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  1. #1
    chunks is offline New Member
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    Need help with hcg......

    Sorry to be a PITA - posting yet more questions about hcg , but ive been reading this board for a while now and am not 100% confident about how much and how often to take the hcg.

    Like i say ive been reading this board a while and recognise the general pattern of how most recommend taking it ie 1,000IU's ED for Ten days starting the day after the last shot. However i've never met you guys in the flesh, so when i asked the local juicers at my gym about hcg and said how its suggested to be taken on here they said its not right.

    They say that what they do is mix up an entire ampule of hcg with the sterile water and inject it all in one hit. 4 days later they do another one then 4 days later another one and continue until the pack of 5 is gone (bear in mind each amp is 5000IU?)

    What the hell should i do - listen to the very few people who juice that i know in the flesh, or listen to you guys?!!!

    Oh yes, better tell you what ive been taking - sus 250 twice a week for 12 weeks so 2 amps per week.
    Last edited by chunks; 02-14-2006 at 11:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    You can run it 3 ways:

    - Throughout your cycle at between 500-1000ius/wk, splitting the injections up. Right up to PCT. Nolva should also be run to help prevent Leydig Cell dessentisation.

    - Half way through your cycle for 7-10 days. At between 500-1000ius/ED.

    - For the final 10 days leading to PCT, at between 500-1000ius/ED. PCT starts when the compound used is no longer active and the following day after the HCG is discontinued.

    Or a combination of 2 and 3.

    If you get a 5000iu amp of HCG (powder) mix it with 5ML's of Bac water. This way you have 1ML = 1000ius. This is a far easier amount to split up.

    If I were you I'd stick around and listen to how some of the members run HCG. The majority will run it one way I've stated.

    I know guys at the gym that are bigger than me, but dont know sh*t. They advise taking 5000ius/ED for day one then again take 2500ius/ED about a week later. But, I know, due to researching, that after a 5000ius shot, the second wont be as effective even if this shot is the same potency. Leydig Cell dessentisation begins to occur. This is something ones wants to avoid.

    But dont take my advice, do some research for yourself.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    You can run it 3 ways:

    - Throughout your cycle at between 500-1000ius/wk, splitting the injections up. Right up to PCT. Nolva should also be run to help prevent Leydig Cell dessentisation.

    - Half way through your cycle for 7-10 days. At between 500-1000ius/ED.

    - For the final 10 days leading to PCT, at between 500-1000ius/ED. PCT starts when the compound used is no longer active and the following day after the HCG is discontinued. i prefer this method works really well for me.

    Or a combination of 2 and 3.

    If you get a 5000iu amp of HCG (powder) mix it with 5ML's of Bac water. This way you have 1ML = 1000ius. This is a far easier amount to split up.

    If I were you I'd stick around and listen to how some of the members run HCG. The majority will run it one way I've stated.

    I know guys at the gym that are bigger than me, but dont know sh*t. They advise taking 5000ius/ED for day one then again take 2500ius/ED about a week later. But, I know, due to researching, that after a 5000ius shot, the second wont be as effective even if this shot is the same potency. Leydig Cell dessentisation begins to occur. This is something ones wants to avoid.

    But dont take my advice, do some research for yourself.

  4. #4
    TinTin78's Avatar
    TinTin78 is offline Member
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    I did my first hcg injection yesterday and I thought about using it at 500iu's e3d, I am in the middle of my cycle now or in the beginning of week 6. Is this not good to do swifto? I was planning on doing it like that for 3 weeks, then 3 weeks of and then 3 weeks on like that again before pct. I don't know really, but I don't wanna waste it. I just thought 500iu's ed sounded much. So I figured to do it e3d or e4d.

    So here it goes:

    Week 6, 7, 8, 500iu's e3d
    Week 9, 10, 11 rest from it
    week 12, 13, 14 500iu's e3d then pct start there

    Is this overkill?

    Sorry for hijacking but you would want to know also.

  5. #5
    scotttiger54's Avatar
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    i back swifto with his response and how he thinks hcg should be done. however, there's more than "just a few" ways to run hcg. i've seen some elaborate yet effective regime's but often see many bro's go overkill. what fool would inject 5000iu's at one time? what a waste of good hcg. if one shoots more than 1000iu's to frequently the hpta will be desensitized and this is obviously counter productive. but just look around, there's many different ways to run hcg, and larger dosages def don't mean better dosages with this fragile compound. here's how i enjoy the use of my hcg:

    beg day after last enth or cyp shot @ 500iu's e3d until the day pct begins. so roughly a 2-3wk of lower dosages.

  6. #6
    scotttiger54's Avatar
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    i back swifto with his response and how he thinks hcg should be done. however, there's more than "just a few" ways to run hcg. i've seen some elaborate yet effective regime's but often see many bro's go overkill. what fool would inject 5000iu's at one time? what a waste of good hcg. if one shoots more than 1000iu's to frequently the hpta will be desensitized and this is obviously counter productive. but just look around, there's many different ways to run hcg, and larger dosages def don't mean better dosages with this fragile compound. here's how i enjoy the use of my hcg:

    beg day after last enth or cyp shot @ 500iu's e3d until the day pct begins. so roughly a 2-3wk of lower dosages.

  7. #7
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinTin78
    I did my first hcg injection yesterday and I thought about using it at 500iu's e3d, I am in the middle of my cycle now or in the beginning of week 6. Is this not good to do swifto? I was planning on doing it like that for 3 weeks, then 3 weeks of and then 3 weeks on like that again before pct. I don't know really, but I don't wanna waste it. I just thought 500iu's ed sounded much. So I figured to do it e3d or e4d.

    So here it goes:

    Week 6, 7, 8, 500iu's e3d
    Week 9, 10, 11 rest from it
    week 12, 13, 14 500iu's e3d then pct start there

    Is this overkill?

    Sorry for hijacking but you would want to know also.
    250-500ius/E3D throughout would work well, yes. If your taking HCG through-out, I suggest you take some Nolva with it at a low dose, 10mg/ED would suffice. The problem that may arise with prolonged use of HCG is Leydig cell desensitisation. But, this can be blocked/prevented by using Nolva. This occurs by suppressing HCG's ability to inhibit the conversion of 17 alpha hydroxyprogesterone to testosterone .

  8. #8
    Hard Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    250-500ius/E3D throughout would work well, yes. If your taking HCG through-out, I suggest you take some Nolva with it at a low dose, 10mg/ED would suffice. The problem that may arise with prolonged use of HCG is Leydig cell desensitisation. But, this can be blocked/prevented by using Nolva. This occurs by suppressing HCG's ability to inhibit the conversion of 17 alpha hydroxyprogesterone to testosterone.


  9. #9
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    with a sustanon only cycle of 12 weeks hcg should not be needed during cycle!however i would run ten days straight the day after the last shot of sust at 500iu ed,start pct 18-21 days after the last shot of sust!

  10. #10
    TinTin78's Avatar
    TinTin78 is offline Member
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    But should I not pause like I wrote Swifto or should I do it throughout the cycle e3d? I also take 20mg nolva ed and have done from start to be sure. I will take my next hcg on thursday then as planned.

  11. #11
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Either can be done. I'd go with running it all the way through like I stated. But, I'm sure 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off then 3 weeks on will work ok.

  12. #12
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    it will not hurt to use hcg throughout mate,but for the cycle you are doin personally i would not bother,jmo!

  13. #13
    TinTin78's Avatar
    TinTin78 is offline Member
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    Booz, my cycle is not the same as the threadstarter, I am doing 12 weeks of 500mg test cyp and 400mg deca ew.

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