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  1. #1
    Bigpup101's Avatar
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    Question Test all year long

    I was thinking of running test all year long @ a modest dose of 150-250mgs of either enanthate or cyp a week..Has anyone done this or is currently doing this?? It might sound strange but my boy has been doing this for two years now (upping the dose and adding a compound or two now and then) and he competes and looks awesome all the time...what is your opinion on this i've seen some guys on the board say they do this so lemme know

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Are you willing to inject for the rest of your life on a weekly basis?This isn't no game some of us are playing here.There is no turning back,and I see you are like 26 yrs old.That could possibly be the most foolish thing you could ever do in your life.Just to "look good"?Come on bro...


  3. #3
    Bigpup101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Are you willing to inject for the rest of your life on a weekly basis?This isn't no game some of us are playing here.There is no turning back,and I see you are like 26 yrs old.That could possibly be the most foolish thing you could ever do in your life.Just to "look good"?Come on bro...


    my profile is actually wrong, i'm 23 which i guess doesnt make matters worse but as far as injecting goes i dont really have a problem with it, but i'm scared to lose like a lb of muscle so i want to do anything i can to keep what i have while dieting and having that much more to work off of when bulking

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigpup101
    my profile is actually wrong, i'm 23 which i guess doesnt make matters worse but as far as injecting goes i dont really have a problem with it, but i'm scared to lose like a lb of muscle so i want to do anything i can to keep what i have while dieting and having that much more to work off of when bulking
    I am doing it. It is a comitment for the rest of your life. I seriously would not risk it at 23. You may want to have kids, which it could affect. You also need to have access to juice for the rest of your life. Nobody really knows what the long term side effects will be bro. Don't do it, I think you will live to regret it

  5. #5
    aLLSTaRWRX's Avatar
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    do you really want to be dependent on injections once a week for the rest of your life? I know i wouldnt, i dont see a problem with doing a "cycle" then doing proper PCT to recover and plan out your next cycle.

    This way you wont totally shut down your natural production of test forever and have to become dependent on shots every week. It may seem easy now, but just imagine having to do this when you are 50-60 years old.

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by aLLSTaRWRX
    do you really want to be dependent on injections once a week for the rest of your life? I know i wouldnt, i dont see a problem with doing a "cycle" then doing proper PCT to recover and plan out your next cycle.

    This way you wont totally shut down your natural production of test forever and have to become dependent on shots every week. It may seem easy now, but just imagine having to do this when you are 50-60 years old.
    Watch it, I am 51

  7. #7
    aLLSTaRWRX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Watch it, I am 51
    ...and i congratulate you on a job well done getting to the 50's. You have just finished your first half of your life!

    I just wouldnt want to be having to shoot test for the next 30-40 years of my life every week. For those that have to i am sure it's not the best thing in the world.

  8. #8
    kloter1's Avatar
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    i would never do this at any cost.

    i agree with pinn.

  9. #9
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    How the heck can they're bodies not fall apart inside after injecting that long??

  10. #10
    chest6's Avatar
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    I wouldnt want to be on hrt if I didnt have to be. Hrt/"cruising" whichever you call it. You are 23 and I don't think its a good idea. I think you are just having ideas now without actually thinking them through yet, which is normal. Jmo.

  11. #11
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    How the heck can they're bodies not fall apart inside after injecting that long??
    What do you mean?I know guys that have been on for over 30 yrs ....

  12. #12
    MNfreak is offline New Member
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    if you have to shoot every week thats one thing but if you don't why risk it

  13. #13
    crash187ct's Avatar
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    i say no man....stick to the fruits...don't get too fruitful

  14. #14
    POSH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigpup101
    my profile is actually wrong, i'm 23 which i guess doesnt make matters worse but as far as injecting goes i dont really have a problem with it, but i'm scared to lose like a lb of muscle so i want to do anything i can to keep what i have while dieting and having that much more to work off of when bulking
    Please be careful, not w/ the drugs, but that mentality sounds addictive. You are only human man! Like said above by doing that, steroids aren't a "game" anymore. I don't mean "game" in that they aren't taken seriously, but at 23 or even older, at my age, we do cycles as a "supplement" to our work-outs, not as our way of life. Pinn is at a no turning back (easily at least) stage and he knew what he is getting himself into. Your decision could have serious negative impacts on your life down the road.
    Not to sound like Dr. Phil, but you may want to look at what else is going on w/ you and how you view yourself if you can't stand to lose a lb. of muscle. It is like anorexia, but the opposite. I may be looking at this too closely, or I could be wrong, but I am just trying to look out for ya.


