also anyone that knows a good online source post yes and we can contact through AIM

    You started with a good question and had to ask for a source??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh next..........

  8. #8
    james7 is offline New Member
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    Did not ask for a source on here... if anyone knew one I wanted to contact them somehow other than on this post... for instance someone could have posted their AIM sn or asked for mine. Wow you are a narrow minded dumbass. In no way was I going to endanger anyone. Seriously, you are a fool.

  9. #9
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by james7
    Did not ask for a source on here... if anyone knew one I wanted to contact them somehow other than on this post... for instance someone could have posted their AIM sn or asked for mine. Wow you are a narrow minded dumbass. In no way was I going to endanger anyone. Seriously, you are a fool.

    I'm a fool and you're the one asking for sources

  10. #10
    james7 is offline New Member
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    Whoa it makes me a fool to ask to contact someone about sources in a perfectly safe environment such as a phone call or AIM conversation? Let's just break this down for a moment... Where am I supposed to get steroids if I never ask a single person? I would imagine the vast majority of potential steroid users know absolutely NO ONE who takes them. So what are they supposed to do? Never ask anyone? What is the point of talking about them if they are impossible to get?

  11. #11
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by james7
    Whoa it makes me a fool to ask to contact someone about sources in a perfectly safe environment such as a phone call or AIM conversation? Let's just break this down for a moment... Where am I supposed to get steroids if I never ask a single person? I would imagine the vast majority of potential steroid users know absolutely NO ONE who takes them. So what are they supposed to do? Never ask anyone? What is the point of talking about them if they are impossible to get?
    There is no asking for sources on this forum. Period. It's a rule that everyone is supposed to follow to protect the users and the sources. It doesn't matter if you requested a contact over AIM or a phone, the fact is that you requested a source openly in the forum.

  12. #12
    Cfh_Y_guy's Avatar
    Cfh_Y_guy is offline Junior Member
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    anavar = great for bridging with test and maybe a little primobolan . Next to no side effects. if your naturally aggressive this will definetly elevate aggression

  13. #13
    Cfh_Y_guy's Avatar
    Cfh_Y_guy is offline Junior Member
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    But remember most ug labs will cut the shit outta the stuff

  14. #14
    pioneer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Of course it is. Doesn't happed to most that I know but definitely occurs. One of my good friends had some serious hairloss from it and had to stop early. Remember is there's a chance then it's going to effect some of us.

    As far as your question James I love Var. Definitley my favorite oral, think about it, is not very toxic, Promotes great gains, and pretty mild on the body’s HPTA. Plus there has even been studies to show that it has fat burning capabilities What's better then all this? The reason some dont get as much out of it is either b/c too short of a run or mostly not taking enough. Obvisouly both due to cost. I have ran from 30mgs ED to 50mgs. My next run will be 80-100mgs for 6 weeks. On my previous runs I had great results with no sides whatsoever so I'm looking very forward to this upcoming run..........

    I would like you know where you found Var has fat burning capabilities?

  15. #15
    pioneer's Avatar
    pioneer is offline Banned
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    I know that it helps add lean muscle and heard about it helping burn fat, but i believe the credit is to your more intense workouts when on a cycle, also your diet. IMO it doesnt burn fat but yet helps turn the fat into muscle.

  16. #16
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pioneer
    I would like you know where you found Var has fat burning capabilities?

    This was taken from Anthony Roberts "Hooker" drug profile on Anavar . Here is a brief excerpt, you can view the entire description in the profile.

    Now here’s some interesting stuff for anyone interested primarily in the fat burning properties of this stuff: Anavar may be what we’d call a “fat-burning steroid ”. Abdominal and visceral fat were both reduced in one study when subjects in the low/normal natural testosterone range used anavar (4). In another study, appendicular, total, and trunk fat were all reduced with a relatively small dose of 20mgs/day (8), and no excercise. In addition, weight gained with ‘var may be nearly permanent too. It might not be much, but you’ll stand a good chance of keeping most of it. In one study, subjects maintained their weight (re)gains from anavar for at least 6 months after cessation (2)! Concomitantly, in another study, Twelve weeks after discontinuing oxandrolone, 83% of the reductions in total, trunk, and extremity fat were also sustained (8)! If you’re regaining weight, Anavar will give you nearly permanent gains, and if you are trying to lose fat (and you keep your diet in check), the fat lost with Anavar is basically looks to be nearly permanent. ut:

  17. #17
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pioneer
    IMO it doesnt burn fat but yet helps turn the fat into muscle.

    Are you saying that muscle doesnt burn fat?

  18. #18
    pioneer's Avatar
    pioneer is offline Banned
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    I am saying that taking ANAVAR with out workouts is NOT going to burn fat. WOW Jay come on man.

