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  1. #1
    nickd10 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2005

    Questions on 2nd cycle?

    First cycle six months ago was oral dbol and winny. I gained around 20lbs and kept 17 after pct. Now im 5'11'' 189lbs around 9% bf and 24 yrs old. What should I do for a second cycle?? I have done alot of research on this site and now just looking for opinions. Looking for the best all around cycle for my size (mass, cut, low sides) and looking to get to 205lbs 6%bf??

  2. #2
    hollaatyoboy is offline Associate Member
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    fairfax va
    i would run test at 500mgs for 12 weeks kick start it with d-bol weeks 1-5

  3. #3
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Agreed, get some test in your system and see how you react to it. I'd say a dose of 250-500 would be good, personally I'd try a lower dosage being your receptors are still virgin.

  4. #4
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    i agree w/; the above. iv also heard some experienced users say to run a higher dose for a first cycle, such as 600-750wk. considering your receptors are virgin, the gains from that type of a dose would be unreal. what do you think about this BD?

  5. #5
    aLLSTaRWRX's Avatar
    aLLSTaRWRX is offline Junior Member
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    definitely TEST E, around 350-500mg a week for 12 weeks and as mentioned above a dbol kickstart the first 4 weeks. This is a great beginning cycle and will sustain some good gains if taken properly along with nutrition and proper resistance training.

  6. #6
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    i agree w/; the above. iv also heard some experienced users say to run a higher dose for a first cycle, such as 600-750wk. considering your receptors are virgin, the gains from that type of a dose would be unreal. what do you think about this BD?
    Couldn't say, my first cycle consisted of 250mg/wk and I had good gains and I wasn't eating enough, training properly or getting adequate rest. If you go with such a high dose you would have to stay at that dose for the following cycles so IMO it wouldn't be the best idea. No need for excess Test to be used if you can grow just fine off of a low dose.

  7. #7
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah, good point. i guess it all depends on how much time you stay off as well. like if you take a yr off, you will respond better than if you took 3months off.

  8. #8
    nickd10 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2005
    Appreciate the info fellas, so this is what the cycle should look like:
    weeks 1-12 Test E 400mg/wk
    Weeks 1-4 Dbol 50mg/day (Liver killer???)
    Pct after week 12 Clomid + Clen

    What should I expect from this with sides and gains?

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    test only for 12 weeks at 500mg per week, dont add other compounds see how you react with the big test first then move on and up, but id stick with 500mg per week tho

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