  15. #15
    Georgie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Are you willing to inject for the rest of your life on a weekly basis?This isn't no game some of us are playing here.There is no turning back,and I see you are like 26 yrs old.That could possibly be the most foolish thing you could ever do in your life.Just to "look good"?Come on bro...

    I dont exactly agree with this. Im not advocating whether or not this guy should go on test all year round. That is his decision and I don't want to offer an opinion on it. However, I would like to state some facts for the record. I don't believe going on test for long periods of time will completely shut you down forever and lead to HRT for the rest of your life. I have blood test results you can check out in this thread to prove that: Now I was not on for a complete 12 months, but I did run a low dose of test for 9 and 1/2 months. I ran PCT for 2 months to complete the year. I of course had various blood tests through out my cycle. After PCT was over, my testosterone levels were actually higher than when I started. I attribute this mainly to running HCG throughout the cycle, and keeping doses low. I am now back on for another 10 months and will once again do PCT for 2 months to close out a year. Now this is of course only personal experience, but it is backed up by blood tests. I'm not saying that everyone else is wrong, but i dont see any evidence to back up their claims. It would be nice to see a study of long term testosterone use leading to a total shut down. In most everything I have read natural testosterone levels almost always bounce back after discontinued use. If you choose to run testosterone for a long period of time: my advice would be to use HCG at 250ius 2x a week throughout your cycle, I would come off for a month or two, and I would have bloodwork done evey few months. I am 28 btw.
    Last edited by Georgie; 02-08-2006 at 12:01 AM.

  16. #16
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Sticking yourself once a week is no more inconvenient than cleaning your teeth. It takes me two minutes and I look forward to it !!!

  17. #17
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    I dont exactly agree with this. Im not advocating whether or not this guy should go on test all year round. That is his decision and I don't want to offer an opinion on it. However, I would like to state some facts for the record. I don't believe going on test for long periods of time will completely shut you down forever and lead to HRT for the ret of your life. I have blood test results you can check out in this thread to prove that: Now I was not on for a complete 12 months, but I did run a low dose of test for 9 and 1/2 months. I ran PCT for 2 months to complete the year. I of course had various blood tests through out my cycle. After PCT was over, my testosterone levels were actually higher than when I started. I attribute this mainly to running HCG throughout the cycle, and keeping doses low. I am now back on for another 10 months and will once again do PCT for 2 months to close out a year. Now this is of course only personal experience, but it is backed up by blood tests. I'm not saying that everyone else is wrong, but i dont see any evidence to back up their claims. It would be nice to see a study of long term testosterone use leading to a total shut down. In most evrything I have read natural testosterone levels almost always bounce back ofter discontinued use. If you choose to run testosterone for a long period of time: my advice would be to use HCG at 250ius 2x a week throughout your cycle, I would come off for a month or two, and I would have bloodwork done evey few months. I am 28 btw.
    Actually I agree with this, one of the older instructors at my gym who helps me out used to cycle all the time. Now this guy is Malaysian and has absolutely no clue about sides or PCT or anything, just that juice makes you bigger. He used to do a 12 month cycle of Sust and Deca , come off for two months then go back on again for another twelve months, no PCT whatsoever. He did that for six years !!!! He doesnt juice anymore but he reckons he has never had any trouble in the dick department. He is 48 now.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    I dont exactly agree with this. Im not advocating whether or not this guy should go on test all year round. That is his decision and I don't want to offer an opinion on it. However, I would like to state some facts for the record. I don't believe going on test for long periods of time will completely shut you down forever and lead to HRT for the ret of your life. I have blood test results you can check out in this thread to prove that: Now I was not on for a complete 12 months, but I did run a low dose of test for 9 and 1/2 months. I ran PCT for 2 months to complete the year. I of course had various blood tests through out my cycle. After PCT was over, my testosterone levels were actually higher than when I started. I attribute this mainly to running HCG throughout the cycle, and keeping doses low. I am now back on for another 10 months and will once again do PCT for 2 months to close out a year. Now this is of course only personal experience, but it is backed up by blood tests. I'm not saying that everyone else is wrong, but i dont see any evidence to back up their claims. It would be nice to see a study of long term testosterone use leading to a total shut down. In most everything I have read natural testosterone levels almost always bounce back after discontinued use. If you choose to run testosterone for a long period of time: my advice would be to use HCG at 250ius 2x a week throughout your cycle, I would come off for a month or two, and I would have bloodwork done evey few months. I am 28 btw.
    Why is it highly recommended then, to go on for approx 3 mo. (give or take) then stay off for the equivelent amount of time. I am not challenging your way, but would like to know why that way is so much more popular w/ experienced users?

