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  1. #1
    cheesmo is offline New Member
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    New user and new to site

    Hi, i am 5'11 and flucuate around 150 and 155 lbs. i am in collge, but i amlooking to use steroids for the first time. I am looking to get cut up but also put on some more muscle mass.

    Would taking D-bol help, or shots, or what should i take! I have been doing alot of research but cant come to grip on what to do? I thought i might ask those that have so i am asking!!

    Can anyone guide the right direction ? What i should get how much of all the answer cause i did a search and none of the searches pertain to me. So i would really appreciate all the help. even where i can it? Thanks

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Welcome to the board!

    How long have you been training?

    What is your age?

    Would you mind posting your daily diet?


  3. #3
    cheesmo is offline New Member
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    i am 24, my diet is usually eat once or twice a day like a chicken mean or beef meal, nothing to huge on the calories.

  4. #4
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    You should really go to the diet forum and check out some of the info. there.

    Honestly, there is no reason for you to even consider taking AAS, before you have the basics of a diet down. You will be able to achieve more than you can imagine just from diet and training.

  5. #5
    cheesmo is offline New Member
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    i understand with the diet, i actually do eat well, i just didnt post everything. What would you recommend, d- bol, t-bol???

  6. #6
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesmo
    i understand with the diet, i actually do eat well, i just didnt post everything. What would you recommend, d- bol, t-bol???
    Only thing anyone on this board will recommend to you is FOOD,and plenty of it.At your height/weight your diet is way off.

    How long did you say you've been training?


  7. #7
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesmo
    i am 24, my diet is usually eat once or twice a day like a chicken mean or beef meal, nothing to huge on the calories.

    You need to be eating at least 6 meals a day.

    My guess is that you are way under the calories that you should be taking in. Anabolics aren't magic, they feed off of the food that you take in.

  8. #8
    dirtyi730 is offline Associate Member
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    you need to eat about 6 or 8 meals a day, you need to despise food, you are the right age but should be ALOT heavier, you will grow like a weed bro

  9. #9
    dirtyi730 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by velvetlion
    You need to be eating at least 6 meals a day.

    My guess is that you are way under the calories that you should be taking in. Anabolics aren't magic, they feed off of the food that you take in.
    you are beating me to everything, DAMN YOU!

  10. #10
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    you are beating me to everything, DAMN YOU!
    Which thread are you heading to next............

  11. #11
    dirtyi730 is offline Associate Member
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    i try to help out the newbs, i just tackle the easy stuff...just think of me ass Barney

  12. #12
    cheesmo is offline New Member
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    thanks alot, like i said, being a college student its hard to make times, esp with the grad school being completed. after i start eating more, and I WILL, what do you guys recommend

  13. #13
    dirtyi730 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesmo
    thanks alot, like i said, being a college student its hard to make times, esp with the grad school being completed. after i start eating more, and I WILL, what do you guys recommend
    eat more, then eat some more, after that guess what.....yup, eat more

    train hard and you can take lots of supplements, it's hard being in college, i know

    are you taking any supplements now?

  14. #14
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesmo
    thanks alot, like i said, being a college student its hard to make times, esp with the grad school being completed. after i start eating more, and I WILL, what do you guys recommend
    Research TEST ONLY cycles using the search feature to the upper right hand corner.


  15. #15
    cheesmo is offline New Member
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    i am not taking any supplements, i was talking bug juice, and 1 ad like six months ago, but i stopped it due to breakouts on the forehead. sorry for the newb ? but what exactly is a test only cycle?

  16. #16
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesmo
    i understand with the diet, i actually do eat well, i just didnt post everything. What would you recommend, d- bol, t-bol???
    You need to find a way to gain up more weight without the steroids because when you start taking them, you can semi-permanently set today's weight as where your body will rapidly return when not on steroids. If you take dbols or other oral steroids , you cannot safely take them more then 4 weeks without risk of seriously damaging your liver in an irreversable way.

    Dbols will rapidly gain you some weight but it comes back off FASTER then you gained it. You can take injectable steroids but again when off them, your body will rapidly return to your baseline 150 lbs. In otherwords, it would be a disaster to start steroids at such a low starting weight, you will make your body very resistent to go above this weight for many years (maybe even a decade) without simply just becoming FAT. This is why most guys SHOULD be about 200 lbs before starting steroids. Now there is a trick worth knowing not to hold anything back from you. You go on steroids, gain your way up to 185 lbs and now respectable doing something like testosterone and deca combinations. At some time you have to quit taking it, you gradually over 4 months period of time return to your 150 lbs, if you go back on steroids, your body will be very apt to return to 185 when going back on, this steroid based muscle memory, but everytime you go off, you are on the decline back to 150 unless you counter it by gaining ugly fat.

    You need to find a way to gain up a better baseline or bottom weight that you can live with or else you are in for years of heart break when anytime you go off steroids, you shrink back to 150 lbs. If you get a bigger baseline weight naturally, then steroids wont rob you of your gains so badly when you get off.

    BTW, Dont tell me you are as heavy as you can be. Its possible for ALL males to be muscular and at least 200 lbs without steroids and ANYONE including hard gainers can do it in a handful of years. You are simply not doing something right and need to figure out what it is, when you do, you are more ready for steroids.

  17. #17
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesmo
    i understand with the diet, i actually do eat well, i just didnt post everything. What would you recommend, d- bol, t-bol???
    LMAO. Slow down there. AASs improve feed efficiency, but if you arent eating you can see where this doesnt work. Seriously you need to increase protein & carbs & fats and eat more often.

    Quote Originally Posted by cheesmo
    but what exactly is a test only cycle?
    You take testosterone (preferrably e or cyp for first time user) around 500mg/wk for 10-12 wks. No other AASs are used, thus it is test only

  18. #18
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesmo
    i understand with the diet, i actually do eat well, i just didnt post everything. What would you recommend, d- bol, t-bol???
    Cell Tech and Nickelodeon.


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