  19. #19
    pioneer's Avatar
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    ANAVAR does not speed up your thyroid. What i meant by it is not going to burn fat, it will turn fat into muscle, is when you dont work out with var it is not going to burn fat. On the other hand it will turn fat into mucle(BURN) by working out

  20. #20
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pioneer
    I am saying that taking ANAVAR with out workouts is NOT going to burn fat.

    Taking anything "without workouts" isnt going to burn fat. That's quite obvious.

  21. #21
    pioneer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Of course it is. Doesn't happed to most that I know but definitely occurs. One of my good friends had some serious hairloss from it and had to stop early. Remember is there's a chance then it's going to effect some of us.

    As far as your question James I love Var. Definitley my favorite oral, think about it, is not very toxic, Promotes great gains, and pretty mild on the body’s HPTA. Plus there has even been studies to show that it has fat burning capabilities What's better then all this? The reason some dont get as much out of it is either b/c too short of a run or mostly not taking enough. Obvisouly both due to cost. I have ran from 30mgs ED to 50mgs. My next run will be 80-100mgs for 6 weeks. On my previous runs I had great results with no sides whatsoever so I'm looking very forward to this upcoming run..........
    HA! no Sh it sherlock. Then half the steroids have fat buring capabilites. I dont understand why you state something so obvious and then take a quote off of Anthonys profiles with out giving him credit.

  22. #22
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pioneer
    then take a quote off of Anthonys profiles with out giving him credit.

    Without giving him credit!!?!?!!? I openly stated where I got the quote from, did I not?

    Wow This thread just keeps getting better and better. First James asking for sources on the board and you asking for sources through PM's...............

  23. #23
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pioneer
    HA! no Sh it sherlock. Then half the steroids have fat buring capabilites. I dont understand why you state something so obvious and then take a quote off of Anthonys profiles with out giving him credit.
    You have a horrible attitude. You seem to think that you know more than everyone else in the universe and yet you state that anavar will turn fat into muscle, which isn't possible.

    Anavar does have fat burning properties, as opposed to Winny which does not. If a steroid accelerates fat burning (like Tren or Anavar) then it can be called a fat burning steroid.

    Also, he didn't take a quote from Hookers profiles. He said Anavar has fat burning properties and then used Hookers profiles as corroborating evidence.

  24. #24
    mvpveal is offline New Member
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    my experiences with anavar have been awesome. Anavar cycle alone, with proper diet and cardio= increase, or at least perservance of lean muscle, fat loss at least 5%. Just awesome...oh yeah, had some clen in there also.

  25. #25
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Taking anything "without workouts" isnt going to burn fat. That's quite obvious.
    DNP ! ROFL and at 975mg ED it burns LOTS OF FAT!

  26. #26
    pioneer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    You have a horrible attitude. You seem to think that you know more than everyone else in the universe and yet you state that anavar will turn fat into muscle, which isn't possible.

    Anavar does have fat burning properties, as opposed to Winny which does not. If a steroid accelerates fat burning (like Tren or Anavar) then it can be called a fat burning steroid.

    Also, he didn't take a quote from Hookers profiles. He said Anavar has fat burning properties and then used Hookers profiles as corroborating evidence.
    no my attitude is fine. Why can't I question him? Is he all knowing, wait you are all knowing right? Looking at your posts i wouldnt take any advice from you.

  27. #27
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pioneer
    no my attitude is fine. Why can't I question him? Is he all knowing, wait you are all knowing right? Looking at your posts i wouldnt take any advice from you.

    Why cant you question me? I thought you have been doing this all along? You questioned me over and over through PM's asking me for Domestic Human Grade sources and now are upset b/c I didnt have any to give you? is that where all of this commotion is coming from???

    By the way, Script has had some very good input on this board. Too bad no one on this board can say the same for you. This is childish I dont have time for this. Keep searching google for a source. Then maybe you just might get beat like that gay guy from MTV Real Life "I'm on steroids ." Wait a minute???!?!!?!!??! Now that I think about it

  28. #28
    Anavarforever is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cfh_Y_guy
    anavar= great for bridging with test and maybe a little primobolan. Next to no side effects. if your naturally aggressive this will definetly elevate aggression
    Definetly elevated aggression!!
    I´m a very mild and balanced person, but var makes me grumpy
    No problem keeping the steam bottled up though

  29. #29
    pioneer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Why cant you question me? I thought you have been doing this all along? You questioned me over and over through PM's asking me for Domestic Human Grade sources and now are upset b/c I didnt have any to give you? is that where all of this commotion is coming from???