  19. #19
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by POSH
    Not to sound like Dr. Phil, but you may want to look at what else is going on w/ you and how you view yourself if you can't stand to lose a lb. of muscle. It is like anorexia, but the opposite. I may be looking at this too closely, or I could be wrong, but I am just trying to look out for ya.

    You aren't looking at this too closely at all.When I read his response to me,the same wave of thought crossed my mind as well.To me it appears to be a much deeper issue than being fearful of loosing one pound while dieting.Especially at his age(23).


  20. #20
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    I dont exactly agree with this. Im not advocating whether or not this guy should go on test all year round. That is his decision and I don't want to offer an opinion on it. However, I would like to state some facts for the record. I don't believe going on test for long periods of time will completely shut you down forever and lead to HRT for the rest of your life. I have blood test results you can check out in this thread to prove that: Now I was not on for a complete 12 months, but I did run a low dose of test for 9 and 1/2 months. I ran PCT for 2 months to complete the year. I of course had various blood tests through out my cycle. After PCT was over, my testosterone levels were actually higher than when I started. I attribute this mainly to running HCG throughout the cycle, and keeping doses low. I am now back on for another 10 months and will once again do PCT for 2 months to close out a year. Now this is of course only personal experience, but it is backed up by blood tests. I'm not saying that everyone else is wrong, but i dont see any evidence to back up their claims. It would be nice to see a study of long term testosterone use leading to a total shut down. In most everything I have read natural testosterone levels almost always bounce back after discontinued use. If you choose to run testosterone for a long period of time: my advice would be to use HCG at 250ius 2x a week throughout your cycle, I would come off for a month or two, and I would have bloodwork done evey few months. I am 28 btw.
    Stay on for 4-5 years straight.Come off,get BW done,then post your results............ you'll be singing a different tune.That I'm certain of.

  21. #21
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by POSH
    Why is it highly recommended then, to go on for approx 3 mo. (give or take) then stay off for the equivelent amount of time. I am not challenging your way, but would like to know why that way is so much more popular w/ experienced users?
    IMO thats a rule of thumb. Everyone is different. If you come off and three weeks later your levels are back to normal there is no reason I can see why you cant go back on. Of course that would require a blood test to determine. Other people might take six months to get back to normal.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by POSH
    Why is it highly recommended then, to go on for approx 3 mo. (give or take) then stay off for the equivelent amount of time. I am not challenging your way, but would like to know why that way is so much more popular w/ experienced users?
    Well, I can make 2 points to answer your question.

    1) I take a much different approach to cycling than most. Many people like to pack on 20 quick pounds in 3 months and get big real quick. I personally like the slow gradual results of a long low dose cycle. It keeps me very lean and very strong. But results will never be drastic or fast.

    2) My program is doctor prescribed and supervised and he has no problem with it. I'm not saying "more experienced" users are not knowlegeable, but at the same time, most have not been to medical school.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Stay on for 4-5 years straight.Come off,get BW done,then post your results............ you'll be singing a different tune.That I'm certain of.
    1) Staying on for 4-5 years is not my protocal. I clearly outlined my protocal of 10 on 2 off. So, I never will be singing that tune........

