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  1. #1
    GetBiggg is offline Associate Member
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    When to add Tren A? Thanks.

    Hey bros. here's the deal
    i'm running 80 days of Test Prop (toughly 11.5 weeks)
    and am also running 40 days of Tren A. And stononzonal (winny) for 5 weeks
    Here is cycle (is my second cycle for reference first was 11 weeks test E, 10 weeks Deca )

    Test Prop 100mg EOD
    Tren A 100mg EOD
    Winny 50mg ED 5 weeks at end of cycle
    Clen two weeks on / two weeks off during cycle / PCT
    10mg Novla ED
    Milk Thistle, Cranberry ED
    Novla / Clomid ect PCT

    I was planning on running the Tren in the second part of the cycle.
    Prop weeks 1-11
    Tren weeks 6-11

    however I saw some posts where some individuals recommended not running it near the end is a bad idea as tren is very inhibitory and shuts you down, so i was thinking should I run the tren at the start?

    Prop Weeks 1-11
    Tren weeks 1-6
    Winny weeks 7-11

    Any thoughts on this? really appreciate it.

  2. #2
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    I prefer ED shots of prop and tren (less sides) and IMO think tren a is better suited at the beginning of a cycle.

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    yep, put it at the start.. let the metabolites degrade as you progress through your cycle so that recovery is much easier

  4. #4
    usamm's Avatar
    usamm is offline Banned
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    I agree, Tren is best suited for beginning. There are those who like it at the end.

  5. #5
    primetime1's Avatar
    primetime1 is offline Member
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    runnig a similar cyc right now and had the tren in the beginning.. its worked great. imo running it in the begining is the best way to run tren. if you can run tren for 8 weeks i think it might be alil better also as sometimes it takes up to 3 weeks to fully kick in.

  6. #6
    GetBiggg is offline Associate Member
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    awsome - thanks guys. just what I needed to hear.

    i'll be running it at the start now.
    will be starting within the next week so i'll keep you guys updated on my Lab Rat's progress.

  7. #7
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Although I don't experience them much, I know that a lot of people on here get more side effects when running tren and prop. EOD. You may want to run them ED to be safe. Even though I haven't noticed much difference, I have started to do them ED just to be on the safe side.

  8. #8
    primetime1's Avatar
    primetime1 is offline Member
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    i ran my tren eod and noticed very lil sides.. only a few nights of crappy sleep but thta was it, well sweatin my ass off in the gym too. i think you can start out eod, see how you react and if the sides seem to be too much, try goin ed. tren is fast acting so switching eod to ed shouldnt be a bid deal and will only keep the blood levels more stable.

  9. #9
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    I would think ED would be better anyways, Prop and Tren A both have very short half lives, ED shots would keep more consistant levels in your blood

  10. #10
    GetBiggg is offline Associate Member
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    I think I read it's a 36 hour action. So i'm going to just try to adust at what point during the day I inject. Morning then evening ect.

    either way i'm going to try EOD I think. Like you guys suggested if the sides get noticeable i'll do ED.

    you guys have any advice on what sides should I expect. I read up on both prop and tren (first time with both of them this cycle) but any real world advice would be great. I didn't get any noticable sides at all from my first cycle. (except a hell of a time getting my natty test back up after the deca )

    thanks bros, all this help rocks- love this site. Got all my novla / pins clen ect today so as soon as the snow outside clears up my lab rat is gonna GET BIG!
    Last edited by GetBiggg; 02-22-2006 at 11:31 AM.

  11. #11
    Glory604's Avatar
    Glory604 is offline Junior Member
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    def... run tren @ the beginning of ur cycle... I ran it recentlt @ 150mg/eod, but lots of guys recommend it @ ed shots..... much better eults @ the beg...... A friend ran tren at the end and it really worked him over good..... keep it consistent,,, in your whole bd bldg agenda... i gaied 23lbs on tren @ 150mg eod and 500 mg/ week of test cyp&eth.... good luck

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