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  1. #1
    guildwars05's Avatar
    guildwars05 is offline Associate Member
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    Question Cycle Time Question. shot every 4 days..longer cycle...

    I normally try to do the two shots a week

    for example

    every 3.5 days (250 test) etc etc

    but here is the deal. Because of my busy schedule..I will be shooting every 4 days. Now heres the problem. When mathimatically looking at a (example) 12 week cycle. How much would this prolong the cycle to. Would this essentially be a 14-15 week cycle BECAUSE i shoot every 4th day instead of the PEFECT 2 times a week split (3.5 days)

    any insight and input is welcomed.


  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I'm not going to figure this out for you because you should be able to do it. But for most of the cycle you will get 2 shots in a week. I just don't understand if you can do a shot every 4 days why not the 2 times per week?

  3. #3
    guildwars05's Avatar
    guildwars05 is offline Associate Member
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    well wouldnt you want to spread out the shot evenly throughout the entire cycle

    if you shoot whenever two times a week its not as would still get the same mg..but not at the same interval, i dont know if this makes a huge difference

    if you shot Monday and Friday

    then shot Monday and Friday again would that make a huge differnce.

    you most of you shoot on the same days every week? does that equal out the same MG (at the cycles end?)

    just wanted to get some clarity on it. My last cycle I shot every 3.5 or 4 days. I wasnt sure if that was a big deal or not

  4. #4
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by guildwars05
    well wouldnt you want to spread out the shot evenly throughout the entire cycle

    if you shoot whenever two times a week its not as would still get the same mg..but not at the same interval, i dont know if this makes a huge difference

    if you shot Monday and Friday

    then shot Monday and Friday again would that make a huge differnce.

    you most of you shoot on the same days every week? does that equal out the same MG (at the cycles end?)

    just wanted to get some clarity on it. My last cycle I shot every 3.5 or 4 days. I wasnt sure if that was a big deal or not
    It depends on the ester I'm running. Say I was only running a test like Enan or Cyp I would go every Mon and Thur for injections, Prop ED, SUST ED. Keeping blood levels stable is pretty important to help keep side effects low. I actualy will inject cyp and enan EOD to help keep blood levels peaked and stable.

  5. #5
    guildwars05's Avatar
    guildwars05 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2005
    im doing deca and test e as far as my injectables

    same as i did before.

    So does everyone inject their split doses on the same day? instead of every 3.5 days. ? Meaning. Do you use say Monday and Thursday..or monday and friday to inject it. etc etc and never change that up?

    thanks in advance for additional input.

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