    2) Do you have any studies to back up this claim. If so can you please post it?

  24. #24
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    1) Staying on for 4-5 years is not my protocol. I clearly outlined my protocol of 10 on 2 off. So, I never will be singing that tune........

    2) Do you have any studies to back up this claim. If so can you please post it?
    You seem to be making it sound like it's ok to stay on year round without any repercussion.

    I've seen BW on a few friends who went down this road,it isn't pretty.Some made it back eventually,and other are on HRT for life.

    Do as you want pal,but don't come on here saying it ok to run your protocol and it can be done safely for you or anyone.Keep playing Russian roulette,eventually you are going to get a full chamber.


  25. #25
    Sharky72 is offline Associate Member
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    Alot of opinions here and I read and value every one of them!!But IMO.. Bro at your age you have so much potential .. Keep yourself in check, the amount of potential your body has at that age is like nothing you'll ever enjoy naturally again in your life!! why not wait till your in your 30's to enjoy small doses of test to enjoy quality of life? Please wait champ and enjoy your 30's and 40's being jacked when everyone else is way past theyre prime.. I see your avatar and youve got great genetics ( like myself), I got lucky and worked hard for my base through my 20's, didnt get offered juice till 29 and trust me, still got a 6 packed and jacked at 34, still getting 21yr old girls that just wanna bang!! You got questions? Pm me and I'll give you ton of reasons to rethink your idea

  26. #26
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    muscle dismorphia

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    You aren't looking at this too closely at all.When I read his response to me,the same wave of thought crossed my mind as well.To me it appears to be a much deeper issue than being fearful of loosing one pound while dieting.Especially at his age(23).

    muscle dismorphia. At 23 YO, you just don't know any better. This is a personal decision, but I do believe that you may have a problem that needs to be adressed first, muscle dismorphia.

  27. #27
    Sharky72 is offline Associate Member
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    You seem to be making it sound like it's ok to stay on year round without any repercussion.

    I've seen BW on a few friends who went down this road,it isn't pretty.Some made it back eventually,and other are on HRT for life.

    Do as you want pal,but don't come on here saying it ok to run your protocol and it can be done safely for you or anyone.Keep playing Russian roulette,eventually you are going to get a full chamber.

    Pinn, I've got more respect for you than ever.. Thank you for trying to do this guy right..

  28. #28
    Georgie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    You seem to be making it sound like it's ok to stay on year round without any repercussion.

    I've seen BW on a few friends who went down this road,it isn't pretty.Some made it back eventually,and other are on HRT for life.

    Do as you want pal,but don't come on here saying it ok to run your protocol and it can be done safely for you or anyone.Keep playing Russian roulette,eventually you are going to get a full chamber.


    Well if you actually read closely, i'm not advocating anyone do anything. I even very clearly out right said those words. I also said I am speaking from personal experience, and just offering up some documented facts pertaining to me. And lastely you are outright wrong about whats right for me. This protocal is very safe for ME to run. My doctor seems to think so, and my bw states this. I would expect that your friends that had bad bloodwork were running other compounds along with test in that year.

  29. #29
    Sharky72 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    Well if you actually read closely, i'm not advocating anyone do anything. I even very clearly out right said those words. I also said I am speaking from personal experience, and just offering up some documented facts pertaining to me. And lastely you are outright wrong about whats right for me. This protocal is very safe for ME to run. My doctor seems to think so, and my bw states this. I would expect that your friends that had bad bloodwork were running other compounds along with test in that year.
    Hey bro if your Doc is backing you on this then you must have some natural test problems, correct? Im guessing that is not the reason this 23 yr old guy is considering this? Ligitimate HRT and just wanting to look good are a little different so lets not confuse anyone, agreed?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharky72
    Hey bro if your Doc is backing you on this then you must have some natural test problems, correct? Im guessing that is not the reason this 23 yr old guy is considering this? Ligitimate HRT and just wanting to look good are a little different so lets not confuse anyone, agreed?
    I agree with HRT and wanting to look good are completely different. And I actually dont have test "problems" per say. The normal range of testosterone is a very wide range. Many doctors have no problem bringing you up to the high range of the scale, if it makes you feel better to be there than say in the middle. And i'm not trying to confuse anyone. I am just offering up the other side of an argument. Its not a fact that going on testosterone for a year will shut you down forever. Many people were saying this, with no evidence i might add, and i'm simply pointing out that is not neccesarily true. Fair and balanced....... I was just making a point. Im not or did not tell anyone to do anything. Like I originally said I was just poinitng out the fact that going on test for a year does not absolutley mean you will be shut down forever. Just stating a fact. I'm sorry many people dont want to hear that, but it doesnt make it any less true.