    By the way, Script has had some very good input on this board. Too bad no one on this board can say the same for you. This is childish I dont have time for this. Keep searching google for a source. Then maybe you just might get beat like that gay guy from MTV Real Life "I'm on steroids ." Wait a minute???!?!!?!!??! Now that I think about it
    Wow, Jay like i said you seem to know everything at 25yrs old. May i ask how you do this? No i just see that you consistently take other MOds info and re-post it like its your own. I think you are ridiculous, and dont see how you have any experience when you are on the forums 24/7.
    Last edited by pioneer; 01-14-2006 at 07:21 PM.

  30. #30
    pioneer's Avatar
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    Here is a Link that will prove to you that Mr. JayHova is just concerned with how many posts he has. His post is the first one.

  31. #31
    pioneer's Avatar
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    Thats all i have for you.
    Last edited by pioneer; 01-14-2006 at 08:04 PM.

  32. #32
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    As I stated in Post #27 I dont have time for this. I'm here to learn and to try to help others with my personal experience. I dont have time for this, keep on truckin' in your search.........

  33. #33
    pioneer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    As I stated in Post #27 I dont have time for this. I'm here to learn and to try to help others with my personal experience. I dont have time for this, keep on truckin' in your search.........
    I agree, thank you.

  34. #34
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    If you guys don't act like adults and start showing respect to one another in a POSITIVE environment, I'm going to start handing out suspensions.

    No joke.


  35. #35
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I swear, people think I have an ego, but with the ones you guys are carrying I don't see how you make it through the day.


  36. #36
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by james7
    Did not ask for a source on here... if anyone knew one I wanted to contact them somehow other than on this post... for instance someone could have posted their AIM sn or asked for mine. Wow you are a narrow minded dumbass. In no way was I going to endanger anyone. Seriously, you are a fool.
    there's no need for this ... whatsoever .... u openly asked for a source, whether it was by email or instant messaging ..... asking for source is against the rules ... bottom line

  37. #37
    Njectable's Avatar
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    Sup, i've ran two var cycles, first one at 80mg/ED for 8 weeks and the second at 50mg/ED for 12 weeks. I prefer the smaller dosage and longer cycle time just because var makes you so vascular and makes your muscles look so hard, it really gives your body a nice look thats why i like staying on it longer. Both cycles i gained about 8-10lbs of lean muscle, and also trimmed up alittle BodyFat. I didn't receive any sides at all. Hope that helps you.

    Quote Originally Posted by james7
    I know a great deal about this steroid, but I am still looking for personal accounts before I make a decision. Anyone who has taken it I would greatly appreciate info on your dosage/results/side effects (sex drive and hair loss in particular)... Thanks guys

  38. #38
    james7 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoxer23
    Sup, i've ran two var cycles, first one at 80mg/ED for 8 weeks and the second at 50mg/ED for 12 weeks. I prefer the smaller dosage and longer cycle time just because var makes you so vascular and makes your muscles look so hard, it really gives your body a nice look thats why i like staying on it longer. Both cycles i gained about 8-10lbs of lean muscle, and also trimmed up alittle BodyFat. I didn't receive any sides at all. Hope that helps you.
    Thank you very much motoxer. This is precisely the infromation that I am interested in hearing. By the way I apologize to all for my statemants yesterday. I was out of line. Anyone else with personal accounts like this I would greatly appreciate reading about them. Thanks much.

  39. #39
    goose is offline Banned
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    I haved used Var from 30-140mgs, In combination with a diet, Oxandrolone helps my muscles look hard and ripped.. Although Oxandrolone itself does not break down fat, it plays an indirect role in this process because the substance often suppresses the athlete's appetite,so theoretically you could loose fat with no workout.I got sides at 140mgs which results in nausea and vomiting when the tablets are taken with meals,this is why I only take 25mgs tabs,this way you reduce the sides.The package insert of the Italian Oxandrolone notes its effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
    I got bad diarrhea,Although these symptoms are not very pleasant they still help the athlete break down fat and become harder,I know people who put up with these sides for this reasons,I love Var at 100mgs.
    I take the tablets two to three times daily after meals thus assuring an optimal absorption of the substance. Those who get the already discussed gastrointestinal pain when taking Var are better off taking the tablets one to two hours after a meal or switching to another campound.
    Var is that even in a very high dosage this compound does not influence the body's own testosterone production. To make this clear:Var does not suppress the body's own hormone production. The reason is that it does not have a negative feedback mechanism on the hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis, meaning that during the intake of Var, unlike during the intake of most anabolic steroids , the testes signal the hypothalamus not to reduce or to stop the release of GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) and LHRH (luteinizing hormon releasing hormone). This special feature of Var can be explained by the fact that the substance is not converted into.For this reason Var combines very well with Andriol and primo,as you will not get shut down.Var is an all purpose remedy which, depending on the athlete's goal, is very versatile,the best oral by far.


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