  31. #31
    Sharky72 is offline Associate Member
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    Cool. Not trying to flame you bro, and i dont see any problem with cruising all year at some time in a mans life.. Just not at 23. My 2 cents

  32. #32
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharky72
    Cool. Not trying to flame you bro, and i dont see any problem with cruising all year at some time in a mans life.. Just not at 23. My 2 cents
    51 is Good !!!

  33. #33
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    . Like I originally said I was just poinitng out the fact that going on test for a year does not absolutley mean you will be shut down forever. Just stating a fact. .
    You are stating a fact that Russian Fvkin Roulette is Ok.Nothing fvkin more!!You have NO evidence it won't harm you(short or long term).

    I need to log off,my BP is 100000/800 after reading this post.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    You are stating a fact that Russian Fvkin Roulette is Ok.Nothing fvkin more!!You have NO evidence it won't harm you(short or long term).

    I need to log off,my BP is 100000/800 after reading this post.
    Really? I would think the bloodwork i posted in the first thread was just that. Evidence! Showing my testosterone levels made a complete recovery after being on for an extended amount of time. Yes, personal experience, and evidence relating to me, but evidence none the less. Did you even check it out? I doubt it. Love your scare tactics by the way "get ready to stick yourself for the rest of your life" ...... Wheres your evidence, you cant prove that. You dont know thats going to happen. I am the only one in this discussion that has offered up any clinical evidence! And before you come back and say "well everyone is different and that only applies to you" let me stop you, and remind you that I said this was only personal experience and the blood work i offered up does only relate to me. You may be a vet on some steroid board, but I think i'm going to take a medically trained doctors advice, and the undisputed results of my bloodwork over what you have to say. So in regards to ME playing russian roulete, you are absolutley 100% wrong, and I have posted the bw to prove that.
    Last edited by Georgie; 02-08-2006 at 01:56 AM.

  35. #35
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Scare tactics?Hardly..the kid is talking about running test year round(big difference from cycling) .Not your witch doctors 8 on/4 off protocol(which is cycling,and we AREN'T talking about that to him,are we?) .You think because you've successfully completed this ONCE you are a poster boy for this type cycling and no aftermath could follow years down the road from repeatedly using this protocol?Good for you....I'm not trying to change YOUR mind one bit,as I could care less about you,or what you do in life.I do however, care about the original poster and his questions.And looking back,his question was about running gear YEAR round,not your witch doctors protocol which means nothing to this topic at hand.One more time we are discussing 12 months,that's one year(repeatedly for years).Not 8 mos on,and whatever time off.
    Has it sunk in yet?..if not,read his original post.


  36. #36
    Georgie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Scare tactics?Hardly..the kid is talking about running test year round(big difference from cycling) .Not your witch doctors 8 on/4 off protocol(which is cycling,and we AREN'T talking about that to him,are we?) .You think because you've successfully completed this ONCE you are a poster boy for this type cycling and no aftermath could follow years down the road from repeatedly using this protocol?Good for you....I'm not trying to change YOUR mind one bit,as I could care less about you,or what you do in life.I do however, care about the original poster and his questions.And looking back,his question was about running gear YEAR round,not your witch doctors protocol which means nothing to this topic at hand.One more time we are discussing 12 months,that's one year(repeatedly for years).Not 8 mos on,and whatever time off.
    Has it sunk in yet?..if not,read his original post.

    Know what Pinnacle? I don't take things personally, and I dont let something as little as a discussion on a message board upset me. But I would like to point out something to you. You have some nerve to tell me i'm playing russian roulette. First off because I have posted bw, showing that this type of cycling works just fine for me. Its perfectly safe, my body does just fine with it. And secondly, and more surprisingly, you have the nerve to tell me that a simple 10 month 250mg-300mg testosterone cycle with 2 months of PCT, making sure blood levels are back to normal then jumping back on again is playing Russian roulette, when we have all seen the cycles you have posted that you run with all the stacking of many different compounds at high doses. I have also seen where you say you cruise in between these cycles with 250mg of test. Well my friend, I think thats playing russian roulette. But you know what? Thats just my opinion. Maybe you should examine your own behavior before jumping all over someone elses. And if you would have read, I did not tell the guy to go on non stop for years. I told him if he was going to go on for extended periods of time, to come off every once in awhile and have proper blood work. I was also pointing out that what you said about your natural testosterone levels never really recovering, was not absolute fact, and its not. Not to be a dick, and I enjoy a good debate but has it sunk in yet?..if not, read my original post. peace bro, i'm done with this debate. We are obvioulsy not going to see eye to eye. Have a nice night.

  37. #37
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    . I have also seen where you say you cruise in between these cycles with 250mg of test. Well my friend, I think thats playing russian roulette. .I have 10 years on you.Plus I compete.I'm not some novice trying to look good year round.I have an objective,and at what it will cost me long term,I'm not certain.Nor do I give a fvk either.

    I was also pointing out that what you said about your natural testosterone levels never really recovering, was not absolute fact, and its not.Well,I have a few friends who have stayed on cycle for several years,came off,and NEVER recovered their natural test production(fully) again.I'd go as far as to call that fact.Might not be published on PubMed,but it's a reality. And like I stated above,others came off after being on years,and eventually regained their natty test.

    Now let me guess.You purchase your drugs directly from the doctor,don't you?

    Ever wonder why the phrase "Practicing" is used?You know,doctor so and so has a good "Practice".

    Since your "practicing" doctor is medically trained(in selling drugs to youths?) certainly he has read studies to support his theory.A practicing doctor wouldn't just assume because no studies exist showing you would be shut down permanently ,that it would be safe.Most likely the "practicing" doctor err's on the side of caution,at least if he values his patients long term health.
    So direct us all to your "practicing" doctors studies that support his theory.


  38. #38
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Are you willing to inject for the rest of your life on a weekly basis?This isn't no game some of us are playing here.There is no turning back,and I see you are like 26 yrs old.That could possibly be the most foolish thing you could ever do in your life.Just to "look good"?Come on bro...


    its not ideal to keep on taking test for a year or years, ive seen what happens and i can honestly say YOU WILL BE SORRY take it from someone who knows, its the worse thing you could do at the age of 23yrs, the whole thing is to build muscle and maintain it, i would look at your maintenance program to solve you lossing lbs's and thinking staying on test all year round is the secret answer to stop lossing lbs, your wrong,
    AAS is ONLY one tool to build muscle there are plenty of other tools what alot on here forget about, staying on Test is not the answer ive done it been there and regreted it,
    Do your cycles use proper PCT and come off and recover and maintain the new muscle naturally without staying on test, because the end result is your body will get use to it and you will still have to increase the mg per week to maintain or even keep from lossing lbs, so in the long run ITS NOT WORTH IT.
    Pinn is correct take it from people who know and had the experience.
    Last edited by marcus300; 02-08-2006 at 04:07 AM.

  39. #39
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    mmm i ve made that desicion also to stay on all year round im up to 9 months and have been running 3 g plus per week the whole time.
    hrt isnt a issue. but im concerned if i want to have kids with a girl i love and i cant that could ruin my life . ( but i made my decision and ill have to work it out with my future girl when it comes to it)

  40. #40
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    mmm i ve made that desicion also to stay on all year round im up to 9 months and have been running 3 g plus per week the whole time.
    hrt isnt a issue.
    recovery will be and maintaining will be, 3grms per week for the whole year is madness, dont think AAS is the answer you will be very sorry, come off recover and maintain stay health and use other tools like diet to keep gains.

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